I think i may be going over to the dark side

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14 Feb 2010 06:39 #28792 by
hmmm, since for a part of the year if I don't pick up any contracts I do not see sunlight for 2.5 months does this add darkness to me? I find darkness peaceful, serene, and even a great place for concentration. But when in daylight I do see wonders and feel the energy, but my life tends to keep me sleeping through the daylight. In my walkings I've never met someone fully light or dark, I've met murder's who could make me laugh and cared deeply for their children, and priests who were beyond racist and angry. Those are extreme examples, but anyone who has felt love has also felt hatred, We've all won and lost. I think there is a line in our morals that we can lean one way or the other, but our feet are always in the middle with a little of both.

Along the good and bad... a man who kills one person to save the world from a war...is he bad?

From what I've seen light,dark, grey, shadow, they are all different perspectives of the same destination... though the paths may stray or cross most of the meanings are the same from various views

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14 Feb 2010 07:03 #28793 by
If the Earth faces the sun, it is light. If it doesn't, it's dark. But it always faces both ways.

The Earth is both Light and Dark... this doesn't negate it being the Earth. We call the Light by the name \"day\" and the Dark by the name \"night\". Is one good or evil? I don't think so.

But the Force also has Light and Dark... creation and destruction, emotion and apathy, etc.

\"Good\" and \"evil\" are real, but have no bearing on the Force. Light and Dark, however, are very much (in my perception of things) necessary for the Force to exist.

In what way are they paths? And in what way are they not?

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14 Feb 2010 07:05 #28794 by
Here's where I want an \"edit\" button, LOL.

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14 Feb 2010 07:14 #28795 by
I mean in paths that we all walk a different variety of beliefs/morals/philosophy's, but in the end we all become one with the force and our actions balance our environment one way or the other.

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14 Feb 2010 07:32 #28796 by
Balance and imbalance are opposites... and yet both have to exist. Balance is imperfect because of imbalance, and yet perfect because even balance itself is always countered.


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14 Feb 2010 07:34 #28797 by
*meditates for a bit... will have to respond more in-depth later*

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14 Feb 2010 08:09 #28798 by Jon
Jasper_Ward wrote:

hmmm, since for a part of the year if I don't pick up any contracts I do not see sunlight for 2.5 months does this add darkness to me? I find darkness peaceful, serene, and even a great place for concentration. But when in daylight I do see wonders and feel the energy, but my life tends to keep me sleeping through the daylight.

I like that Jasper.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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14 Feb 2010 11:46 #28799 by Jestor
LMAO... Redheron, I did not want to seem as I was just arguing with you for the sake of arguing. I also have meditated a bit and in reality have no trouble continuing. I just wanted to not seem like a troll. This is my belief and you are DEFINATLY entitled to yours. I did not want to seem like I was being difficult. BUT, I am all in for healthy discussion...;)

RedHeron wrote:
Jestor wrote:

Ok, how about this math....+5, +4, +3, +2, +1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5?

If the numbers cancel each other out, what is left?

The Yin Yang blend, the \"/\" line in it shows there is a mid-point. Yet it is still a complete idea. The zero is the line between the positive and negative.

Redheron wrote:
This implies that such a line can exist: if we light a candle in the center of, say a large (and darkened) gymnasium, the area next to the candle is light. The edges of the gym are dark. Is there really a point at which the light becomes dark?

If you believe it is, then stand at that point and look. You will find that there is not an actual line there, from the perspective you're standing on.

There is not an actual center. The candle is the light, the edges are the dark, and everything else is between. There is light and dark, but there is more \"between\" than there is either one. The \"between\" doesn't cancel out light or dark... it's all relative. Closer to the candle will be lighter, and closer to the wall will be darker. Even at the \"midpoint\" there isn't an actual line where it suddenly becomes dark or light.

ok then, as we walk away from the candle, we gradually move into the dark. If we start in the dark and walk toward the candle we gradually move into the light. (I am not being condecending, I am just trying to be clear in MY thoughts :laugh: )

At some point \"person A\" is more in the light than not, then it switches to more dark then light. The reverse can be said for \"person B\".

