Jedi Academy Online Bookstore - Opie Macleod

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08 Apr 2013 21:05 - 09 Apr 2013 02:14 #102022 by
Hey guys!

I was just at Jedi Academy Online, Opie's cave on the outskirts of the community. And, I realized that he has finally released his programs in purchasable book-form.
Last edit: 09 Apr 2013 02:14 by ren. Reason: rm spam

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08 Apr 2013 23:42 #102047 by ren

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

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09 Apr 2013 00:56 - 09 Apr 2013 02:14 #102059 by
o_O I'm not advertising? I'm not affiliated with Opie. I just thought it was fun that somebody else besides Michaels was selling Jedi material.

If this is against the rules, I'd like to have an appeal and a concession for materials WITHIN the Jedi Community. I'm not well for websites that prohibit free speech in terms of supporting fellow members of the community, especially when I am not asking you to buy anything specifically, but rather letting you know of the material being put out into the public that represents all Jedi as a group.
Last edit: 09 Apr 2013 02:14 by ren. Reason: rm amazon link

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09 Apr 2013 01:02 #102061 by ren
usually if there's money involved it's a no go. (including charitable causes)

Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.

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09 Apr 2013 01:15 #102066 by
But there's no money involved.

I just said there are purchasable books by a member of the Jedi community out in print.

No advertisement. I'm not involved. No money. I don't even think you have to buy them. You can go to the Jedi Academy Online to get a PDF copy for free.

My point is that there is material from our community being put into print. It is VERY VERY important for Jedis of ANY denomination to know this. Because if somebody picks those books up, and they read them, this is the published word of the community.

You can go ahead and remove this if you want to. But, you will be stifling a good discussion on what exactly it means to let the world know what it "is" to be Jedi and what the public eye can buy.

My issue is with your verbage in the FAQ. And, maybe you should clarify this.

To my knowledge, Advertisement is about persuading people to buy things. Look:
"1. to present or praise (goods, a service, etc) to the public, esp in order to encourage sales
2. to make (something, such as a vacancy, article for sale, etc) publicly known, as to possible applicants, buyers, etc: to advertise a job
3. to make a public request (for), esp in a newspaper, etc: she advertised for a cook
4. obsolete to warn; caution"

I imaging you are talking about number 1. But, I'm not encouraging that you buy ANYTHING. To be honest, I'd rather you not because I'm not a fan of Opie's work.

This is, I sound like a broken record but I want to be clear, about the information being released into the capitalist market about "us". And, we should be aware of what is going on. I posted it in this section because I wasn't sure where it should go.

I don't want to cause trouble. Though, it seems I've been challenging the established rules here a lot lately. I trust, though, that you encourage healthy discussion on the rules WHENEVER they come up. The moment discussion stops, rules become walls instead of malleable things.

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09 Apr 2013 01:34 #102076 by Jestor
Sure we do...

As you can see, its not deleted, and you two are discussing...

WHy link to his "for sale stuff" instead of his "free PDF"?


So, does the t-shirts pass some knowledge around too?

Did you post anything of ours there?

Did you check with anyone?

Knowing itvwould be questioned and give you a reason to challenge us, yet again?

Lol, don't get pissed, just some questions...

Why the links at all?

WHy not just a post about Opie stating he wrote something, and let interested parties do their own homework?


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09 Apr 2013 01:34 #102077 by
Looks like you're r just giving us a heads up... Nothing wrong in that.... I won't buy anything but now we know.

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09 Apr 2013 01:44 #102078 by

Jestor wrote: Sure we do...

As you can see, its not deleted, and you two are discussing...

Sorry, my online writing skills sometimes make it sound like I'm being forceful when I'm really being calm. haha. *sends calming vibes to Jestor*

WHy link to his "for sale stuff" instead of his "free PDF"?

Because there is all kinds of stuff for free out there on the Jedi path. If he wan't offering things for money, it wouldn't be in the capitalist sector and I wouldn't care.

This is about how we're being represented in the public eye. Imagine that his books become popular like Michaels' books have. You could walk into barnes and noble someday and see it sitting on the shelves!

I'm not trying to be disrespectful of Opie's writings. But, it should be a priority of all communities to be on the look out for material being presented to the public. I've always said: The person who writes the first book about Jedi Realism that gets put in a bookstore will be in command of the Jedi Path FOREVER. Why? Because they'll be on talk shows. They'll end up in a court room for copyright infringement. Their ideas will become the standard.

And no, that might not happen that way. It could, though. And, it's good to watch out for that.

So, does the t-shirts pass some knowledge around too?

They most definitely have shirts with the Jedi Circle information on them.

Did you post anything of ours there?

I wouldn't touch Opie's website with a ten-foot pole.

Did you check with anyone?

I wasn't aware it was advertisement. ;) *hint hint*

Knowing itvwould be questioned and give you a reason to challenge us, yet again?

It's important to challenge the man. I will ALWAYS question and challenge the man. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing my part as a member of the community.

PLEASE just be glad I'm working on actual issues rather than being a Hannigan and touting my Jedi Skillz.

Lol, don't get pissed, just some questions...

It'll take a lot more than that to get me pissed, dude.

Why the links at all?

To start a discussion on the meaning of public exposure of Jedi information to all of us.

WHy not just a post about Opie stating he wrote something, and let interested parties do their own homework?

I DEFINITELY could have. But, I did not. :)

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09 Apr 2013 01:45 #102080 by

PloKoon wrote: Looks like you're r just giving us a heads up... Nothing wrong in that.... I won't buy anything but now we know.

Thanks PloKoon. :)

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09 Apr 2013 02:00 #102082 by Brenna

Connor Lidell wrote:

Jestor wrote: I've always said: The person who writes the first book about Jedi Realism that gets put in a bookstore will be in command of the Jedi Path FOREVER. Why? Because they'll be on talk shows. They'll end up in a court room for copyright infringement. Their ideas will become the standard.

That is actually a scary thought...

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Part of the seduction of most religions is the idea that if you just say the right things and believe really hard, your salvation will be at hand.

With Jediism. No one is coming to save you. You have to get off your ass and do it yourself - Me

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