The Block

16 May 2022 12:08 #368085 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
11. Jedi are mindful of their thoughts. We recognize the beauty in others and we provide help to those who come seeking it. Through our benevolent actions we strengthen not only ourselves but also our communities. Jedi act without prejudice.

Jedi are mindful of their thoughts.

We recognize the beauty in others and we provide help to those who come seeking it.

Through our benevolent actions we strengthen not only ourselves but also our communities.

Jedi act without prejudice.

I broke this teaching up like this so we can see what it is trying to say. It is pretty easy when you think about it.

A idea like this can create a SELFLESS path any one can follow.

This life is full of paths and ways to go and there is ONE path we share more than others. It is that of the selfless path.

It spans Orders and cultures and even ideas. This one is ours. It is not "ONLY" our teaching. This idea belongs to all humans willing.
This week , if you like, think on these things.

What does your selfless path look like?
Where does it begin and end?

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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23 May 2022 12:16 #368246 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

We have 21. Many other faiths and sects and organizations have them. They are everywhere. Pastor Carlos here to remind you this Monday that our Maxims are for us to remind us of our path. Maxims are short Truths to the point. There are collections of them and IF you study mankind, you will find THIS is one of the things we do share. We do share truth. We may act like we do not but we do. This is the path I would like to encourage this week. Which are your Maxims? check 'em out and see if you actually like them or choose them. You don't have to have just "ONLY" a set, you can choose which and where and how. Maxims, think about them this week lol pun intended
Maxims help cultivate things. Want something new or a new crop of ideas and ways, start cultivation on you own Maxims in your path and see if you don't start growing or cultivating new things. Happy seeking friends and Jedi and may the FORCE be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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30 May 2022 12:20 #368382 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

This week -I want to touch on the idea of Harmony. Our last Maxim has a focus. It leaves you with this...

Seek out harmony

One of the KEY things we share in our paths as Jedi is the idea of creating and dwelling in harmony. Its the hardest thing for me as ME to keep and pass. Harmony can be shared by those who have it and by those who cultivate it. Its a shared thing at times. We can not tell one another HOW to create it for some one else. We must do that on our own. Further more, we can find out what what type of harmony we wanna pass too. No way! Yea way. There are different types of harmony as their are different colors for shirts and pants.

Harmony: To be connected to the Force.

A Jedi seeks to live in harmony with the Force, for that is the reason to be a Jedi. To better understand its ways, to better know one's place within it.

This week think about is if you like... what type of harmony is possible and where do I find it....

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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06 Jun 2022 11:49 #368557 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
"Jedi Believe:
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty.
In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice.
In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin.
In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time.
In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.
In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures.
In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression."

This is what we believe, and if you notice- with the exception of the reference to the FORCE - the rest belongs to humanity.
We as Jedi believe in, humanity???
We are human. We do fall under all the terms and services to being a human every day.

Good morning! Jedi everywhere,

Today I would like to chat about the "What We Believe" section. With the exception of the reference to the FORCE; our "What We Believe" statement; is all about being a human. We are Jedi as choice but, we are humans first. There is nothing we do here in the Temple that is an exclusive thing, it's actually more to the opposite.

ANYONE can do what we do. ANYONE can seek a path of humanity, mercy, and selflessness.
It doesn't have to be A JEDI path; however, we do frequent that here. "What we believe" is what (most) humans believe.

We believe we are all connected, we believe we are all one in one way form or another,
isn't that an odd way to think?

Of all the creatures and people(s) in the Star Wars Sagas - humans are the idea.

It is my hope that as we travel this path and as we learn, we find our own humanity our own teachers and people who can help us. Like the MYTH, there is always others just waiting to help us - more so it is true in real life there is always someone watching your path.

Some of us believe things we know to be true and some we know to be UN-TRUE.

This week, I encourage you to find what you think is true in your path and see if you believe it or not. Something happens when you reflect like this. Let me know what you find.

What do you believe in really??

