don't the let sith invade us
PatrickB wrote: But there's other rank in there system .There also the richer one , the one who's making the decision there call inquisitor .There the one who recruit the less fortunate and make them "worker".
I meant by saying there's the light side of the force and it is not the same as the dark side.It's because they don't do the same thing as us .Like i explain to you v-tog .
The light side is peaceful and the dark side is confusing and especial more addictive.
Sith Order I'm from really doesn't deal in class-based titles, and the Sith-related classes aren't as fleshed out as the Jedi. We've got Warriors, Marauders, Assassins, Lords, Inquisitors and Sorcerers. We also don't work with the Rule of Two either. We're more like the One Sith from the Legacy era (140ABY).
If you never do anything for yourself you'll be pretty useless to the people your order is devoted to protect.
Resticon, Alethea is one of the only people here who I see at other parts of the community and she's active on the Force Academy which also houses dark siders. I can't think of many people better to learn from, especially if you're studying other aspects than the Light.
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Nunc tristique iaculis magna, vel placerat odio tempus ac. Nulla varius, nulla et lacinia vulputate, libero odio sollicitudin magna, id iaculis diam tortor quis leo. Sed eget lectus ac nulla faucibus ultrices. Fusce fermentum accumsan est, vel lobortis nisi pretium ut. In imperdiet ante a nulla hendrerit ac ornare felis vestibulum. Donec vel tellus vel dui pellentesque feugiat sit amet quis metus. Nunc justo ligula, varius at fermentum nec, condimentum adipiscing urna. Pellentesque pharetra, nisl at dapibus consectetur, nibh eros blandit mauris, quis fermentum nulla tellus nec mi. Proin dolor neque, lacinia id lacinia sed, sollicitudin vitae mi. Proin nec eros nunc. Vivamus volutpat porta purus quis accumsan. Quisque et velit arcu. Curabitur nec consectetur urna. Donec tempor, eros ut sollicitudin tincidunt, ante lectus hendrerit tellus, ut gravida est massa quis diam.
Proin consectetur vehicula diam, eget sagittis dolor vulputate sed. Cras ut tellus neque. Duis pulvinar, odio vel facilisis cursus, sapien turpis volutpat eros, quis malesuada nisi erat nec dui. Phasellus vel libero nulla. Praesent faucibus leo eget lorem viverra in vehicula nisi cursus. Donec a magna elit, vitae bibendum augue. Nullam vel augue sit amet leo aliquet varius eu facilisis sapien. Duis semper, nunc porttitor eleifend pellentesque, urna quam molestie odio, in egestas eros diam et dolor. Ut pretium interdum fringilla. In massa metus, blandit fringilla hendrerit sed, euismod non turpis.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque placerat metus vel risus posuere rutrum. In et arcu eget massa porttitor placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vitae metus sed nibh egestas blandit at hendrerit elit. Vestibulum quis purus velit. Maecenas in velit erat, at faucibus ante. Proin volutpat tincidunt sollicitudin. Vivamus euismod nibh sed arcu rutrum non pretium erat pretium. Nulla sed cursus nunc. Vivamus feugiat egestas enim vel scelerisque. Mauris eu elit nulla. Donec egestas venenatis felis, quis ultrices turpis eleifend laoreet. Vestibulum rutrum justo eget lacus congue sit amet dignissim est luctus.
Aenean egestas adipiscing tortor non adipiscing. Quisque augue massa, porta ac feugiat vitae, ornare sed urna. Phasellus feugiat tempor rhoncus. In turpis justo, porta vel pretium sit amet, mattis sed dolor. Proin nisi nunc, ornare a volutpat id, ultricies ut est. Nullam lobortis, metus id ultrices tincidunt, risus mauris dignissim nibh, et facilisis arcu nisl vel sapien. Praesent pretium, orci faucibus semper fringilla, dolor eros egestas urna, sit amet accumsan tortor dolor vitae nulla. Nulla varius malesuada velit nec mattis. Aliquam eget ligula in leo lobortis malesuada. Nullam et varius sapien. Nulla facilisi. Sed porta vestibulum justo, eget condimentum est rutrum sed. Praesent sagittis varius ante at suscipit. Vivamus vel libero et mauris pharetra malesuada non in massa. Nulla bibendum odio sit amet tortor facilisis at iaculis leo sodales. Integer interdum diam in massa pulvinar eu semper libero tristique.
A good synthesis of this thread so far.
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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And are you out this association.If not to personal for you to tell .
The one that posses with a devices is responsible for others . Being at large is brought too my attention . An armor is the key to unarm devices .
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And nice picture by the way .
Ha Ha ha!!!
The one that posses with a devices is responsible for others . Being at large is brought too my attention . An armor is the key to unarm devices .
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I believe what ren wrote is Latin, Patrick. I took a course in high school and recognize a word or two but unfortunately, I am not by any stretch of the imagination fluent in the language.
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- Posts: 14624
Life is so crazy, and interpetive, that I can play devils advocate to
However, I do believe what I wrote...
Williamkaede wrote: Resticon, Alethea is one of the only people here who I see at other parts of the community and she's active on the Force Academy which also houses dark siders. I can't think of many people better to learn from, especially if you're studying other aspects than the Light.
Althea is well known, and respected in the community, however, (and I say this begrudgingly, as I do like her a lot), she cannot formally train you here... (Yet?)
Like anyone, she can offer advice.. lol...
We here at TOTJO, despite what Patrick is saying in this thread, mostly consider ourselves "grey"...
We realize that it is pretty impossible to be all dark, or all light... Instead, depending on the action, and the interpretation of the observer, any action can be conceived to be either dark or light...
And, (always another "and", or "But"... lol), there are some of us, like myself, who throw off these definitions, and simply "are"... I dont see "bad" and "good", "dark" and "light", instead, I simply "see"... (i hope that makes sense...)
Although, to carry on a conversation, I have to agree to some degree what these things are...
You say:
I am not entirely sure my view on the matter would change
Sure it will... Change is the only constant... (what? :huh: ...:lol: )
It will strengthen, or weaken... Modify itself...
This is the way of all things...
Ask me in one year If I agree with these things in black and white, and I might say, "well, yea, the overall sentiment, but I might add..."
This is why you are still searching, why we all are, if you ask me...
If we were happy with how things were, we would stop, and try to hold onto them...
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter
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- Alethea Thompson
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- Posts: 2288
Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana
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- Posts: 14624
Xon-Tay Lor wrote: Those of you who say you are Sithists or know Sithists and don't find them threatening aren't dealing with the real Sith. What you're talking about are the Sith role-players who don't take Sithism any more seriously than most of you take Jediism. Real Sithists exist, but they don't label themselves as such. They are the sinister, shadowy powers that be or that want to be, and they use whatever labels are most useful in acquiring power.
One, please watch what you say, you have no idea of anyone elses level on commitment or faith...
Two, or I could say "if you had more faith, you would not fear either"...
I dont fear anyone...
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter
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- Alethea Thompson
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- Posts: 2288
So does this actually say something about "electric soft at the throat," in the first paragraph???? 0.o I think I need to find a better translator program....
Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana
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