The Block

07 Mar 2022 12:35 #366749 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
if you can
[7:00 AM]
this weeks Doctrine is a Maxim again but this one is on DISCRETION
[7:00 AM]
or as it says .... Discretion: to become invisible
[7:01 AM]
Becoming Invisible is a huge hit on my own ego
[7:01 AM]
this is diectly one of the things i had to "un learn" on my path
[7:01 AM]
Discretion: To become invisible.

A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations.
[7:02 AM]
This one hit me this week hard
[7:02 AM]
There are things going on in life and in the world today that makes me want to do something
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There is a definite call for need TODAY
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to be invisible is the exact opposite what I have been taught- me getting all the glory is how MY ego works often automatically
[7:04 AM]
If no one knows it was ME then how will they know it was me???
[7:05 AM]
much of the ego can be reflected and even cultivated like and facet or any path of our lifes
[7:06 AM]
So many times I quote James Allen to say the mind is as a garden...

[7:07 AM]
what we grow or DONT grow or just let grow sometimes matters - weeds can mature as well and seed just like food (edited)
[7:08 AM]
so too the mind can cultivate ego hate love and forgiveness in so many combinations it can make you sit and think on it forever
[7:09 AM]
A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations. How do we help then?
[7:09 AM]
Then how do we give what we have to give? Ya know? how will we serve our l human

@Pastor Carlos
A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things. They do not actively interfere in worldly affairs and refrain from overtly supporting or opposing other individuals or organizations. How do we help then?

Vincent Causse — Today at 7:10 AM
our minds meet in here

Pastor Carlos — Today at 7:10 AM
in this- there lives the balance and the "garden Husbandry" so to speak
[7:10 AM]
nods at Vincent
[7:11 AM]
I heard some US Vets are going over to help fight on the side of Ukraine- I do not know if that is true or not
[7:12 AM]
I did read that there is a moment to allow others from surrounding countries HELP defend Ukraine
[7:13 AM]
and I heard you can send troops packages and letters fro support
[7:14 AM]
and I have seen the MASS services fro the people of Ukraine in prayer and in rotation of prayer so there is some one praying at these churches ALL THE TIME
[7:14 AM]
I have seen bookmarkers say if you have this say a "prayer fro peace in Ukraine"
[7:15 AM]
The level of involvement is always up to the individual
[7:15 AM]
A Jedi knows there is a time and place for all things.
[7:16 AM]
Know HOW YOU and WHAT YOUR limits are
[7:17 AM]
Im in no way shape or form ready to fly and fight fro the worlds nations fro freedom and such, I wanna - but I can not and thats ok
[7:17 AM]
there are ways to serve and diffrent ways to help
[7:19 AM]
In our paths I want to remind every Jedi there is a magic in Discretion at any level
[7:20 AM]
there is a level of maturity that comes with the seek for Discretion
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For a Jedi - its a beautiful thing
[7:21 AM]
It comes in so many forms
[7:21 AM]
Where does discretion come from, do you get it?
[7:21 AM]
Where and how can one find and cultivate Discretion ...hmmm
[7:22 AM]
This is the hope that thinking on the Doctrine can help spark
[7:22 AM]
There is a time and a place fro all things
[7:23 AM]
So many faiths paths ways and religions have this VERY idea in one way shape or form
[7:24 AM]
Some use forms or reminders or EXAMPLES or a story ....
[7:24 AM]
Some flat out say dont do this dont ask save yourself the hassle- dont
[7:25 AM]
This week - it is my hope that when we reflect or meditate- Discretion is a word that can pop up

[7:26 AM]
its a good thing to seek and to have and to maintain
[7:26 AM]
kinna like a sword or saber
[7:26 AM]
they go hand in hand
[7:26 AM]
honor and discretion
[7:28 AM]
I do remember my sword training lasted 3 months of teaching me how to NOT hurt myself and to NOT do the things I normally did like sit and walk... just learned a different way to walk and such
[7:29 AM]
the same can be said fro a Jedi 's path - there are a few things we will unlearn. or RE LEARN to do and thats ok too
[7:29 AM]
Discretion was one of these things
[7:30 AM]
I still battle with it I swear every day
[7:30 AM]
a healthy balance can be had by every one of us
[7:31 AM]
Ill preach THAT till the cows come home

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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The following user(s) said Thank You: River, Vincent Causse

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14 Mar 2022 12:30 #366947 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Today's Monday meditation is Jedi believe in the ethic of reciprocity.

