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Article Index

Temple of the Jedi Order (TotJO) FAQ

This FAQ provides essential information and answers some of the most fundamental questions about the organization. All new members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with this FAQ. Further inquiries can be directed to a member of the Council. If there are any errors or issues with the FAQ please contact the Council.


Jediism and TotJO

Making your Account



Council and Offices


Temple Policies

What is Jediism

Jediism is the religion of those who regard their Jedi practice as a religious vocation. Jedi observe a metaphysical entity called the Force and often practice meditation. Jedi beliefs at this Temple are outlined by our Doctrine and developed through participation in our training programmes.

The Temple is welcoming and you do not need to be religious, or even a Jedi, to accept our Doctrine or participate in our training programmes or on our forum.

Jediism and TotJO

What is TotJO

Temple of the Jedi Order (TotJO) is a legally recognized Jedi Church and ministry of Jediism. While our focus as an organization is on Jedi religious practice, our doors are open to everyone and participation with us does not require Jedi faith.

We are a group of individuals coming together in a community to promote goodwill, understanding, compassion and serenity. We pursue a spiritual and human awareness so we may serve the world.

Here are some things TotJO is not: we are not a role-playing site, we do not teach mystical powers or how to build lightsabers, we are not a dedicated Star Wars fan site, we are not affiliated with George Lucas or Disney and we are not for people who just want to wear a badge reading "I'm a Jedi".

The Articles Index explains what TotJO is about in more detail.

There are many Jedi communities across the internet with a great variety of beliefs, customs and policies. As a community we will do our best to address your concerns and take on board your views, but no one community may offer you exactly what you are looking for. If you would feel more comfortable elsewhere maybe one of the other Jedi Communities would correspond to your requirements more.

Jediism and TotJO

What Does the TotJO Symbol(TM) Stand For?


1. The Jedi Code (outer 5 point star)
2. The 16 Teachings (inner 16 point star)
3. The interdependence of Light and Dark

The TotJO symbol (above) is owned by TotJO. People are free to use it, but we ask that it is not used to misrepresent our organization. If the symbol is used in some piece of work then we would appreciate the appropriate citation to be made.

If possible please contact a member of the Council before use to ensure no issues arise.

Jediism and TotJO

Other TotJO Web Locations

TotJO has an official presence on Facebook and Twitter. There is also a Discord group, as well as an unofficial "shout box" on hangouts, however the TotJO organization cannot be held accountable for actions in unofficial TotJO groups.

These locations are operated by TotJO volunteers and can provide useful information such as times when the website might be offline.

There is also an Offline Activities sub-forum which includes details of Jedi gatherings run by both TotJO and the wider Jedi Community.

Jediism and TotJO

Special Interest Groups

The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) were optional classifications some chose to identify with. Those can still be accessed in the Intersectional section of the forum but are now largely obsolete. The SIGs have no effect on rank or status within the Temple.

There were five SIGs: Abrahamic, Eastern, Pagan, Science, and Philosophy.

Jediism and TotJO

Days of Significance

Mar 21 - Jedi Creed Day - to honour each other and the bonds between us all (also First International Earth Day)

May 25 - International Jedi Day - to honour Jediism and the Jedi Path (also International Jedi Day)

Sep 21 - Day of Harmony - to honour peace and our connection with the Force (also World Peace Day)

Oct 31 - Youngling Day / Vocations Day - to honour our legacy and traditions by passing them on to those who will continue them (also Samhein/Halloween)

Dec 25 - Anniversary Day - to honour the Temple and its founding (also Christmas Day)

Dec 31 - Day of Reflection - to honour our own past and future (also New Year's Eve)

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Jediism and TotJO

Monthly Reflections

January - Reflecton: Tradition, yet Originality July - Reflection: Corruptibilty, yet Integrity
February - Reflection: Attachment, yet Freedom August - Reflection: Fickleness, yet Discipline
March - Reflection: Despair, yet Hope September - Reflection: Iniquity, yet Justice
April - Reflection: Cowardice, yet Courage October - Reflection: Foolishness, yet Wisdom
May - Reflection: Hubris, yet Humility November - Reflection: Recklessness, yet Responsibility
June - Reflection: Chaos, yet Harmony December - Reflection: Greed, yet Generosity

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Jediism and TotJO

How to Join TotJO

Jedi here fulfill the following criteria:

  • A belief in the Force. The Force resides within you, surrounds you and flows through you.
  • Acceptance of our teachings and Doctrine. These serve as spiritual guidance for Jedi. You may hold other spiritual convictions along with being a Jedi.
  • DO NOT APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP UNLESS YOU READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS - EVERYONE BEGINS AS A GUEST - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • 1) Have you been a Guest here for at least 30 days (have registered an account at least 30 days ago)?
  • 2) Have you completed Lesson 2 of the IP and posted the lessons in your journal?
  • HAVE YOU IGNORED THE ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS?  If not, good for you! PM Knight Tavi for an application. Please include in your PM: 1) your username 2) confirmation that you have had a site account for 30 days 3) a link to your journal with Lesson 2 of the IP completed. You will not receive a link if you do not meet the criteria of 2) and 3). General queries can be posted on the forum here. 

