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23 Feb 2012 22:01 #51403
Creationism was created by
As I'm never one to avoid controversy, I want to acknowledge the problem creationists pose to Christianity, particularly in the USA. I want to hear everyone's experience with it and tips on how to fight it.
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24 Feb 2012 01:12 #51415
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
umm...doesn't creationism and Christianity kind of go hand in hand? lol And why is it just Christianity you're targeting? Jews are the same. So are Muslims.Same basic belief systems. One all-mighty God, creates the universe and everything in it.
I personally believe in creationism, but not in the same way as most people. I believe God set forth events. He caused the "big bang". Yes, he may have created the world in 7 days, but the Bible tells us that a day in Heaven is not the same as a day here on earth. I believe that when the conditions were right, he began the process of creating life.
By the way, I do hope you plan to be more respectful this time around. Last time you brought up creationism, you used the term "retarded creationists". Please be mature and respectful about this this time. That is how a Jedi is supposed to be, and it is part of what this forum is for...a place where people can respect others' point of views without name calling and disrespect. *steps off of soap box*
I personally believe in creationism, but not in the same way as most people. I believe God set forth events. He caused the "big bang". Yes, he may have created the world in 7 days, but the Bible tells us that a day in Heaven is not the same as a day here on earth. I believe that when the conditions were right, he began the process of creating life.
By the way, I do hope you plan to be more respectful this time around. Last time you brought up creationism, you used the term "retarded creationists". Please be mature and respectful about this this time. That is how a Jedi is supposed to be, and it is part of what this forum is for...a place where people can respect others' point of views without name calling and disrespect. *steps off of soap box*
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24 Feb 2012 01:48 - 24 Feb 2012 01:50 #51417
by Locksley
We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away. -- J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5
Replied by Locksley on topic Re: Creationism
I've run into these people before... now no offense to anyone who holds such beliefs and keeps them to him/herself (no attempts at converting others), but all of the creationists I've met so-far have been utterly ridiculous and fanatical to the point where they became almost violently agitated when queried seriously about their beliefs. Most of the hard-core creationists simply aren't willing to even consider the possibility of anything outside their ingrained belief system. Of course I can't blame them personally, these things are merely a product of their upbringing.
Because of this though it does make it awfully hard to consider opening their minds. You might have luck with some of them, especially in the younger crowd, but to do so would require the level of charisma and eloquent argumentative skills usually reserved for presidents or shoe salesman. (Besides, then you're just doing what they do, in reverse. No preaching at all dammit!)
My best answer for combating archaic belief systems is to simply be there; lead by example. Show the youngest generations that there's a different way of looking at things, give the kids an option in their lives while they're still young enough to to be open-minded. Eventually, over time and with a little luck, the old belief systems will simply cease to exist as a new way of looking at the world begins to creep into the mass consciousness. Course that's just me being hopeful. My best advice is don't try to discuss any serious topic with a hard-core creationist unless you're within screaming distance of a friendly cop.
Because of this though it does make it awfully hard to consider opening their minds. You might have luck with some of them, especially in the younger crowd, but to do so would require the level of charisma and eloquent argumentative skills usually reserved for presidents or shoe salesman. (Besides, then you're just doing what they do, in reverse. No preaching at all dammit!)
My best answer for combating archaic belief systems is to simply be there; lead by example. Show the youngest generations that there's a different way of looking at things, give the kids an option in their lives while they're still young enough to to be open-minded. Eventually, over time and with a little luck, the old belief systems will simply cease to exist as a new way of looking at the world begins to creep into the mass consciousness. Course that's just me being hopeful. My best advice is don't try to discuss any serious topic with a hard-core creationist unless you're within screaming distance of a friendly cop.

We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away. -- J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5
Last edit: 24 Feb 2012 01:50 by Locksley.
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24 Feb 2012 01:59 #51419
by Proteus
House of Orion
Offices: Education Administration
TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)
The Book of Proteus
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Replied by Proteus on topic Re: Creationism
To fight something like this is to fight something that has no end or solution. As long as man exists, this point of view shall exist. You'll be going in circles. I'd rather prefer to teach myself how to intelligently and maturely co-exist with them instead. We're all on the same boat having to experience the same things no matter the difference in the labels we give these experiences. While you choose to "fight" fanatics like these, you are simply adhering to the same ideals that they are with others (ex. "Fight the terrorists!!). In this way, you aren't exactly setting yourself apart from them. This is the differences that matter to me. Some of us want to go out and "save the world from doom", and others have come to see that there is nothing to save from any doom but ourselves.
“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”
― Bruce Lee |
House of Orion
Offices: Education Administration
TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)
The Book of Proteus
IP Journal | Apprentice Volume | Knighthood Journal | Personal Log
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24 Feb 2012 02:05 #51420
by ren
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
Replied by ren on topic Re: Creationism
There will be a big war soon enough, and everyone's going to die, except for the smart guys living in space. Survival of the fittest (I mean, the guy in the rocket -- no not the one with the nukes) will take care of that creationist problem.
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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24 Feb 2012 02:40 #51423
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
I do not see a need to fight. They are entitled to their opinion just as much as anyone else.
If the subject comes up and you do not think things will remain civil do not allow yourself to be drawn into a debate, simply state your beliefs and try to agree to disagree.
After all a Jedi is first and foremost an instrument of peace.
