Holocrons and the New Canon

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28 Feb 2017 22:25 #277277 by
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one thing I have noticed throughout the years and that is sometimes fact is Stranger Than Fiction or stories
just to lighten the mood I believe you are both right then my master said they both can't be right and then I replied yes you are right
enjoy today my friends

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01 Mar 2017 15:11 - 01 Mar 2017 15:13 #277328 by
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Trisskar wrote:
Grey Jedi (Of which he specifically asked about) were akin to drop outs and rule breakers. I specifically made these distinctions because real world Jedi tend to over fantasize the idea of using dark and lightside without understanding the repercussions of what that actually entails.

But is that a bad thing? Do you think the path of the Jedi is the only true path for a force user and all others are simply corruptions of that path or can there be multiple points of view all just as valid as the next? Just because a force user does not agree with the Jedi path (Even one that used to follow that path) I don't think it automatically makes them rule breakers and dropouts except from the point of view of the Jedi themselves.

From my point of view the path of the Grey is the more correct path because from that point of view the Jedi path is one of the denial of part of themselves and this is not a natural state to exist in. We each use the light side and the dark side of the force every single day whether we acknowledge that or not. I don't think anyone can reasonably deny that, so to then turn around and say that we don't or won't use one aspect of our nature seems ludicrous.

I think this goes for real life and the movies. This is the failure of the Jedi and the Sith and the very reason they have experienced so much personal conflict among their two factions. We can all pretend that we can separate the light from the dark and then call a distinction but in reality this is actually just an exercise in futility. Until we recognize that fact we only fight with ourselves.
Last edit: 01 Mar 2017 15:13 by .

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01 Mar 2017 18:02 #277343 by
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Again....you are putting waaaaay too much into it ;)

Qui Gon Jin - Is one of the leading examples that Gray Jedi use to validate their path. Why? Because he commonly broke the rules, rose up against the council decisions and did things his own way.

Mace Windu - Another famous Jedi with Gray like tendancies that Gray Jedi "Realists" practically adore. They adore him because he walks that thin line between light and dark and gets away with testing these boundaries. And when matters got tough, he took matters into his own hands (Which by the way killed him ;) )

Jolee Bindo - Prime example of "Gray Jedi" in wookiepedia - Again, a Jedi who dropped out of the order, followed a cultish sect (Raven of all people) and eventually the Sith Empire. Not to mention a bit...cookoo in the head ;)

Soooooo......Yes. It is reasonable to say that most if not all "Gray Jedi" were in fact. Drop outs and Rule Breakers.

No where in that conclusion did I ever insert my own, personal, realistic beliefs on Force Studies and Philosophical methods of living in today's world ;)

I believe that there is no "Sides" in the force
I believe that there is no realistic means of living in some sort of "Balance" (If there are no sides what exactly are you balancing?)
I believe that there are plenty of times when the elite structures and rules of an order (Or *cough*Temple*cough*) are disruptive and limiting to certian individuals.
I believe in forging my own path and creating my own structures (Just Jedi)
I believe in striving for a Harmonious pressence with everything (Not just the force) around you

None of that. Has anything to do with Gray Jedi in fiction and the real fact that they were called "Gray Jedi" due to their actions of once being Jedi....then defaying said Jedi ways.

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01 Mar 2017 18:33 #277353 by
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While I agree completely with your life philosophy in the fact that the Force has no sides, my point here is I think they are also trying to present the same philosophy from a movie context as well. I know that Lucas had a specific agenda in depicting a struggle between good and evil in stark contrast but I think, especially now that Disney has taken the reigns, they are getting away from that to present a reality in which the force really has no sides and the Jedi and the Sith just have yet to realize this.

As for my reading to much into these things, well isn't that why we are all here? lol. If we don't see the rabbit holes that are this mythology then we are just marking time in this place. In that respect I don't see how we can ever "read to much" into these things, but that's just me, hehe. :P ;)

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01 Mar 2017 18:44 #277354 by
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Kyrin Wyldstar wrote: While I agree completely with your life philosophy in the fact that the Force has no sides, my point here is I think they are also trying to present the same philosophy from a movie context as well. I know that Lucas had a specific agenda in depicting a struggle between good and evil in stark contrast but I think, especially now that Disney has taken the reigns, they are getting away from that to present a reality in which the force really has no sides and the Jedi and the Sith just have yet to realize this.

As for my reading to much into these things, well isn't that why we are all here? lol. If we don't see the rabbit holes that are this mythology then we are just marking time in this place. In that respect I don't see how we can ever "read to much" into these things, but that's just me, hehe. :P ;)

Right but....maybe in its own thread? ;) This was supposed to be about Holocrons in the new cannon :-p

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01 Mar 2017 18:55 #277355 by
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LOL agreed!
Good conversation though! Thanks!

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03 Mar 2017 21:57 #277503 by
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Trisskar wrote: This was supposed to be about Holocrons in the new cannon :-p

Oh good, I was about to ask about that, haha. We seem to have fallen off-track, I haven't heard much talk about holocrons. :laugh:

I'm still curious if they are made of/contain kyber, to attune to masters who may put their personalities into it for instructive purposes. It does seem like it would make sense, right?

Also, side-question, still about holocrons, but... how far do you guys suppose we'd be from something similar? Let's say an AI used for the purposes of teaching. Like Watson with a holographic body, maybe? Contained within a small, cubic, portable computer.

I suppose the battery issue would have to be taken care of first, but I could see a sort of holo-lens thing like they have for some tech being used, and then a mic and speakers for interface... though getting all the information on a hard drive may take another decade of getting high volumes of data into a compact space.

I've also been working on a personal project of video/audio clips from the movies and shows involving philosophical beliefs, as a sort of personal "Holocron." But I wonder if that could be expanded upon with... I dunno... actual philosophers or something... would require more tech than I have available, haha.

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03 Mar 2017 22:48 #277508 by
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Xiam wrote: Also, side-question, still about holocrons, but... how far do you guys suppose we'd be from something similar? Let's say an AI used for the purposes of teaching. Like Watson with a holographic body, maybe? Contained within a small, cubic, portable computer.

We are actually not too far off. ;)

There is a reason why Quartz Crystals is a #1 stone in just about any mystical practice old and new.


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04 Mar 2017 05:06 #277538 by
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Trisskar wrote:

Xiam wrote: Also, side-question, still about holocrons, but... how far do you guys suppose we'd be from something similar? Let's say an AI used for the purposes of teaching. Like Watson with a holographic body, maybe? Contained within a small, cubic, portable computer.

We are actually not too far off. ;)

There is a reason why Quartz Crystals is a #1 stone in just about any mystical practice old and new.


Almost sounds like I need to write up a new topic: "Is quartz kyber?"

Short thread. Answer: "No, it breaks easily, because it's glass." :laugh:

Warning: Spoiler!

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04 Mar 2017 12:59 #277551 by
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Xiam wrote: Almost sounds like I need to write up a new topic: "Is quartz kyber?"

Short thread. Answer: "No, it breaks easily, because it's glass." :laugh:

Meh....Beggers Can't be Choosers XD

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