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Making your Account

I am under 18 years of age

The Temple does not accept membership or create guest accounts for anyone under the age of 18 on the date of their application. The reasons for this policy can be found here.

Making your Account

What if I want to wait before committing myself

There is no requirement for you to submit a Membership Application to participate in discussion or training. In fact you do not even have to be an active participant in Jediism to partake in the discussions held here. However, please remember that you can only apply for membership once you have completed the first two lessons of the Initiate Programme and posted them in your journal.

Making your Account

I have filled out the Membership Application, why hasn't my rank changed

Rank changes are not automatic, because of this please bear with us as they are normally processed in batches during the week.

If you have not had an account on the site for 30 days and/or not completed lesson 2 of the Initiate Programme then your application will not be accepted. Please ensure you meet this criteria before you apply.

If you feel that your rank has not been changed and you have met the above criteria, please send Rosalyn J a Private Message (PM) to ensure they are aware of the situation and can address it.

Should there be a problem with your Membership Application preventing your rank from being changed, you will be notified of the issue so that it can be addressed.

Making your Account

Membership Oaths

The Simple Oath is a non-mandatory Oath of dedication to the Jedi path.

The Solemn Vow is taken by Apprentices when they become Jedi Knights and binds them to the Jedi path for life.

The Oath of Office is taken by TotJO staff for each position they hold.

The Oath of Confidence is taken by Ordained Clergy persons.

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Making your Account

Member in Good Standing

A Member in Good Standing is someone who has filled out and taken a valid Membership Application and who has not been excommunicated by TotJO for any reason.

Making your Account


Guests and Visitors

A Guest is a registered website user who has not had their Membership Application processed. A Guest is not a member of TotJO. While your Rank Bar is Guest you will be unable to reply to threads in the Jediism sub-forum. There is an Open Forum for everyone to have discussions in.

A Visitor is an unregistered user, someone viewing the forum without logging in.

Most sections of the forum cannot be viewed without logging in.

Making your Account

How to begin training

The first part of training is the Initiate Programme (IP). The IP can be found under the 'Studies' tab in the menu bar.

You do not have to be a Temple member to begin training.

Please do not post "I want a Master"; we first like to get to know you and teach some background training.

The IP Team

The IP team consists of a group of voulnteer Apprentices who provide assistance to the guests who are working on the Initiate Programme (IP). You can request an IP Sponsor who will be available to answer your questions, provide feedback, and ensure that your completed IP journal is ready for the Knights to check. While they will not challenge your opinions or beliefs, they will help guide you as you explore your own personal philosophy and thought process. To request a sponsor please leave a message in the #study-hall room in the discord server. Here is a list of IP Team Members:

IP Team Lead: The Coyote

Assistant Team Lead: WrenPheonix

Members: ChaotishRabe, Kenshi, MorkanoTetrahedron


Ranking Structure

You can identify the ranks of members by the Rank Bar which can be found underneath their profile picture.

These are the types of ranking in the Order:

A Status is related to the rights and responsibilities (some legal) a member has.

A Rank is related to the amount of study that has been accomplished.

An Office is a specific organizational position held by a person.

A Clerical Rank is the position within the Clergy.

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The Apprenticeship is a personal one-on-one mentorship with a senior member who is there to help guide the Apprentice into becoming a fully-fledged Jedi Knight.

An Apprentice is an Initiate who has been taken on by a Teaching Master and is receiving personal teaching and guidance. The Training Master will teach that person until Knighthood.

An Initiate must be at least 18 years old before being considered for an apprenticeship.

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The Degree Scheme

The Degree Scheme helps individuals develop their understanding of their Jedi path. There are three separate levels of Degree:

Associate Degree of Divinity (A.Div) - required for Knight rank

Bachelor Degree of Divinity (B.Div) - required for Senior Knight rank

Master Degree of Divinity (M.Div) - honourary

The Degree is not accredited.

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The Clergy

Our Clergy are not mental healthcare professionals; they are guides, and if a member is feeling particularly emotionally distressed they should seek the appropriate clinical help.

