I think i may be going over to the dark side

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13 Feb 2010 09:00 #28757 by
you hit what i was saying perfectly...although using mathamatics is a new concept for me for it...

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13 Feb 2010 09:21 #28759 by Br. John
It's a heavy burden to carry around a light and dark side of The Force. You may have them but they don't come alone. You have to bear the red side of The Force and the blue Side of The Force and the green side of The Force and the yellow side of The Force and the violet side of The Force and the ....

I did not say you are wrong about the light / dark side of The Force. I said that it is far to heavy a burden for me (John) to have them. I leave those sides to those that understand them and can make use of them.

I do not understand them and I do not know what they mean.

I just have The Force.

Founder of The Order

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13 Feb 2010 09:27 #28760 by Br. John
It's a heavy burden to carry around a light and dark side of The Force. You may have them but they don't come alone. You have to bear the red side of The Force and the blue Side of The Force and the green side of The Force and the yellow side of The Force and the violet side of The Force and the ....

I did not say you (RedHeron) are wrong about the light / dark side of The Force. I said that it is far to heavy a burden for me (John) to have them. I leave sides to those that understand them and can make use of them.

I do not understand them and I do not know what they mean.

I just have The Force.

Founder of The Order

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13 Feb 2010 09:40 #28761 by
Jestor wrote:

So if I am reading all of the posts correctly, I think we agree that;

1) The Force is neither light or dark, as a whole.

2) The combination of the two (and the shades of grey) is what makes the Force.

3) It is the PERCEPTION of the person(s) involved as to whether or not the action is light/dark, wet/dry.......etc.

+5,+4,+3,+2,+1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5 = where the force is zero and perception (as well as the intent I guess) are the integers.

Does this sum up our thread? Or did I miss the mark?

1) I disagree. It is both at once, like the symbol of the Tao: Yin-Yang. They use black/white and red/green and blue/yellow to show that they are opposing. And in each, the seed of its opposite.

2) This I can agree with. All of it is necessary for the Force to be balanced at all.

3) This is the reason for the confusion... the perceptions are what we give name to, and therefore they are real because we name them. To refuse to name them means that we refuse to name hot or cold, because it's all \"temperature\".

The math isn't wrong, per se... but the whole number line is the Force. The \"0\" point doesn't really exist, unless we arbitrarily name it (as we have already named Light and Dark: we choose such things arbitrarily, yet the fact remains that they are well-defined by perception).

The point of the matter is that the sides exist, are well-defined, and are named because of their capacity. They are different uses of the same thing, it's true, but by their use we understand that the universe is made up of these things in order to keep life going.

Even balance must be balanced by imbalance (if that makes sense).

As a whole, the balances must exist. We have negative numbers and positive, but it's all numbers. They are merely the measurement of what we perceive, and the means by which we can come to a fuller understanding of the universe. They are how we express intent and result... and are neither inherently good nor evil.

We have a light side of the Earth, facing the sun; and facing away from the sun, we have the dark side of the Earth. It's in motion, and it's all the Earth, but there is a definite Light Side and Dark Side, and if there were not, the Earth would not and could not support life.

And with the Force, how can we expect that things are any different?

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13 Feb 2010 09:42 #28762 by
Apologies, Br.John, I did misinterpret the intent of your prior post. I don't understand what they mean, or what they are... but my own experience shows that they are definitely present. If yours doesn't, I can't expect anything will convince you that the heaviness of a burden of color is Light. (And every pun is intended on that.)

I do appreciate your input, though... if I could understand the idea better, of there being any kind of burden involved, I might be able to accept your explanation better. That it is directly contrary to my experience doesn't help. I just have to accept that your experience has been different.

In this, I respectfully agree to disagree. :)

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13 Feb 2010 09:53 #28764 by
Thanks Bro John for the post..it was not my intent to lead anyone to say or believe that these sides do not exist for indeed they do as a manifestation of the Essence of the Force itself. However, as with every manifestation, it is our perception that define how we view it and what \"label\" to put upon it.Such as in the case of math above where you are discussing numbers..I it not our perception of them a number that make them in reality numbers? This is similiar to how I believe the Manifestations of the Force work as well...perhaps I should of phrased it more along the lines of neither yet both as I believe the essence of the Force cannot be contained in either one but the Essence cntains both....

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13 Feb 2010 10:00 #28765 by Br. John

RedHeron wrote:

Apologies, Br.John, I did misinterpret the intent of your prior post. I don't understand what they mean, or what they are... but my own experience shows that they are definitely present. If yours doesn't, I can't expect anything will convince you that the heaviness of a burden of color is Light. (And every pun is intended on that.)

I do appreciate your input, though... if I could understand the idea better, of there being any kind of burden involved, I might be able to accept your explanation better. That it is directly contrary to my experience doesn't help. I just have to accept that your experience has been different.

In this, I respectfully agree to disagree. :)

I do not disagree with you. I see red as red and I know when it is cold enough to turn on the heater or get a coat. I know an autistic boy who can instantly without effort give the correct result to questions like 24578 x 91357 = ? while I must use a calculator or at least a pencil and paper.

You merely still need these steps and classifications to use The Force like I still need steps and figures to do these math problems. If I were like that child I would not need them to arrive at the same destination.

I'm not judging which way is better. I can only know the way that works for me.

Founder of The Order

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13 Feb 2010 10:31 #28766 by
So, the point in what you're saying is then that the Force expresses in different ways to different people, and that each perception is equally valid?

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13 Feb 2010 10:39 #28767 by
you got it red...but part of that is also realizing that our perception may not necessarily be the \"truth\" of the matter...hence all perceptions are vaild even if they disagree with your own perception...I peronally believe that the \"truth\" or reality lies beyond our perceptions....

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13 Feb 2010 11:29 #28769 by Br. John
Look at the right side then away then at the left side. Which way is she turning?

Founder of The Order

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