Do you walk around with the Sweeny Todd mentality of everything is sh*t and the world in it is sh*t.... do we look down often?

Our focus does determine our reality.

There is an old saying, "Where you put your eyes; your heart goes too."

Energy goes where attention goes so, this week challenge what you believe not only our own doctrine but your own.

Do you actually believe what you say you do?

It's a hard question to ask any Jedi and it's the toughest to ask ourselves that very question as well. Be WARY of our attachments, even the ones we say we believe in.

May the FORCE be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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13 Jun 2022 12:24 #368671 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
To have a place to go ...
Where do you go....???

A Return is an idea or a person place or thing that we can use when we forget our focus. There are times in our path when we are tried or tested or something just happens. Things happen for no reason as well, not just because your name is Carlos or Bill or Someone. If our focus determines our reality; then so true would be where we look is where our mind's eye is. Today I give you the idea of our Returns.
What do you return to, when you need a recharge or a reminder of your path?
I want to remind every Jedi everywhere- this is what Doctrine and Philosophy are for, it's in the definition actually if you look 'em up. So, when you find yourself in need- return. Choose a return to fall back on or just fall in love again. They are out there.

Seek and you WILL find
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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20 Jun 2022 11:19 - 20 Jun 2022 12:03 #368809 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Taken from the Discord channel

This morning evening day time night time -I would like to encourage every Jedi to think about this if you like ...Peace - Understanding and Harmony

Good morning Vincent

Good morning Amaya

May the Force be with y'all today

14. Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognise that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony.

Teaching number 14 states we are guardians of peace

We keep peace 3 ways but not only these three

Peace can come from many places. We can find it in a walk or a book or a movie or a idea or even in one another

Peace is a difficult thing to keep now a days

Its funny but every Jedi I have ever met want or has a similar idea of finding peace

We all want it

We all wanna be better at it

Peace can come from understanding

What is understanding ?

What happens during this time of reflection when you focus on understanding or harmony or peace ?

I want to encourage every Jedi around that when ya need it PEACE can be around and where you left it

Peace comes in many forms

I think Jedi easily forget this in the search for it

I know I do often

What do you do to find peace ? What do you do to give it? Do we really have it?

Understanding can come from study and frequency

The more we frequent things the more we become accustom to the results

the more we can know

Understanding and harmony are the two containers you can make peace with or the spray that can help or the focus to cultivate new life

Harmony and Understanding are the cats meow when it comes to peace

I know without direction I can be in a phase of time and life that is... questionable

Without focus, you can fall for just about anything

So be carful Jedi

Know what you believe and find it out. Try it and see if it creates the harmony and the results you want

Do you have the understanding you want?

Does your faith and what you practice create harmony in your life ?

Does it create understanding ? Thats really the big idea today and this week -

When you need it can you find understanding and harmony in your path and life?

Can you find the peace you need- better yet- can you find the peace you and MAYBE others... need

This is my hope fro every Jedi here and everywhere- that we find peace and keep it. Further more, it is my hope we pass it too

Keeping the ideas of harmony and understanding can allow PEACE to bloom

I promise

Something to think about this week friends and Jedi everywhere -y'all 310 brilliant souls of understanding and power. Thank yall for subscribing and continuing to seek - serve and search for the Force

May the Force be with y'all this week

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 20 Jun 2022 12:03 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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27 Jun 2022 11:53 #368913 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
today we chat about the Creed
[5:55 AM]
I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace;

Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

I am a Jedi.

I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi.
[5:56 AM]
What are our SYMBOLS in the Creed ...

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 5:56 AM
Peace, love, pardon, faith, hope, light and joy?


Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:56 AM
Good morning and good time zone Owl
[5:56 AM]
[5:57 AM]
you hit the nail right on the head
[5:57 AM]
are those symbols or recommendations lol (edited)

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 5:57 AM
They can be both
[5:58 AM]
Good day to both of you

Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:58 AM
How do those specific ideas create somthing?
[5:58 AM]
if anything

Vincent Causse — Today at 5:58 AM
good time zone

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 5:58 AM
I think that these are ideals and following these ideals we create change

Pastor Carlos — Today at 5:59 AM
WE create change? What a mind blowing concept

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 5:59 AM
Well through our actions we do, in a way

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:00 AM
you are on the money today owl
[6:00 AM]
lets do this
[6:00 AM]
Our Creed is taken from human kind
[6:00 AM]
in it - it states that when we need it - bring a few things with you or PACK a few things
[6:01 AM]
during life you will be met with the fullness of it
[6:01 AM]
Life can be full
[6:01 AM]
enter a Creed
[6:01 AM]
a Creed can be used to remind us of our own choices
[6:02 AM]
THIS one in particular states that in times of need ....
[6:02 AM]
[6:02 AM]
so LOVE and Pardon and Faith and HOPE and Light and Joy are things we need to bring to the party

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 6:03 AM
The creed kind of works like a memory aid in a way

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:03 AM
Thats the purpose fro a Creed
[6:03 AM]
we can choose our creeds as much and as well as we can choose our seeds fro a garden or our socks fro the day
[6:04 AM]
depending on the person, a Creed can be a HUGE return
[6:04 AM]
A Creed reminds me of my LANDSCAPE
[6:04 AM]
the "bigger picture" some could say
[6:04 AM]
[6:05 AM]
How do you bring love and what type? What type of pardon faith hope joy light?
[6:05 AM]
How do we bring these to us in life and in our own paths?
[6:06 AM]
The last part of the Creed states .... console understand give and pardon
[6:06 AM]
go ahead Owl

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 6:06 AM
In our day to day life, we can change our way to handle events, with more virtues such as the ones from the creed

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:07 AM
we console.. how do we console others?
[6:07 AM]
how do we give to others?
[6:07 AM]
how do we pardon them?
[6:07 AM]
THIS "how we do it" is up to us
[6:07 AM]
how we console others
[6:08 AM]
how we give and how we pardon others is up to us
[6:08 AM]
if we try
[6:08 AM]
our choice

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 6:09 AM
We all have our own method to act upon those ideas, it depends on our own abilities and life experiences

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:09 AM
to be loved or to have love you must -which aint easy to recieve these types of things ONE must give them
[6:09 AM]
there is a little secret to these things but not much
[6:10 AM]
to become the focus of a creed you dwell in it
[6:10 AM]
ours is focused on PEACE
[6:10 AM]
lets face it and be honest- humans could use all the peace we can find some days
[6:11 AM]
So , I want to leave yall with this ... to be loved your gunna have to love which means people are gunna do un lovable things
[6:11 AM]
there will be thoses in our paths who will need a bit of... love or some pardon or some faith they need or the ligth at the end of the tunnel...
[6:12 AM]
we did
[6:12 AM]
I know I needed some one to guide me for a bit till I got on my own two feet
[6:12 AM]
To find what you need it
[6:12 AM]
most time that works
[6:13 AM]
There are songs books and poems written about this very idea
[6:13 AM]
peoples lifes have revolved around that one idea of be the change you want to see in your own path....
[6:14 AM]
So I encourage others to seek that which you seek and at the same time, be that which you need
[6:14 AM]
The Creed says we can be givers of these 6 small but powerful things
[6:15 AM]
even keepers and maybe even spreaders

Vincent Causse — Today at 6:15 AM
Often comes back to the need to self love

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:15 AM
Watch out - them Jedi are super spreaders lol !!!!