I keep things in my pocket almost always. I got a cool set of pants with a few more than normal pockets. I am a very primitive person at times, and I am ok with that. In my balance and my pockets I have found rocks. Now, I will share this to y'all, I do commune with nature as often as I can. It is a chief goal of mine in my path to be one with my world. Now, in the Star Wars sagas there is a idea of preparation. The Jedi prepare themselves for every meeting. In the cinema world it takes them years to learn and hone their character to be Jedi. This is one of those ideas thats like a FORCE MOVE. Can you see it in your mind with me? Reciprocity. Did you hear the Force sound as I said it... I will try again ready...

Reciprocity - did it work?

All joking aside, this is one of the ideas we share but do not actually do the same. When it is time or when it is needed, I am reminded that I do believe in this. Often its like a rock in my pocket some times. I find it when I need it or do not. What do you do with it when its time? Do we let others have it! Here is what YOU DESERVE! I do not think that is the case. I do not think that these type of ideas are meant to harm as much as they can change the outcome. This week think on this, we believe in the ethic of reciprocity. It can change the outcome almost every time. What ya planting this spring? What will be in your garden, can ya dig it?!
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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28 Mar 2022 12:40 #367218 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Jediism is a religion based on the observance of the Force

We Observe the Force

Others Observe it too

This week think about this if you like... We are a group of people who observe the same thing yet... not one of us can describe it the same. That is ok too. We Observe the Force and those who observe it. We watch and watch those that watch. Thats all really. There is something in the SHARE when we do it that can only be experienced.
I want to encourage Jedi everywhere to observe the Force. Watch and study and see what it does. Where is it in your life and in your path and what's the value of it? Thats all we really ask. Ask yourself, what is THIS making me? Think about this this week if you like.

What ya looking at and what ya noticing?
May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Vincent Causse

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11 Apr 2022 12:22 #367481 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
The Big Three

There are many ways, paths, and roads that can take us to places and help lead us to things in our own Jedi paths. One of these opportunities is our 3 Tenets.

This progression can bring much change in a path. In life, there are times when we need help -"not hands on, let me take charge"- but a simple... reminder of where we need to be. I cannot and -will never- tell anyone where to go or who to seek or even what is right, that ain't my thing. What I will tell you, is in this particular path, the three Tenets, for me, has made its own applicable path- its almost amazing. Take this time this week to think on these three words or ideas in this order.
These three can let you choose or even timeout a few things that need it. They can remind you of YOUR own path when visiting others. Want a reminder of your own focus?
Happy seeking and May the Force be with you always
Pastor Carlos

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Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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11 Apr 2022 14:25 #367483 by jpadkins
Replied by jpadkins on topic The Block
Thank you Pastor Carlos again for a reminder that the doctrine is there to be put into our lives not to just look pretty.

JP Adkins
Licensed Minister of Jediism
Journals- IP / Apprentice / Seminary / AP /
Degrees Tracker
House of Br John
TM- Raxicorico
” May you feel the presence of the Force because the Force is always with you.”
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, River

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18 Apr 2022 12:44 #367618 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block if you need anything, feel free to call on me. I am here to serve ya

1. Jedi are in touch with the Force. We are open to spiritual awareness and keep our minds in tune with the beauty of the world. We are forever learning and open our minds to experiences and knowledge of ourselves and others.

The first Jedi teaching states this.

We are forever learning and open our minds to experiences and knowledge of ourselves and others.

I want to remind every Jedi anywhere that we are forever learners. What does a forever learner look like, look in the mirror and find out. One thing we DO share is this idea of the forever learner. I keep a braid for such things to remind me no matter how I think of me, I can always learn something.

