Hits: 1978

There is a story about 3 people. No names or much to describe them other than they were servants. These 3 were given money by the person in charge of the house. What they did with them is the reason for the story. Two of them turn the money into more money. The other dug it into the ground and gave it right back to the boss just the way they received it, maybe with a bit of dirt on it too. Now, as a modern day Jeddist, we each have our "talents." Some of us have a way with things that dwarf others. Our ability's arnt limited to our faith but rather the potential that dwells in each of us. The human potential dwells in each of us. Our faith and titles and those around just benefit from them. What ya doing with your talent? What ya doing with what is worth ... in you? In this day and time- in the real world, do we put our ideas in the dirt because they arnt like the others or the ever famous-"Im not like them?" Im here to tell you today- with 7.7 BILLION others, you and your talent is enough and you CANT be like every one else. Don't try. Be you. In all the entire world there is only you and you are enough. Your talents are who make you , you. Measuring talents by others is a very good way to see things as they are not. Regardless of what we choose to be, our talents can be used, maximized or hidden. The choice is always ours. May the Force be with yall and may you find it as we all seek serve and share it.

Pastor Carlos