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Your zeal. Look the word up. Find all the definitions. Ask around and see what you find.  

Do you have a working definition? In the beginning, I thought zeal was this drive that gets things done. That it was the flow that has a hard time being quenched. It burns bright all night, it never falters. I was mistaken.  

  • Zeal refers to “an extreme ideological conviction that belligerently insists on consensus, without regard for practical consequences”.  
  • Zeal “can be a great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective”. 
  •  Zeal implies “energetic and unflagging pursuit of an aim or devotion to a cause”.  

This reminds me of the definition of the noun version of abandon.  

  • As a verb, abandon can mean to give up to the control or influence of another person or agent.  
  • As a noun, abandon can also be used as a noun to refer to a complete surrender to natural impulses without restraint or moderation.  


Zest is a psychological term that refers to having vitality, enthusiasm, and passion for life.  Zeal and Zest are two terms that are often found together.  

  Meditate on the two and how they co-exist together.  The reality is too, much zeal and you become blind.  One can become so focused on one thing, we forget there are other things present.  Too much zest in a dish can cause the dish to become bitter.  

Our entire path can get caught up in the zest, or the zeal, that flows within us. It is never wrong or right.  Having too much energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective is called overzealous and a zealot is even one who is passionate about their religious beliefs, political views, or other convictions. They may be willing to go to great lengths to promote or defend their beliefs, even at the expense of their own well-being or that of others.  

 Reflection time. 

Why all the definitions?  We all have passions in life. Some of our focuses align and some do not. Our passions do line up often. Where does your own zeal come from? Do you live in the zest of life all the time?  Has it blinded you or turn things bitter?  Change your ingredients. Change the quantities, ingredients, get different bread. Start from scratch. Find out where your passions lie. Who put them there and are they really yours? Check your zeal. What do you defend? What will you exhaust yourself for or on? Is it healthy? 


At 5 years old, you will find "Little Carlitos" in the year 1984 swinging a broken broomstick just like Luke. After all this time, I am still a fan but also so much more. There are ideas in the epics of our times present and past that can last a lifetime. Take the time to understand your own zeal and your own passions. Are they too much? Only you have the answer to that one. Do they run you to the point of abandon? Check your own plate and your own dishes. Taste what you're serving. Reflect. Take some time to reflect on our own zeal. Where and what is it bound to?  

  All we do is serve and share here. Have you tasted what your serving? Before I serve food, I taste it. Some days, before it hits the plate. Do you know what your sharing? That's all. Some dishes are too spicy or too salty or even missing a few things. Some people are spicy. Some people are salty. Some are zesty or have a bitter result.  

Check what you're serving and how. The "how" has a lot to do with it as well. If I ever wake up to, " I am taking a temple down today," I have swayed far from the many original ideas. No one starts off wanting to take down a Temple. Yet, some find themselves wanting to undo everything that they see fit. No one starts there but we do get there quick and in a hurry. This is the caution in abandon and in our zeal and zest.  

Have good returns. Have ideas you know you want to return to when you get lost or too far. Know your limits. Know what level of forgiveness you possess this very moment.   

There is no competition when it comes to our experiences or our understanding of our own zest and zeal. Both will grow and change. Which leads your path? The idea is to know. When you know, you can adjust as needed. Jedi are not individualists. We do not seek our own way. Life is full and can be full of every experience we want. Does that want or need, lead? Is there too much zest or zeal in one's path? Most time, my own answer is yes. It is yes for me today. I still get too full of myself often. I am glad to have those who I trust.  

Any senior member of the Clergy can take confession or have a conversation in confidence. This is such a blessing to have. I use it often with other ministers in the Temple. Use your resources. There is a magic in what we do, an old magic. Share in confidence. There is a freedom I find when I do this, I wish for everyone. Take your liberty.  

We all have a zest or a zeal for life. Are there multiple present? Where does ours originate? Why is it present? Is it even ours? Have we taken time to understand some of our own passions lately? Without aid or outside help, it is difficult to see from one's our own perspective. Find a mentor who knows about these things. It is often some Clergy member, of sorts, or a trusted friend. Consider our zest and our zeal and how it relates to abandon. They are often connected.   


Pastor Carlos