When we "Keep our minds in tune," it will look and be different. The idea is to give US the room WE need to grow.
Take some time this week to think on this, if we look at the world what will we see? It is my hope that you see the beauty and the wonder and the splendor as well as the other things available. I hope you can be a part of it some way. Some days just knowing its there can be what I need or being a part of it hands on can help me too. In this day in age, finding uplifting things isnt hard, you just gotta do it.
Happy seeking and may the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: River, Devi Ruh

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25 Apr 2022 12:31 #367726 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Today's Monday morning Meditation comes from the "What we believe" section of the Doctrine.

"We as Jedi believe in the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society."

Now-a-days, you can see all the pain and hurt in the news and in society. For those who reflect and cultivate, I say press on! To those who are about to begin- I say, press on and to those who are wondering if they should reflect, do it!
One of the most influential people, or mentors, in my own path- was that of the individual who had enough heart to be them even when no one was looking. I was. I had never seen someone, grow in their learning. Let alone recommend I do it for myself. Our influence can be in what we do, how we do it, and even in what we say. We believe we can change the world through our influence.

What do we influence others to do, and is it done intentionally? Think about that this week Jedi if you like and May the Force be with y'all this week.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Devi Ruh

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25 Apr 2022 15:10 #367727 by jpadkins
Replied by jpadkins on topic The Block
Thank you so much for this today!

JP Adkins
Licensed Minister of Jediism
Journals- IP / Apprentice / Seminary / AP /
Degrees Tracker
House of Br John
TM- Raxicorico
” May you feel the presence of the Force because the Force is always with you.”
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3

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02 May 2022 12:15 #367826 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Jedi Teaching this week is number 8!

8. Jedi are patient. We work on training ourselves not to precipitate events around us. We know that becoming a Jedi is long and hard and requires rigorous dedication and commitment. Jedi train to act with a conscientious state of calmness.

I have met a few calm people in my life, but I have never met any naturally calm people. I have met people patient before and they all say it's something you have to work for. For those few who have it naturally, find me and teach this old dog new tricks please, for the rest of us it will take cultivation. Jedi understand it takes time. If you really sit or think about things, nothing we seek in our paths is given or automatic. On a self reflective path there can be understanding and enlightenment from sharing. We see those who have taken time to grow and we listen. We watch time and can realize that some things are worth growing while other efforts are adjusted. Calm can be cultivated. Find it. Chances are some one around you is that very Yoda for you. Think about it this week friend and Jedi - one of the things we DO SHARE is that focus oof trying to cultivate calmness. I am seeking it daily. Happy seeking, Bring it or be it.

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: River

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11 May 2022 12:15 #368019 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

This is usually posted on a Monday but here lately there has been many things to do in the wee hours of the week so here we go!

5. Jedi understand that well-being consists in the physical, the mental and the spiritual. A Jedi trains each to ensure they remain capable of performing their duties to the best of their ability. All of these are interconnected and essential parts of our training in becoming more harmonious with the Force.

Number Five has Three parts and is a reminder to us, that a good balance can come in parts too.

The BIG 3 are here --The mind The body and The soul.

Our path can be in our hands and there can be parts to how we study and seek and act.
Here is a excerpt from Monday morning Meditations:

"All of these are interconnected and essential parts of our training in becoming more harmonious with the Force.
[6:39 AM]
then out
[6:39 AM]
this are the INSIDE PART
[6:39 AM]
A Jedi trains each to ensure they remain capable of performing their duties to the best of their ability.
[6:39 AM]
3 parts for a 3 part person lol
[6:40 AM]
This week it is my hope that we think on things like this
[6:40 AM]
we have parts
[6:40 AM]
we have paths
[6:40 AM]
[6:40 AM]
there is sooo much there with us
[6:40 AM]
and being Human
[6:40 AM]
It is my hope that being Jedi helps
[6:41 AM]
We can find harmony
[6:41 AM]
we can be keepers of it too
[6:41 AM]
even dispensers lol
[6:41 AM]
some keep the harmony some give it others teach it..."

end of line

We can find, make, keep and even give harmony and in the end, isn't that a much bigger focus?


May the Force be you
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Vincent Causse

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