New members 558 topics
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Confused? Ask for help 558 topicsHelp and New Member Assistance
TEMPLE 1493 topics
TOTJO's working groups.
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Announcements 847 topicsOfficial TOTJO announcements and public records.
Clergy 612 topicsClergy Corner and sermon schedules.
Projects and Committees 34 topics |
Studies 131 topics
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Meditation 98 topicsMeditation forum
IP Study Hall 33 topicsAn area where those who are studying the IP can post,discuss, and ask questions related to the IP Lessons.
OUTER RIM 7612 topics
Advisement:This is a space for free discussion and for opposing viewpoints to meet. We encourage you to be kind, exercise empathy and find common ground. This is difficult, but well worth it.
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Open Discussions 4471 topicsOpen Discussion about Jediism or anything else!
Humour 936 topicsIf it isn't funny, it shouldn't be here
Miscellaneous 1127 topicsEverything that does not belong elsewhere!
World Events 22 topicsThis forum is designed for members to dialogue about world events
Health, physical fitness and wellbeing 641 topicsTemple gym, dojo, health centre and steroids cupboard.
Philosophy 194 topicsMetaphysics, epistemology, ethics and more...
Science 221 topicsA special interest section for all science-related subjects.
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Faiths 569 topicsFor those who feel drawn to other religious beliefs and practices.
Metaphysics 22 topicsDiscuss the theories that explain the fundamental nature of all there is.
Intersectional Discussion 4 topics |
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