[6:15 AM]
they spread love
[6:15 AM]
they spread joy
[6:15 AM]
they spread pardon
[6:15 AM]
they spread hope
[6:15 AM]
they spread joy
[6:16 AM]
they spread faith
[6:16 AM]
the Creed- the ultimate Jedi super spreader
[6:17 AM]
it is in the action of these ideas that we find them
[6:17 AM]
We are human and we understand this
[6:19 AM]
so when you need one of these or just need some peace, find it and pass it, make it or borrow it but give it and I will tell you , I promise you - It always comes back. Peace Love Faith Hope Joy Light, those things beget themselves
[6:19 AM]
want more of them, use them
[6:19 AM]
wanna get better practice

River — Today at 6:19 AM
Peace, peace, pass

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:19 AM
[6:20 AM]
" the left hand side .." I think is the saying as well but thats the Idea

[6:20 AM]
give what ya got
[6:20 AM]
and if you aint got it
[6:20 AM]
go get it
[6:20 AM]
make it
[6:21 AM]
how do I make peace or find it? Give it
[6:21 AM]
How will I know? while you give it - while you serve - while you are in the THICK of things, there we find things often
[6:22 AM]
but like ripples in the WATER some ones gotta start them

River — Today at 6:22 AM
Do you know the children's song, The Magic Penny?

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:22 AM
[6:22 AM]
you got time to share it? (edited)
[6:24 AM]
The wife does from school

River — Today at 6:24 AM
It's basically a lost of virtues/ traits/ seeks, whatever you want to call them: love, peace, happiness, friendship. And the words of the verses are, using peace as an example,
Peace is something if you give it away
Give it away give it away
Peace is something if you give it away it comes right back to you

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:24 AM
I do not know this one but your on the money !!!! (edited)
[6:25 AM]
I do remember a small song similar .. "oh be carful little eyes ears and so on what you see...."
[6:25 AM]
but not to take away from that one Magic Penny is a neat idea
[6:25 AM]
tiss a love creed hu?

[6:26 AM]
It holds to the old Motif Love isnt love till you give it away hu
[6:26 AM]
that is the idea - to remember our choices
[6:27 AM]
and to be able to act on them
[6:27 AM]
its the action that changes things really
[6:28 AM]
River ima steal that from you and Malvina Reynolds

River — Today at 6:28 AM
Go for it. I was raised on that song lol

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:28 AM
thank you !!!!
[6:29 AM]
so there are a few schools of thought today , one is to sit and think and not act and the other is to act ....

River — Today at 6:29 AM
The chorus is:
It's just like a magic penny
Hold on tight and you won't have any
Spend it, lend it, give it away
It comes right back to you

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:30 AM
So there you go, on a Monday Pastor Carlos says act or do not...
[6:30 AM]
do or do not
[6:30 AM]
it is up to you

The chorus is: It's just like a magic penny Hold on tight and you won't have any Spend it, lend it, give it away It comes right back to you

River — Today at 6:31 AM
"It is in giving that we receive" ;)

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:31 AM
[6:31 AM]
most Creeds say the same idea in different ways
[6:31 AM]
we will bring ...this and that and stand for this no matter the cost !!!
[6:32 AM]
[6:32 AM]
but this particular Creed ...
[6:32 AM]
is a bit different
[6:32 AM]
we are bringers and keepers of things we need
[6:32 AM]
go figure
[6:33 AM]
we are the bringers and keepers - we take it with us
[6:33 AM]
we share
[6:33 AM]
thats all
[6:34 AM]
how do we find love according to this creed ? We love those who need it
[6:34 AM]
we love the unlovable
[6:34 AM]
we give faith to the faithless
[6:34 AM]
we pardon those who have offended us
[6:34 AM]
we give ligth to those who need it
[6:35 AM]
we bring joy
[6:35 AM]
It is my hope that the idea of our Creed fires you up and gives you a sense of peace as well
[6:36 AM]
The Creed - thats one of those things we all come together on and do differently
[6:36 AM]
...and thats ok too .
[6:36 AM]
So this week if you like, think abut this - YOUR Creed make you what? A bringer of what or a keeper of what....
[6:37 AM]
we can have more than one by the way
[6:37 AM]
a Jedi is rarely in the "one idea only" game
[6:38 AM]
any questions ?

