real force users

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26 May 2011 00:05 #39026 by
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I've felt the force before but I kinda have to pump up to a miracle, like does anyone here actually have force capabilities, I should be tested because this one day in the Basketball Gym at the YMCA I force pushed this guy completely being taken over by the force to do it to this guy, he klunked on the ground it was awesome, my arm and hand were sucked up by severe force pressure and a blast came out of my hand and knocked the guy over no crap I'm not lying to sound cool, it was just the awesomest day of my life.

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28 May 2011 12:38 #39104 by
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In a word..Yes. However I use it in many applications ,Tho recently I have found that Ki (the Force) is contoling all my actions.

It is when you use the Force with deliberation that one feels its warmth. IE Shai atsu draws bad energy from the body and keeps a good balance .

In my martial arts I use energy from from an attack and move it away.If one is given this energy in an attack it only polite to give it back lol.

I havn't mastered moving objects as yet. Tho I have on occasions managed to disrupt a persons aura by using the palm of my hand about an inch from their body. hasn't worked all the time. But then I am but a student in life.

Yours in the spirit of Budo


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28 May 2011 16:03 - 28 May 2011 16:14 #39105 by Jon
Replied by Jon on topic Re: real force users
I`m sorry for spoiling the fun but this all sounds like someone has been taking some kind of hard narcotics, or has problems in discerning reality from fiction. What`s next Force lightening? Now lets phantacise that this were possible, and we are hurling things or people around the room, don`t you think it is also a part of say being a Jedi of questioning what you are doing? You felt good about this guy slamming on the ground, but did he? What makes you think he deserved this? What does such an action make you? Now really, is it not more important knowing what you are doing, why you are doing it, what consequences your actions are having than say flying around the room, frying someone with lightening etc. You know what I did resently? I stretched out both my arms took two solid steps forward and helped an old lady across the road. Now that was really cool. The energy I transmitted was so powerful that I got back the biggest smile I could possibly hope for. But then again that`s boring isn`t it, no one wants to read about that, nor would anyone put anything of the kind in a movie especially a star wars movie. But you know I felt good, she felt good, I also helped to move her from A to B, we communicated beyond words and understood each other. What more could a human being wish for?

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.
Last edit: 28 May 2011 16:14 by Jon.

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28 May 2011 17:17 #39107 by
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There seems to be a misunderstanding from judahbenkenobi that the sort of "Force abilities" shown in the movies actually exist. As MikeBudo has said, the Force in reality is known by many names such as Chi or Prana. It can be used for many different applications and martials arts are one of those activities that utilise it for a purpose. But as GM Jon has said, what are the motivations for learning such things? A Jedi is not concerned with the acquisition of power but with the effect that their actions and thoughts have on everyone and eveything around him/her. OK, so a Master of Qigong (for example) can use what we call the Force to hurl someone across a room but to what end? If you're looking to achieve such things, then spent decades of your life in constant study and practice as everyone else has to. But along the way you may well find that your motivations change and that you no longer seek the ego-driven nonsense that you thought was important when you were younger.

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28 May 2011 21:44 #39111 by
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Greetings Master Mark

I do agree with you learning to use the Force for gain is no way acceptable. There are those who would choose to benefit from that.That is not Bushido nor is it in Jediism. I for one most certainly do not. I train because I love what I do it has made me a better person ..well I hope so anyway.

Yours In budo Mike

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28 May 2011 22:27 #39112 by Jon
Replied by Jon on topic Re: real force users
Let us not forget though that if we don`t love ourselves then how can you love others. Sorry for the pun but there is an element of truth in it. How can Jedi give anything they don`t themselves possess? There is always personal gain, but in the hindsight of sharing this. Not only this is a Jedi traight however but the ability to keep a good grasp on reality, without it what we would have would be only hot air.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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29 May 2011 02:05 #39115 by
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Hello Masters

If we look back in time to the Shaolin monks then we see that they could use energy to kill, push etc. But they did so only if they had no other choice. There are many accounts of this training and seeing how only those that had been training for many many years masted the ability are the only ones accounted. Even thou all the monks were taught this ability. So its not so far fetched to be able to push some one away with energy alone. But what reasoning would we to day have for learning such an ability.

For give me if I sound so nevi for saying this.

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29 May 2011 04:18 #39119 by
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My personal experience of being saved over 10 times where I know I should have died. Moved an inch to the right and avoided a bullet, didn't step toward the waiting suspect with a knife, knew when others where around, dodged cars and trucks in traffic as if reflex. It feels as if I'm not in control, yet knowing everything is all right at the same time. Giving in to the force takes practice and mediation. The force fine tunes your senses an allows faster than normal reaction. Harnessing this gift is the journey we all must take. It's a long road.

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29 May 2011 05:51 #39121 by
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As I said, I agree that such abilities as being able to "force push" people can be learned (search youtube for "Qigong Master" for one such practical demonstration) but this takes years of practice. Anyone spending that much time learning such arts will also learn to control themselves and learn about the wise application of power that they wouldn't want to do it just to push someone around. MikeBudo will testify to this too - anyone learning martial arts from a reputable source would be taught the ethics and responsibility of such training. Just because you an do something doesn't necessarily mean that you should.

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29 May 2011 07:51 #39122 by Jestor
Replied by Jestor on topic Re: real force users
Very interesting.... I searched "Qigong Master" on YouTube... Very Interesting....

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