The Clergy deal specifically with the spiritual well-being of the Temple, entrusted with helping people along their Jedi journeys.

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The Synod

The Synod is a clerical body that oversees the Clergy. The Synod facilitates, administrates and organizes the Clergy by providing direction and implementing changes and updates. The Synod is subject to the authority and decisions of the Council.

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How to join the Clergy

All applicants must be the rank of Initiate and at least eighteen (18) years of age.

The Seminary is the section of TotJO that deals with clerical training. To join the Clergy you should first contact the Assistant Pastor for the Seminary. You will then be interviewed by one or more members of the Synod and, if successful, invited to join the Seminary.

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Temporary Minister Licence

There is no such thing as a temporary minister license. For a serious emergency and for grave cause, being licensed as an extraordinary minister is possible.

The TotJO Council

The TotJO Council is our General Management as well as the Supreme Court to act and decide on appeals. The Council is meant to provide a sense of direction without inhibiting the latitude and trust each Master, Knight or member deserves.

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Council and Offices

Other Roles or Offices

Offices are positions of official responsibility within the Temple. Officers dutifully serve the Temple to ensure its smooth running. Offices require an Oath of Office.

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Council and Offices

How to use this Website

There are useful links at the top and bottom of every page.

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Contacting the Temple

There are a number of email addresses one can use to contact various members and departments at the Temple. These addresses are regularly monitored and can be used instead of Private Messaging (PMing) someone (which requires an account on our website).

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Contacting the Clergy

Our clergy are not mental healthcare professionals, they are guides, and if a member is feeling particularly emotionally distressed they should seek the appropriate clinical help.

If you would like someone to talk to you then you can send a member (or two) of our Clergy a Private Message (PM).

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Making Complaints

It is a rare occurrence for complaints to be made, however, we at TotJO treat any complaint very seriously and no one is beyond disciplinary action. Please contact a Security Officer if you wish to make a complaint.

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Terms and Rules

We are a spirit of the law, not a letter of the law, community. These rules cover all Temple areas online.

  1. Please use respectful language, do not be abusive and swear only where appropriate.
  2. Do not spam with either posts, private messages (PMs) or in chat.
  3. 3. Do not advertise anything which is "for-profit" and do not use the Temple to promote non-Temple services, this includes other orders.
  4. Please give warnings if something you link to is Not Safe For Work (NSFW) or contains mature content. Nudity of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in account termination.
  5. No stealth advertising such as trying to poach members by promoting other organizations.
  6. No usernames with titles such as "Darth", "Knight", "Lord", "Master" etc.
  7. One account per person.
  8. Please don't post in other people's journals unless they have given you permission to do so.
  9. Do not needlessly change your username.
  10. No unofficial teaching.
  11. We DO NOT share the personally identifiable Information of any member. If any guest or member is found to have shared any personally identifiable Information of any other member or guest, this is a non-appealable banable offense.
  12. Academic cheating, plagerisim, using AI essay generators, or apps such as but not limited to chat gpt is strictly prohibited when completing lessons. Anyone doing any of the above will have their journal deleted and be subject to a ban.

Guidelines for how we moderate can be found here.

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Temple Policies


If you are a copyright holder and believe we have infringed on your copyright, you may contact our copyright agent via phone: (409) 866-0806 or
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Temple Policies

Privacy Settings

The Temple does not and never will redistribute any of the personal information provided as part of your application for membership to third parties unless ordered by a court to do so.

Sensitive parts of the forum, such as Oaths and Journals, are not accessible to "Visitors" and search engines. You have control over what is or is not visible on your profile. There are additional, mostly administrative, forums which can only be seen by certain Officers or ranked members.

As a Church, any posts made on the forums become part of our records and we have the right to keep those records. If you have any concerns about posts containing private or sensitive information and you wish to be deleted, please contact a Councillor.

Posts can be edited up to one hour after posting or after a post has been edited ; if you make a post and wait 59 minutes and then edit it; the timer is reset and you now have another hour in which to make changes, and so on.

As a general rule whatever is written on the Temple forums is written in ink and cannot or will not be erased.

Temple Policies

Funding and Merchandise

As a non-profit church, the Temple is primarily funded through donations. There are other sources of income such as merchandise and fundraising.

Currently, nearly all funding is used in maintaining the website which is how all future funding will be used unless clearly stated otherwise. If someone makes a donation they can earmark that donation for a specific purpose or project of their choosing.

Donations are only managed by one individual and cannot be used to 'buy' loyalty or advancement in ranks.

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Temple Policies