Owl (any pronoun) — Today at 6:38 AM
Having multiple ideas can help with the understanding part


Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:38 AM
but at the same time there can be a balance too
[6:38 AM]
thats the THICK of it is our own balance
[6:39 AM]
we can find and make healthy balances
[6:39 AM]
we can share them and even ... join others
[6:40 AM]
being a Jedi is the cats meow some days for me or the Roos song!
[6:40 AM]
It is our hope here at the Temple that each of us finds that which we need or seek

@Pastor Carlos
being a Jedi is the cats meow some days for me or the Roos song!

River — Today at 6:41 AM
The duck's quack

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:41 AM
YUP! Todays Monday Morning Mediations comes from the Creed
[6:41 AM]
Our Creed makes us something ...
[6:42 AM]
Whats in your proverbial "wallet" What are you carrying around?
[6:42 AM]
It is my hope the Creed or some Creed lives in you always

[6:43 AM]
Creeds make humans strong
[6:44 AM]
need practice being a JEDI ....grab your Creed(s) and ....
[6:44 AM]
begin or...
[6:44 AM]
do it again
[6:44 AM]
by this, we remember our own choices often
[6:45 AM]
By this our CREED -we water our mental garden
[6:46 AM]
by practicing it- we tend the crop and seed
[6:47 AM]
the end fruit is we are able to be the carriers and givers of peace
[6:47 AM]
by loving and pardoning and giving faith and hope and being light and the joy
[6:49 AM]
May the Force be with you this week and ANYTIME you seek it
[6:49 AM]
thank yall

Taken from the Discord discussion

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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04 Jul 2022 13:25 #369122 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Our choices

Our beginnings: can be chosen.

If our focus determines our reality; then we can begin our day or our focus where we choose.

Pastor Carlos here, with a REMINDER of what we, as Jedi, believe.
In no shape or form do we ever give out specifics. Specifics are up to the individual and their own path and seek and focus.

This is where we choose to lay our focus when things get a bit..- well, when life happens.

"Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty.
In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice.
In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin.
In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time.
In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.
In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures.
In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression."

there is a Jedi saying in that our focus determines our reality
[6:03 AM]
its a human saying really lol
[6:03 AM]
but where you look, is what you tend to think on.

There is a freedom in reflection.

the ability to understand that, we choose some, if not many of the places we begin- (THIS) can help with the focus too
[6:06 AM]
our choices can have the ability's to make or create as much as they tear or harm
[6:06 AM]
case in point
[6:06 AM]
Jedi Believe
[6:06 AM]
We as Jedi believe in a few if not A LOT of things
[6:06 AM]
but we dont do em the same way

yet...we chose to unite under it
[6:08 AM]
one of our "beginnings" is shared and chosen
[6:09 AM]
one of the things in STAR WARS others rarely catch is that each Jedi has a religion and a structure of worship as well as culture all of their own..
[6:10 AM]
every one has the same FOCUS..... 'they just get there by their own means
[6:12 AM]
I want to encourage Jedi every today and for those who tune in "ahfta ahfta" to think on this if you like- We choose our beginnings at times - where we start. We can and we do.

so today and this week, "We CAN and do choose OUR beginnings "
[6:17 AM]
Todays Idea for the week is what have you chosen for YOUR beginning?
[6:17 AM]
Where does YOUR path begin and have you chosen where it does and ....when it does???
[6:18 AM]
Our level of participation always depends on US

[6:18 AM]
especially in a place like this and in life
[6:19 AM]
To get MORE out of life - just a bit Doctrine and Philosophy
[6:19 AM]
Jedi believe in a few things
[6:20 AM]
we choose to make a few things ..more of a focus than others ...
[6:20 AM]
Thats ok too
[6:20 AM]
be WARY is all we recommend
[6:21 AM]
"Know " is what our cry is often
[6:21 AM]
funny "Be Wary and Know "
[6:22 AM]
sounds like Mad Eye Moody from the Harry Potter series ----Constant Vigilance !!!!
[6:22 AM]
but thats one of the old Motifs too --- always think
[6:22 AM]
Thinking changes things
[6:22 AM]

Adding the Force to things can change the outcome too.

