A hidden history about humanity, dimensions and spirituality

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05 Dec 2018 21:50 #330152 by

OB1Shinobi wrote: Thank you Silvermane for being a respectful poster and speaking up in a reasonable tone. I do hope my reply seems reasonable. Im an irreverent bastrd and sometimes my words seem hardher than my actual mood. I hope thats not the case here.

You're welcome and your reply was very reasonable good sir. When we are blunt and to the point our words seem to be more harsh and criticizing but this day and age has bred thin-skinned individuals who struggle with being hit with the truth in such a way. People striving to be Jedi need to learn to accept those “blows” as a learning experience. If I remember correctly, the last time I was here, for one of the longer stints, you and I were friends and had many good conversations as well.

I’ve already explained that my powers revealed the truth to me. My connection with the Force. I double confirmed it with a reading of my Tarot Cards. Are you questioning my powers? My connection with the Force? Do you have some proof that the Force didn’t show me the truth? Were you physically there with me when I read the Cards?


The better question is “how do you not know this is a kid teling tales?”

When you first mentioned that, I was not sure if you were being sarcastic or honest. The written word is sometimes hard to decipher in such a way, lol. I do not question your abilities or what the Force has shown you, I was merely playing the Devil’s Advocate to offer up questions, not just for Yabuturtle, but in general. The reason being is that my reality, your reality, Yabuturtle’s reality is all different. We believe, think and see things differently so who’s to say that my reality is more true than yours or his? We cannot do that. Now that being said, when you start trying to give facts and say what is true for the whole world but are not backing up those facts with hard evidence and keep denying the provable facts that are being presented, that is being close minded and willfully ignorant and that is not the Jedi way. I’ve spoken with Yabuturtle regarding this and hope he will open himself up more to what is being said to him.

Im definitely not saying we should go nit picking Yaba’s (or anyone elses) posts to call them liars for every unusual detail. Im saying that Yabaturtle has a history of “white lies” on this forum and in my opinion it is the RESPONSIBILITY of any and all adults who happen to be around, - from time to time, at least - to explain to the young man that the people around him are aware of what hes doing (most of us, anyway), that he loses our respect when he does it, and that theres a MUCH better/more useful/powerful way to carry himself.

I agree. It is our duty to separate the fact from the fiction and provide true and honest feedback so people can get correct information. This is a little more difficult when it comes to supernatural personal experiences because there is no way to prove or disprove it. When someone has shown themselves to be on the side of dishonest it does make it harder to trust in their word and their personal experiences. In that case, I would say, to Yabuturtle, to stay away from subjects that are borderline fantasy and stick with conversations that can be backed up with hard evidence. Rebuild that trust and prove yourself by action.

Kyrin Wyldstar wrote: I think you need to take OB1s quote for what it truly is. A bit of sarcasm that serves the purpose of rejecting the claim that Mr Turtle made. OB1 is not saying it could not have happened, only that he does not believe it happened. In this case OB1 does not have to provide evidence that it did not happen. You asking for evidence from OB1 is actually a logical fallacy called shifting the burden of proof.

Not necessarily. What I did was ask OB1 how he knew Turtle to be 100% making things up but also challenge him to think about how he looks at and responds to anyone else who is making the same type of claim. I also believe that OB1’s response was full of worthwhile information and answered exactly what I was looking for. I do appreciate your willingness to back up OB1, though he hardly needs it, and also offer evidence to further prove what OB1 was talking about.

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06 Dec 2018 02:14 - 06 Dec 2018 02:14 #330169 by
I understand people's responses. I just want people to understand the difference between a debate and a discussion. Especially since this in on the well, Faith part of discussion. i.e. to have faith in something. Something to believe in.

The topic as many forgot, was to discuss about hidden universes. Not debate on whether hidden universes exist or not.
Last edit: 06 Dec 2018 02:14 by .

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06 Dec 2018 02:49 #330171 by

Yabuturtle wrote: I understand people's responses. I just want people to understand the difference between a debate and a discussion. Especially since this in on the well, Faith part of discussion. i.e. to have faith in something. Something to believe in.

The topic as many forgot, was to discuss about hidden universes. Not debate on whether hidden universes exist or not.

Keep in mind that you also get the choice to go down the rabbit holes with people who are deviating from the subject of the discussion. There are ways to politely remind them that their line of questioning or comments is not in line with the subject and ask them to keep it on topic. Please also make sure to clearly state what that topic is and what you want the subject matter to be. If you say "time slips and different dimensions... GO" people are going to take that as an open subject to discuss belief or disbelief and a wide range of other things around it. Be specific in your intentions on how you would like the conversations to go and be willing to direct those conversations. If you follow Alice down the rabbit hole and let someone direct the thread with something off topic, you chose to engage in it and allowed it to happen. Just some food for thought.

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06 Dec 2018 05:56 #330175 by Gisteron

Yabuturtle wrote: I understand people's responses. I just want people to understand the difference between a debate and a discussion. Especially since this in on the well, Faith part of discussion. i.e. to have faith in something. Something to believe in.

The topic as many forgot, was to discuss about hidden universes. Not debate on whether hidden universes exist or not.

I don't see any difference whatsoever. And the fact that this is in the faiths subforum despite not being about any faiths is really irrelevant considering how you have the exact same opposition to any and all critical discourse in the discussions subforum as well. I thought you would bring up the place you posted it in eventually, as yet another layer of protection against the horrors of actual discussion. Didn't take long...

