A meditation a day ..

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08 Apr 2017 07:10 #280242 by
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Adder wrote: My meditation today is that awareness is like a patch of grass, each blade an iteration of self. The 'ocean of calamity calm' being the plane of the tips of each blade for each blade is either standing upright at some level of momentum and connection upwards, or leaning over into the middle in a rested low energy phase. As environment reflects onto the grass the more successful blades grow roots out which propagate throughout the physical body in preparation for action, until the resultant conduct manifests as a single flower... before it itself becoming the path for new grass to emerge, and repeat. I guess its just a visualization of the decision making process which might represent some basis for awareness, as we are all a bit opinionated even if we choose to keep it to ourselves :D

That is awesome Adder

Here is a nice tune to go with that :)


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14 Apr 2017 16:28 #280819 by
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The sages regard as wise he who never has any anxiety for the fruits of his actions.
- The Bhagavad Gita


We usually take action because we desire the fruits of it. The result. We are motivated by the goal, and what it will bring us.

What’s the problem with that? When we are fully focused on the goal, our actions are often ridden by ego. There is an underlying anxiety about the future. And a sense of restlessness and haste in the process. Our actions are feeding our desires; and if they are not met to the level of our expectations, there is suffering, frustration, disappointment.
Another way of acting is by fully focusing on the task itself. The process. Because if you are walking on the right direction, then there is reward and fulfilment in the path itself. You are not egotistical about the end goal, nor anxious about the result. You are simply doing your thing, like the calligraphy master in the picture above (from Hero). You are in the zone, in flow.

Letting go of our attachments to the fruit of our actions allow our attention to fall back into the present moment. Into the next step. And if we take care of each step, moment after moment, then we have already arrived.


What are the areas in your life where you are too much focused on the end-result, and not on the process? If you can’t find enjoyment and meaning in the path itself, is it possible that this path is not for you?

Giovanni Dienstmann

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25 May 2017 13:04 #285197 by
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How to not care about what other's think

Why should the way I feel depend on the thoughts on someone else's head?
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Caring about what other people think about you is a source of much frustration, worry, and anxiety. And yet most people waste a lot of thought energy like this.
Each human being is a unique world in itself. Each person has unique perspectives, preferences, and opinions - many of which may be completely wrong or irrational. How they think of you is simply how you fit into their mix of mental conditioning.
When you worry about what someone else thinks of your, you are sacrificing your own authenticity. You are submitting your personal power to a set of beliefs and biases that are alien to you. Moreover, you are worrying about things you have no power to control. All of these are disempowering.


Next time you catch yourself worrying about what someone else is thinking of you, just remember this simple fact: “They are not thinking of you. They are thinking about what you are thinking of them.”
And even if they were, remember that their thoughts are limited to the circumference of their head. There is nothing compelling you to believe in them, to justify yourself against them. There is no need even to acknowledge them.

Giovanni Dienstmann

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25 May 2017 13:38 #285201 by Wescli Wardest
Just a thought...

Warning: Spoiler!

Monastic Order of Knights
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08 Jul 2017 08:47 #289844 by
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There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.
- Alan Cohen


Our society values doing, achieving, speed. The result of this non-stop culture is often much productivity, but little living. And, of course, there is also stress and burn-out.
But look around in nature, and you will see the wisdom of pausing. Strong outbursts of energy are balanced with times of calm. A storm doesn’t last a week; a child cannot cry for 10 hours in a row; and man cannot eat without stopping, without eventually killing himself.
Likewise, it is the pause of sleep that allows us to function healthily. It is the pauses in music that gives meaning to the notes. It is the pauses in speech that allows you to deliver a powerful message. And it is the times apart in a relationship that renews your feelings.
Pauses give you perspective. They replenish you. They allow you to see things with fresh eyes, understand once again what’s truly important, and appreciate what you have right now - all essential elements in living a fulfilling life.

Have you been allowing yourself enough pauses in your life, your work, your relationships? Where in your life could you benefit from a pause right now?
Consider booking in your calendar some regular time off - away from all tasks, screens, conversations, and information. You will be able to make greater sense of everything else.

Giovanni Dienstmann

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26 Jul 2017 16:51 #292946 by
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Go find better, Go make better, Go give better, Go be better !
~Carlos Martinez


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30 Jul 2017 13:26 #293550 by
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Nice video to meditate on , good lessons ;)


Seven life lessons to comtemplate :
1 .Ignore the haters , keep your focus
2. Dont fixate on the problem
3. Its all in your mind set
4. You must unlearn your limiting thoughts
5. There is no try , only results
6. Believe in something bigger than you
7. You fail because you dont believe

When you meditate on this you might get stuck on lesson 1 :laugh: but just keep doing and stop trying so hard untill one day you get it.

