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There was a monk who went to a slaughter house; and instead of buying a lamb to release as a pious act , as it was called,  he searched for a shop keeper to sell him 500 fish or minnows to release into the sea. The monk found a bait shop after a while that would sell him the bait -as no one wanted to sell him bait just for releasing it... he took buckets and as the story is told by Joseph Campbell “ a constellation of beauties “ and went down to the shore. They dumped the fish back and had a wonderful ceremony, songs, you name it, the works! [I'ma directly quote this one- it’s the only way to get the whole shabangabang-] “ Well, pelicans flocked from every point of the compass and the little monk ran back and forth, waving his robes, trying to keep the pelicans away. 

The monk took sides. He wasn’t in the middle place.  

This story helps me remember that most things - most actions - regardless of "MY" intent or if we think we are doing something one way - can be very different from some one else’s side. 

There the idea of reciprocation or equal exchange even balance or when things even out - what ever we call it - The Force will always find balance. Will we be willing- when it does? and we forget, or didn’t know; or just not prepared for what happens?  

What’s good for the pelicans isn’t always good for fish. What’s beneficial is really up to the individual and their needs at that moment. Things will change and with or without our consent some times. Some times, it may seem like our endeavors crash or even fail. What the monk wanted, wasn’t what actually happened. Ever live in that place - wishing something was one way; when you’re actually where you’re at in the moment? I do some times. My encouragement to those who do is- don’t get lost. The power of living in the moment can grant a freedom only we can describe and hope others can have. Live in the present or as some say - in the now. Not only be present but pay attention to things as well- we can do some silly thing often. Pure human. Happens to clergy monks and dads... moms... doctors patients and Jeddist alike. Hope this helps some how, some way, like it did me.

May the Force we all seek, serve, and share find us in the seek.


Pastor Carlos