"God Hates Gays"

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28 Nov 2011 01:06 #45089 by
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Everyone has a right to their own opinions (including the men and women of the cloth) but I don't agree with "God hates gays." My uncle's Boyfriend (yes his bf) is in fact a ordained preacher of a local church where I am told the gay community goes to worship god in a unjudging area. Just because they do things a normal straight man wouldn't do it shouldn't matter, if you don't agree then don't do it but don't ever bash. Bashing on someone only hurts them and we all have feelings which destroys self esteem. This happens in schools across the country where gay children are so upset they commit suicide. In the end what does it accomplish? All it did was basically murder a poor innocent confused child that only wanted to fit in and feel accepted. Most gay men and women CANNOT choice to turn it off because it IS a biological misfire. Now if God made us in his own image then it shouldn't matter if someone is gay or straight we are all equals.

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20 Feb 2012 13:27 #50990 by
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Ok so i am mostly Christian based but I've been learning a lot about Islam of late and due to my state of life I have come across taqwacore or Islamic punk rockers.

The idea of punk abrahamics is still a stride for my head to wrap around but there was a very worth message put out

"our Allah is to big for my Islam to be so small"

It is not a far stretch to replace Allah with God or Jesus and Islam with Christianity.
The old testament is there for us to learn of our god and the world of Jesus to give us better understanding of the depths is his sacrifice. It was not given to beat or break our neighbors.

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20 Feb 2012 14:16 #51013 by
Replied by on topic Re: "God Hates Gays"
I would counter act by saying its over 2000+ years old... times change, if people do not look at evolution we are doomed.. we as jedi.. focus on now.. not what was..

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21 Feb 2012 00:10 #51056 by
Replied by on topic God hates gays
Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine
  and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all
  planes.”—The Kybalion

I do not practice an Abrahamic Faith. I am a Hermitist.

The great Seventh Hermetic Principle—the Principle of Gender-embodies the truth that there is Gender manifested in everything-that the Masculine and Feminine principles are ever present and active in all phases of phenomena, on each and every plane of life. At this point we think it well to call your attention to the fact that Gender, in its Hermetic sense, and Sex in the ordinarily accepted use of the term, are not the same.

The word “Gender” is derived from the Latin root meaning “to beget; to procreate; to generate; to create; to produce.”

Both the male and female are contained in every organism in ALL of its aspects, from the monad to the universe. Gender is a manifestation of the ALL, and is necessary to creation of everything from the monad to the universe.

Male cannot beget with male, nor female with female. Only through the union of masculine and feminine can any creation be wrought.

This having been said, it is my beleif that god neither loves nor hates gays.

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21 Feb 2012 02:15 #51066 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
I don't quite understand what your point is. You seem to be saying that only heterosexual union produces offspring (agreed) and that the roots of the word "gender" come from the Latin "genus" (agreed). Of course, you don't mention that more recent versions of the word came to mean "type" as a more generic term but that's beside the point. Other than agreeing with the etymology of the word and the biological reality of procreation, what is your point and what has it got to do with the title of the post?

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21 Feb 2012 02:36 #51078 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
[/quote]This having been said, it is my beleif that god neither loves nor hates gays.[/quote]

How can you be the one who determines what god loves and does not love. You have much to learn about the creator/creation relationship and much to learn of an open heart.

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21 Feb 2012 02:38 #51079 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
I wasn't trying to make any point at all. I was only offering my point of view on the matter. I realize that at present it will seem to be incomplete, because in truth it is. This was due to a time constraint. A matter I intend to correct.

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21 Feb 2012 02:45 #51080 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
I have made no determination of that kind. Belief, and determination are not the same thing. My statement was I believe, not that I determine the truth to be. I merely wanted to offer an alternative point of view, not to spark a debate.

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21 Feb 2012 02:47 #51081 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
With a Topic title as "God Hates gays" you are bound to get a debate... thanks for the clarifcation though.

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21 Feb 2012 02:56 #51082 by
Replied by on topic Re: God hates gays
This is an oversight on my part. I wished to respond to the original posting of this topic, but I mistakenly selected new topic instead of reply. I wasn't the one who made the original post.

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