If the subject comes up and you do not think things will remain civil do not allow yourself to be drawn into a debate, simply state your beliefs and try to agree to disagree.
After all a Jedi is first and foremost an instrument of peace.
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24 Feb 2012 02:50 #51424
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
After spending more time thinking about it, I have to ask......why does it really matter? Seriously. We as a society spend so much time arguing about another persons belief system. Why? What is the point? There are a million things in this world that bother the hell out of me, yes, but I find it a waste of energy to argue about it. I get up, I eat, I poop and pee, I work, just like everyone else. What I believe has no effect in how society functions. Unless what someone believes is harmful, I really see no use in arguing. Someone believing God created everything in 7 days is not harmful to you. So, why does it matter?
I do like to open people's eyes, and I do like talking about different points of views with people, but in the end, it always leads to arguing and people acting like children. I've lost count of the debates I have literally walked away from because someone started raising their voice or name calling or belittling another person. I have ZERO respect for people who take that rout, and want nothing to do with them until I see them grow up and not take that rout. I don't tolerate it for my beliefs, and I don't tolerate it for another persons belief, where I agree with them or not. I will stand up for someone whether I agree with them or not...this includes radical creationists.
I do like to open people's eyes, and I do like talking about different points of views with people, but in the end, it always leads to arguing and people acting like children. I've lost count of the debates I have literally walked away from because someone started raising their voice or name calling or belittling another person. I have ZERO respect for people who take that rout, and want nothing to do with them until I see them grow up and not take that rout. I don't tolerate it for my beliefs, and I don't tolerate it for another persons belief, where I agree with them or not. I will stand up for someone whether I agree with them or not...this includes radical creationists.
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24 Feb 2012 03:15 #51428
Replied by on topic Re: Creationism
When you get to Alan Watts you may find a different notion of the futility of pondering our place in the universe.
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24 Feb 2012 03:15 - 24 Feb 2012 03:17 #51429
by Locksley
We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away. -- J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5
Replied by Locksley on topic Re: Creationism
I agree with the general live and let live philosophy... however the times I've encountered people like this they are far from willing to let anyone who doesn't believe in their ways go without a fight be it verbal or physical. Like I've said before elsewhere I have no problems with what people choose to believe as long as A) Their beliefs don't in any way harm others or the world around them and B)They don't force their children to believe what they believe.
I have a number of really good friends who are christian, they chose that path for themselves it wasn't something they were forced into because of complete intolerance from family or local society. They live happy, good lives and are willing to discuss at length their belief system so far as to admitting that their beliefs might be wrong (they still believe, but they are very open minded when it comes to their beliefs). As far as I can see people who are completely close-minded are one of the biggest problems today and have been the cause for much of the suffering throughout history (not just religious zealots mind you, anyone with a completely closed mind).
I agree personally with most of what Hadi (and pretty much everyone here) has said so far! I agree that we're all just human and should get along... that's one of the reasons Jedi seem like such a great idea, we're the mediators, the peacemakers, the people who don't pick a side but choose to stand in the middle and help both sides see common ground. Unfortunately there are some people out there who are unwilling to even consider anything outside of their beliefs and are willing to go to any extremes to convert other to their beliefs and attack those who do not believe in what they believe. It's my greatest hope therefor that somehow a mass change in consciousness will someday take place, after which any belief that seeks to divide humanity will simply cease to hold any potency.
I have a number of really good friends who are christian, they chose that path for themselves it wasn't something they were forced into because of complete intolerance from family or local society. They live happy, good lives and are willing to discuss at length their belief system so far as to admitting that their beliefs might be wrong (they still believe, but they are very open minded when it comes to their beliefs). As far as I can see people who are completely close-minded are one of the biggest problems today and have been the cause for much of the suffering throughout history (not just religious zealots mind you, anyone with a completely closed mind).
I agree personally with most of what Hadi (and pretty much everyone here) has said so far! I agree that we're all just human and should get along... that's one of the reasons Jedi seem like such a great idea, we're the mediators, the peacemakers, the people who don't pick a side but choose to stand in the middle and help both sides see common ground. Unfortunately there are some people out there who are unwilling to even consider anything outside of their beliefs and are willing to go to any extremes to convert other to their beliefs and attack those who do not believe in what they believe. It's my greatest hope therefor that somehow a mass change in consciousness will someday take place, after which any belief that seeks to divide humanity will simply cease to hold any potency.
We are all the sum of our tears. Too little and the ground is not fertile, and nothing can grow there. Too much, the best of us is washed away. -- J. Michael Straczynski, Babylon 5
Last edit: 24 Feb 2012 03:17 by Locksley.
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24 Feb 2012 06:06 #51437
by Br. John
Founder of The Order
Replied by Br. John on topic Re: Creationism
How can the creationist issue be separated from the Bible Literalist issue? Genesis gives two different accounts of creation and they contradict each other. Later in the Old Testament The Bible clearly states that Earth is fixed and unmovable with four corners. I'm sure you all know what happened to Galileo for saying Earth was not the center of the universe.
I've never met a Creationist who did not frame this as an argument for believing in God or not. As though to believe in evolution was the same as not believing in God.
This is refreshing: http://ThankGodForEvolution.com/
I've never met a Creationist who did not frame this as an argument for believing in God or not. As though to believe in evolution was the same as not believing in God.
This is refreshing: http://ThankGodForEvolution.com/
Founder of The Order
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