What would help the Temple Be A Better Place? Suggestions please...

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08 Feb 2018 14:43 - 08 Feb 2018 14:49 #314898 by
I cannot delete this post I meant to make a reply to arisag. I apologize
Last edit: 08 Feb 2018 14:49 by . Reason: i cant delete it.

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08 Feb 2018 14:49 #314899 by
I apologise I meant to put not to restrict or cause the temple to have that sort of powe and yes I see that no one has the true duty to say what is right and what is wrong, and by all means I'm not saying "LETS GET RID OF THE NON JEDIS" that its self is very non jedi way. all I suggest is a new ip. and yes people can lie and say what ever just to beome a jedi but it will alwaysbe there and even if it helps just one person that should be enough. but aye we shouldn't have the right to chose just a spit ball. but the ip itself would and possibly make a huge difference.
withing the memebership application
it does state that they will monitor the application
and chose to accept it or not. so isn't that the same thing to be honest?
whats an extra step?
the ip if done correctly wouldn't take more than 3 days to learn and to wright about, so itll fit perfectly within the 7 day peramiter.
I do believe we should give everyone a chance that's why I suggest it, so those who are coming in just for laughs will see something other than and quote (from what my grandpa told me " people who worship fiction" and I have seen people who treat this as the fictional starwars jedi order. and it does sadden me a bit to see that and that they are memebers of the order
and as a memever
they now represent the order itself.
I have hope and faith in the temple
and I know a lot of us do to.
its a matter of personal view.
but the ip would help solve issues. even if its small and takes along time.

thank you .

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08 Feb 2018 14:52 #314900 by
I sorry if this won't be popular, I really don't see how a Star Wars category adds to the credibility of the Temple as a religious organization. I think if there were less movie/fantasy/images posted and in discussions the Temple would be looked as more of a cultivator of the living force and personal development.

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08 Feb 2018 14:55 - 08 Feb 2018 14:57 #314901 by Avalon
The IP is not designed to be completed that quickly, Bradly. It's not something you can just go through and check mark boxes in. Currently the IP has a 60 minimum requirement from start to the earliest point you can become an initiate. This is to force you to slow down, think, and actually digest the material that's there and learn from it.

Further, the IP is also designed to be the first step on the training process if you want to gain a rank at TOTJO, nothing more. TOTJO has never required her members to seek rank in order to be a member. In fact, there are plenty of people here who are strong, contributing members of TOTJO that have never even begun the IP. Neither is meant to be a prerequisite for the other.

As for the actual content of the IP, in my almost five years here, that has evolved and changed multiple times. I'm sure it will again. And I don't think the knights are above fielding suggestions if you have specific ones in mind.

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Last edit: 08 Feb 2018 14:57 by Avalon.

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08 Feb 2018 14:57 #314902 by Manu

Arisaig wrote: But then there are others that call me an excellent example of what it is to be a Jedi. Who is right, who is wrong?

I am right. Confusion cleared. You are welcome. :laugh:

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward
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08 Feb 2018 14:59 #314903 by Manu

Rickie wrote: I sorry if this won't be popular, I really don't see how a Star Wars category adds to the credibility of the Temple as a religious organization. I think if there were less movie/fantasy/images posted and in discussions the Temple would be looked as more of a cultivator of the living force and personal development.

In other words: Let the geek die. Kill it if you have to.

I disagree. I think the fantasy adds to our particular flavor of life. A good example of geekiness used for the power of good can be found here (not a Jediism site): https://www.nerdfitness.com/

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward
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08 Feb 2018 15:02 #314904 by
hmm. thank toy araisag and Avalon, you are both correct.
but like the thread states sugggestions.
I apologize for making it seem that if I tried to filter the jedi temple that was not my initiative.
and yes, I read your post 4 times Avalon and thought
you make a very valid point
and I retract my initial statement but add a new one
to add some sort of video or anything for those who just wis to know about jediism and the temple without being a member or asking every individual what they personaly view and think.
as in a introduction video.

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08 Feb 2018 15:09 #314906 by
Manu wrote to reply with rickie: In other words: Let the geek die. Kill it if you have to.

I disagree. I think the fantasy adds to our particular flavor of life. A good example of geekiness used for the power of good can be found here (not a Jediism site): www.nerdfitness.com/

I disagree but agree as well. what rickie said is a little of how you put it " let the geek die" but rickie has a point in some ways. yes a lot of religion has posts of many thins. Christianity angels and such budhism the diagram of the chakra points. and us. jedi from starwars. all religion started from a single point not all from the same point but they branch off to a new height leaving the fiction and becoming the enlightened
and we are doing the same
yes I have a jedi robe andlove starwars but I also know that there is a point for everything. suh as quotes from the movie " do or do not there is no try" speak very profoundly. and 90% of the "Geek " photo are us posing for our profile. and that is it
but with all that. I see where rickie is coming from and how to some all they will see is starwars and not the force.
but as jedi it is our duty to show the will of the force
and not gorge lucas.

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08 Feb 2018 15:21 #314909 by Manu

Bradly wrote: but as jedi it is our duty to show the will of the force
and not gorge lucas.

Does the Force tell you these things? What if it tells me the opposite? That the fiction is helpful? What if the Force is bored and is telling us different things to watch us lash it out in a forum, for its entertainment?

I am being silly, of course.

I see where you and Rickie are coming from. I personally do not own a robe, or a saber, nor do I publicly call myself a Jedi.

They are all props. Similar to a cup and athame for Pagans, Cross and Wine for Christians, we have our own symbols that can aid as a tool to focus the mind.

So, while I understand your point, I would postulate that forcing anyone to remove the props for the sole purpose of "looking more serious" to outsiders would be a misstep.

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward

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08 Feb 2018 15:25 #314911 by
I completely agree, and I never once said to kill the geek. to be honest my reply was my best attempt at a common ground. as you can see I have a robe as my picture and I love it. but like I stated the will of the force can be from the movie or something completely different entirely.

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