As infinitesimal a point as it may be, it still exsists where they exchange dominance. If that is true, then at the point where they meet and are equal must also exsist. You consider the area close to the candle, light. The areas in the corner, dark. All the rest are between, grey?

Granted, the line is small, faster than a blink. Its the point where a housefly stops flying right side up and flips to touch the ceiling. It's the point between wet and dry, where you have moved the plane of the water, but not broke the surface. It is where our Earths' atmosphere and space meet.

The line is so fine, it cannot be stood on. You made a reference to balance, a tightrope walker balances, not with a perfect upright stance, but with tiny movements in each direction. Trying to not give too much to either side. That is why when the top half of the body starts left, the bottom will try to counteract it.

Redheron wrote:
Intent, as I said, is only one of the many factors which determines the nature of the act. It is an important one, certainly, but if we go around trying to judge others' actions, we will go around in endless circles until we arbitrarily decide what their intent was. It's not something that can be determined from the outside.

I am the only one who really knows for sure what my intent is.

It's a pity you're deciding not to continue... I would have liked to have learned more about your perspective on this. My issue is that I really don't see how what you're saying can apply within my own experience... it raises doubt in me about my own experience, until I can figure out enough about what you mean to really understand it.
Anyone else want to field this in Jestor's place, perhaps help me to understand how there cannot be either side, when we see + and - on the list (which, if combined, do cancel one another out... but sitting there on either side of the \"zero\" as they are, they are quite separate and distinct, even if they are connected by the same number line).

I am not saying that the grey areas do not exsist. Neither am I saying they are not parts of the Force. They are all combined. I AM saying, that there is a midpoint. That all of it combines to create. It all combines to destroy.

I do not know your intent. You don't know mine. Most people try to guess the intent and end up sitting in judgement.

That is why the man stealing to feed his family, although he knows it is wrong, still does it for the good it will bring. But people will still judge. Some will say,\"Awww , I do not blame him. I would do the same if it came down to it.\" Others would say,\"But he stole. I don't care how bad it is. I could never.\"

Perception, priorities, points-of-view, judgement.... It is all relative.

Angelus wrote:

Well then, the capacity for using the Force (using, LOL) for good or evil is as diverse our viewpoints on the subject. ^^

Redheron wrote:
Well, I wasn't talking about good or evil, really, more just Light Side and Dark Side of the Force. Good and evil are generally determined by intent.

Redheron wrote:
Light Side and Dark Side are separate and distinct, and defined by our values... but simply saying they don't exist implies (to me) that the Force has no potential. It must have the ability to flow, which implies that there are different parts to the Force, if we stick to what we know about natural rules.

What one calls Light or Dark is determined by values, but that doesn't negate that they are there. Br. John says that he can't deal with the separation (for him, it's all one Force), but I don't understand how this can be, since I can't follow the reasoning used. The argument is one of colors, but all colors are of the Light. There is no burden to me, and so the idea of a burden is foreign (and though I accept Br. John's belief in this regard, I don't understand). We spoke for a bit on the topic, and I respect the belief... but what I really would like is to be able to \"get it\" enough to really see it, whether I change my mind to agree or not.

As I try to follow the reasoning, my own over-logical brain demands a basis in something familiar in order to draw a comparison. Even in water, there is a flow, expansion, return, and immobilization (think of water, steam, condensation, and ice). These have Light and Dark capacity.

I'm unable to find anything in Nature that I can't see as having both capacities, nor can I simply accept that the opposing capacities of creation and destruction are the same (as they are plainly not).

Yes, the POTENTIAL exists for both, it is what is done with that potential. AND, how it is interpeted, the perception. (sorry, but my preview shows this line extremely large.. I don't know why...lol:laugh: )

On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
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Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter

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14 Feb 2010 13:44 #28800 by Br. John
This is a wonderful discussion. I hope nobody feels anxiety from this debate. We are addressing ideas not persons.

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14 Feb 2010 14:02 #28801 by Jestor
Yes Master John, no anxiety. I also was worried and was going to stop. RedHeron seemed ok and not taking it personal, so I am continuing.
If any of this does offend. I apologize as that is NOT intention.... All for bettering to broaden my horizons. I HAVE been known to discuss myself into a corner and have to change my P.O.V...... ;).... That can be really embarassing....... lol

On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter

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