This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own go

28 Nov 2016 16:24 #266465 by Manu

Greatest-I-am wrote:

MartaLina wrote: Yeah well , knowing G'd he proceedes as he bloody well likes , i dont think he lives in the realms of good and evil ;)

That may be so, if there is a God, but scriptures say we are to emulate him as he is our best example.

Do you think a God and judge who breaks his own laws to be a good God?

Or are you afraid to judge what is said of him?


In which part of scripture does it say we are to emulate God?

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward

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28 Nov 2016 16:24 #266466 by

Manu wrote: If by "God" you mean the Abrahamic God, then you should be aware that good and evil are defined by Him, that is, good is his will, evil is anything else.

Which makes anything He does inherently good. He is above the Law.

So you are thinking that genocide is good then. Right?

More direct to your answer.
Would you tolerate our human judges breaking the laws they write?

If not why would you give a God the pass to do so?


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28 Nov 2016 16:27 #266467 by

JamesSand wrote: Okay God is evil. You got me. I'm on board.

Now what happens?

That is up to you.

Do you love your wrong thinking neighbors?

If so, this quote might guide you if you think it a good one.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.


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28 Nov 2016 16:28 #266469 by Manu

Greatest-I-am wrote:

Manu wrote: If by "God" you mean the Abrahamic God, then you should be aware that good and evil are defined by Him, that is, good is his will, evil is anything else.

Which makes anything He does inherently good. He is above the Law.

So you are thinking that genocide is good then. Right?

More direct to your answer.
Would you tolerate our human judges breaking the laws they write?

If not why would you give a God the pass to do so?


Because there is nothing I can do about it. If God is evil then he is evil. Nothing I can do about it.

The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
The realist adjusts the sails.
- William Arthur Ward

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28 Nov 2016 16:30 #266470 by

JLSpinner wrote: If God is real and we are created in his image you should expect similarities in nature.

Few, if any, natural animals kill when they can cure or kill babies and children because of anger at the parents. I cannot recall any natural system doing so. Can you?


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28 Nov 2016 16:35 #266472 by

Silas Eventhorne wrote: Death is not something God cursed us with, man cursed man with death by sinning and allowing sin to be apart of the world.

Man did all that! Wow.

I did not think man was powerful enough to foul up God's big plan so easily.

It is often said that we are all sinners. If we are all in God's image, then as the O.P. implies, God is just as evil as the rest of us, perhaps more because most of us would never torture and kill innocent babies and children.


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28 Nov 2016 16:38 #266474 by Gisteron

Greatest-I-am wrote:

Gisteron wrote: ...

Seems you do not believe much of the bible. This is good.

Well, you didn't say that the biblical God was evil. Your conclusion was that an actual god (provided it exists) would be. It's not an expressed premise of your case that the Bible represents any bit of that being, or that it could.

But those who do, are stuck with an evil genocidal God.

No, you aren't. Whether there is a god and whether it is evil or genocidal does not depend on what anybody believes on the matter... Unless of course you are talking about the biblical character as opposed to an actual god that either did or does exist, but you didn't specify that and so by default I'd assume you mean the latter. On that note, even if you are talking about the biblical character it is still wholly irrelevant whether we believe that the book is an accurate descriptor of something real. We can discuss characters within narratives independent of whether they have real world counterparts or whether those counterparts have anything in common with them.

See, this is what happens if you start with your conclusions and then completely skip the premises. The extent to which your argument can be addressed, it falls apart.

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned

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28 Nov 2016 16:39 #266475 by

Amaru M. Tu wrote: I think probably its all just stories ppl teach and exchange with one another, there is nothing that doesn't have a story and everyone has their preferred narrative.
even science can be looked at as a story in the right terms or measurements, which is what science essentially is.
lets say there is a single solitary truth, that would get boring as hell after awhile.
ppl find create and agree upon truths in my view.
if (God) is real in any form i think its safe to say miscommunication can happen between that being and others as well.

This is all true but it does not explain why people would praise and follow an evil genocidal God who kills when he could just as easily cure.


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28 Nov 2016 16:44 #266476 by

Manu wrote:

Greatest-I-am wrote:

MartaLina wrote: Yeah well , knowing G'd he proceedes as he bloody well likes , i dont think he lives in the realms of good and evil ;)

That may be so, if there is a God, but scriptures say we are to emulate him as he is our best example.

Do you think a God and judge who breaks his own laws to be a good God?

Or are you afraid to judge what is said of him?


In which part of scripture does it say we are to emulate God?

God is supposed to be the final word in morals and ethics. So believers tell me.

Strange that you would not think that theists would automatically seek to follow such goodness.

But tio your request here is one of a number of the quotes that show we are to emulate God.

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.


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28 Nov 2016 16:47 #266477 by

Manu wrote:

Greatest-I-am wrote:

Manu wrote: If by "God" you mean the Abrahamic God, then you should be aware that good and evil are defined by Him, that is, good is his will, evil is anything else.

Which makes anything He does inherently good. He is above the Law.

So you are thinking that genocide is good then. Right?

More direct to your answer.
Would you tolerate our human judges breaking the laws they write?

If not why would you give a God the pass to do so?


Because there is nothing I can do about it. If God is evil then he is evil. Nothing I can do about it.

Yes there is.

You can judge him so and pass on your good judgement to those who think otherwise and adore genocide when done by their God.

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.


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