Stand tall in what you believe. Know what you believe. Proof it and give it a good study and see if it's really what you want. When it became yours, use it and stand tall. Be careful HOW you do things because with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is life. This is what we believe.
May the Force be with Y'all this week
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
The following user(s) said Thank You: River

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11 Jul 2022 14:08 #369269 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good time Zone and I hope you are well, Pastor Carlos here.

Monday Morning Meditations
Jedi Teaching number Ten

10. Jedi serve in many ways. Each action performed, no matter the scale, influences the world. With this in mind Jedi perform each action with peace, caring, love, compassion and humility. So it is that each Jedi improves the world with each deed they perform.

Our Peace Caring Love Compassion and Humility are all going to NOT BE THE SAME
[6:04 AM]
When you think about it like this, does it help to understand it a bit more ?
[6:05 AM]
Each of our Peace and Love and Caring and Compassion and Caring definitions will differ
[6:05 AM]
as will their actions (edited)
[6:06 AM]
ever think about that ?
[6:06 AM]
We BRING different versions of Love
[6:06 AM]
as we bring different versions of Peace

Jedi serve in many ways.
[6:15 AM]
we serve in many ways
[6:15 AM]
we do things together differently
[6:15 AM]
We have different levels of participation
[6:16 AM]
Some paths we are the chief advisors from nothing more than experience and some, we are still the for ever student
[6:16 AM]
Its this balance we like to remind others of and Jedi
[6:16 AM]
You can have your own balance
[6:16 AM]
while I have mine
[6:17 AM]
It dont have to look like yours
[6:17 AM]
thats ok too
[6:17 AM]
each Jedi improves the world with each deed they perform.
[6:17 AM]

[6:17 AM]

[6:17 AM]

[6:18 AM]

Which deed?
Which ones?
[6:18 AM]
when you bring ANY OF THEM
[6:18 AM]
[6:19 AM]
Be keepers of them
[6:19 AM]
[6:19 AM]
[6:19 AM]
[6:19 AM]
[6:19 AM]
YOUR Compassion
[6:20 AM]
I can not care like you
[6:20 AM]
I wont
[6:20 AM]
[6:20 AM]
You cant make me!!!!! JOKING but thats the truth
[6:20 AM]
To have more love, some times you need more people with different loves....
[6:20 AM]
Same can be said for everything else.
[6:20 AM]
Do you only have ONE VERSION of love?
[6:21 AM]
Can you have more ?
[6:21 AM]
Can you share em with others...

Study and Mentorship move mountains some days
[6:25 AM]
Doctrine and Philosophy go figure
[6:25 AM]
So today I want to remind us as Jedi and humans that we dont have to be like any one else
[6:25 AM]
We can not
[6:25 AM]
For what we do - there is no such thing as a cookie cutter Jedi
[6:26 AM]
Its impossible

We want to have the same SPIRIT as some or share the glow of some IDEAS
[6:31 AM]
Some do, some do wake up and want to burn the world, but thats not today lol
[6:31 AM]
The idea is that what we do can be the evidence of what is inside
[6:32 AM]
We can be holders and bringers of peace, caring, love, compassion and humility
[6:32 AM]
The big 5
[6:33 AM]
say those 5 over and over if you like
[6:33 AM]
We are keepers and seekers of these 5
[6:33 AM]
Some how- some way - Jedi central around this idea THESE 5
[6:34 AM]
It's our choice
[6:35 AM]
Wanna strike some one open your metaphorical hand - think about these 5 things you can give some one rather than a smack lol
[6:36 AM]
I do not promote violence in any way - all joking aside
[6:36 AM]
but the idea of these 5 ideas can be remembered by your hand too 5 fingers 5 ideas to keep

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"...gimme five!? Some days, Ima need em!" May the Force be with y'all!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
The following user(s) said Thank You: River, Kyledove

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11 Jul 2022 16:51 #369278 by Kyledove
Replied by Kyledove on topic The Block
Sadly due to work I had to miss this. Reading through it though allows me to still be a part of it. It has definitely struck some cords and gives my mind something to chew on for the day.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3

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