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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06 Dec 2018 06:14 - 06 Dec 2018 06:15 #330179 by Adder

Gisteron wrote: I don't see any difference whatsoever. And the fact that this is in the faiths subforum despite not being about any faiths is really irrelevant considering how you have the exact same opposition to any and all critical discourse in the discussions subforum as well. I thought you would bring up the place you posted it in eventually, as yet another layer of protection against the horrors of actual discussion. Didn't take long...

Yab is right IMO, its a 'faith' section in a 'special interest group' section.. if you've not got a special interest in the particular faith, then your not letting the forum be used for its intended purpose IMO which is for those folk to discuss things within a group dynamic insofar as the platform supports.

And yea, if the faith is not defined by a subforum category then it would be dependent on the OP, again IMO.

So if your special interest in that topic is to criticize it, then start a thread about criticizing it... but derailing other threads in that area seems like a rule violation to me, given the above reasoning.

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
Last edit: 06 Dec 2018 06:15 by Adder.
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06 Dec 2018 08:40 #330182 by
Agreed, lets keep the debunking out of the faith section. This is a space for people to explore spiritual matters. Something, of which, is the focus of a majority of our members.

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06 Dec 2018 14:21 #330203 by Gisteron
I possess no power to "not let the forum be used for its intended purpose". Nothing about what kind of discussion is supposed to occur her is stated either in the FAQ or the description of the subforum. If discussion of substance is unwelcome here, maybe that should be made more explicit somewhere. As it stands, the only rule regulating what content can be posted in what subforum pertains to links only, which, in my case, does not apply, since I did not post any. The FAQ also only lists "Abrahamic, Eastern, Pagan, Science, and Philosophy" as the currently existing SIGs, all of which have dedicated sections as of the time of my writing this post. "Faiths" is not currently itself an SIG.

As I pointed out in my last response, the only reason this is coming up is that Yabu wants to only read some particular types of responses, and not others. He seems to be seeking for that in almost any somewhat interesting thread he makes, though, so I have come to the not entirely unreasonable impression that the reason this thread is posted here rather than elsewhere is not at all related to the nature of the topic itself, especially seeing how the same topic(s) has/have been brought up several times in recent weeks elsewhere on the site.
Yabu is, at any rate, and as much as anyone and everyone else, free to read or to not read any responses posted, and to engage with any or none of them, at his own discretion. My posting here infringes on noone else's nor must I bear any responsibility over whether someone is disturbed by it if I can have no reasonable expectation of the disturbance under the assumption that I'm talking to people I am to respect as equals. I have violated no regulation either by the letter or the spirit, and shown far less disrespect than I received, but if I am unwelcome here in spite of all of that, do feel free to lock me out for now, and consider in future to make access to the SIG subforum opt-in only.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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06 Dec 2018 15:51 #330205 by RosalynJ
The SIG's encompass:


The OP does not, unfortunately, direct the conversation with any sort of real preamble, thefore, people are unaware of how to engage with it. They engage with it however they see fit unless provided direction.

The OP contains a two hour video. If anyone has the attention span to consider it, they should at least be allowed to engage with its thesis'

If I believe in faith healing and I post a video of Benny Hinn healing people with no guiding questions, where most of my sources are anecdotal or not peer reviewed, of course it will be debated.

I understand faith healing has not been proven by science, but if I ask, has anyone ever had experiences with faith healing? Healed someone? Been healed themselves? How did it work for you?

Its a little different. It may still be debated. I'm not trying to prove the existance of faith healing. I'm asking for anecdotes.

Its no guarantee. But it might work. /shrug

Pax Per Ministerium

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06 Dec 2018 15:57 #330206 by

JLSpinner wrote: Agreed, lets keep the debunking out of the faith section. This is a space for people to explore spiritual matters. Something, of which, is the focus of a majority of our members.

I could not disagree with this statement more. Gist pretty much summed it up well and he is right, this is not a SIG and what Mr Turtle has posted here is not something I would even consider faith. He sure did not phrase it that way nor did he clarify his intention, even after he was directly asked to. I would say this thread needs moved if anything. Posting a 2 hour video of Sasquatch coming out of the 10th dimension and teaching dingos to eat babies is not a faith.

I see no reason to try and sensor responses in this forum just because a single individual does not like some of the responses. I see no rule anywhere that says any sort of response is not allowed so the suggestion that we broke a rule is unfounded. I stay out of the SIG forums and let those stand as they may. The difference is they actually discuss a faith! Mr Turtle comes here and has posted over and over the same content ad nauseam. And now to try and avoid critique he’s moving that same content to other sub forums. I would think this verges on antagonizing and spamming and should be dealt with. Especially after the council has already taken some of his content and created a journal for him. One he has yet to return to where he could post this sort of stuff in complete freedom.

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06 Dec 2018 15:59 #330207 by
Scientists have taken these anecdotal statements seriously, pooled hours of funds and research and time into gathering anecdotal evidence together, finding out if there is any correlation, if that correlation might have any causation. I think it is fair to share their work into these discussions. I don't see it as different. I see it as sharing viewpoints. It is sharing an anecdote of a sort. The anecdote of a very very tired scientist who did their very best in a lab, and here - this is the paper I published at the end of my research.

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