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02 Aug 2017 09:23 #294173 by
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Ah , a short meditation where you dont have to keep your eyes closed :)

Music by: anilah.bandcamp.com | Visuals by: simonhaiduk.com
A companion video to the recent ep by Anilah; this piece is intended as a meditation for soul ignition, third eye and heart activation, through metaphysical interpretation. The music and vocals were created first as an improvisation by Anilah. Then the audio was synchronized with a visual score including motion graphics and artwork by Simon Haiduk, as well as an art cameo by David Heskin. These artists often create with an emphasis on exploring the relationship of sound and light to activate metaphysical aspects of our being, as well as an attempt to represent our connection to Earth and the energy of spirit that connects us all.


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04 Aug 2017 08:47 #294643 by
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Meditation Prayer:

May the Force be with all living beings

Every being has struggles and sorrow ,
Let us hold them with loving feelings and kindness
Let us forgive ourselves and others that have hurt us

Lets open our heart and forgive the sorrow and hurt
brought to ourselves or to others , may we be forgiven
may we forgive others

May we be well , filled with loving Kindness , safe from inner
and outer dangers , may we be well , peacefull and truly happy

May all beings be well , especially our enemies , the difficult ones
the discarded ones , may they be safe and well in body heart
and mind . peacefull and truly happy

May the Earth heal from her wounds , may we treat our environment
with love and kindness , may we bring peace and happiness

May the Force be with us , May the Force be with Earth

Have a blessed day


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05 Aug 2017 16:20 #294862 by
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As Jedi we meditate on the Force , where we do this or what music we listen does not seem so important , but , there is so much beauty in music and a quiet place to be. This time i want to introduce another form of music that seem ancient and that people have meditated on in churches and temples, as a child i used to visit cathedrals and temples with my parents and we just used to sit there to hear the choir sing and pray :)

I sit quietly and center myself, breathing deeply and fully. I feel myself firmly connected to the earth as I let the Force flow through me. I let go of busyness and of anything that may be overwhelming me. I open myself to the new, to new possibilities, to a new day, and to the fresh new cells being constantly created in my body with every breath I take. I feel the refreshing inspiration of new opportunities coming my way. I welcome this new and wonderful time in my life and see it filled with goodness, creativity and peace. I let go of the old and allow the new to come gently into my life.

I sit up straight with my spine erect but relaxed. I take a deep breath, inhaling fully, holding for a moment and then exhaling slowly and completely. I feel the energy my breath brings to every cell and molecule of my being. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Exchanging energy. Bringing in fresh, new, life giving energy. Letting go of what is old and used. My breath is bringing in the life Force. I let go of what is unneeded. In and out. With each breath, I am restoring and revitalizing myself. I am completely refreshed with each breath I take. I am healthy. I am alive.

I am grateful for the gift of life and all my many blessings. I am grateful for family and friends and a place to live and food to eat. I am grateful for the earth and the spirit of life. I am grateful for the sun that shines every day and for all the life it creates. I am thankful that I can learn and grow from experiences I may not even have wanted, but that allow me to open up to a greater awareness of myself and my world. I am grateful for love that flows to me and through me. I see all as support for the journey that is my life.

I am grateful for the Force, the Force is with me , i am one with the Force


The Best Choral Orchestral Pieces of Cathedrals and Forgotten Temples!

0:00 Jeremy Soule – Peace of Akatosh (The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Soundtrack)
4:09 Catholic Renaissance Hymns – Adoremus in Aeternum
6:42 Hans Zimmer – Aurora
15:17 Mozart – Requiem: Lacrimosa
18:26 Howard Shore – Evenstar (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Soundtrack)
21:41 Gregorian Chant – Da Pacem Domine
26:15 Mychael Danna – Tsimtsum (Life of Pi Soundtrack)
29:05 Pergolesi – Stabat Mater: Dolorosa
33:48 Samuel Barber – Agnus Dei
41:44 Catholic Hymns – Pange Lingua Gloriosi
48:08 Satie – Gymnopedie No. 1 (Soprano)
51:47 Gregorian Chant – Dies Irae
54:53 Jeremy Soule – From Past to Present (The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Soundtrack)
59:58 Howard Shore – Twilight and Shadow (the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Soundtrack)
1:03:28 Faure – Pie Jesu
1:06:56 Gregorian Chant – Te Deum

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