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Did I get your attention? Hope so. In the pursuit of things on one’s path, we can find ourselves as Jeddist wondering. This is a good thing. Wonder and ask and seek, that’s the good stuff! Now, ever wonder about the "pause" in nature and in things around us? As modern day Jeddist, we can’t deny a few things, evidence in nature is one of them. However, you apply that, is a gift from the Force to each of us. In this present world there is a pause in life. Ever notice it? It comes in various forms, but no one can deny that at any given moment in life, there’s a pause sometimes before or even during things. Ever see it? It comes in various forms and moments but it’s there. 

One thing I loved about the Movie Jedi was that pause.... 

In the movies, Jedi are thinkers before actors. The idea as modern day Jeddist can be to be that very thing now. To be that type of observer and practitioner... along with others who do the same thing yet, have their own ways of doing it. In the movies some glow or shut their eyes or shake an appendage or something... but it’s that pause of thinking or connection observance that they take. 

We can presently take that time out. (I just did as I am typing.) We can do this anywhere and everywhere. Ever feel like your connection to the Force or what you bring as the Force is kind of getting weak? Re up. Connect again.  Take a time out. Faithfulness finds favor.

In the movies, we see Knights tuck in their hands and stop and think often. Then they look away bit where they contemplate infinity and all that but that is the idea. Some of us do it all the time and call it other things and can testify to what the Force can bring at moment like these in the real world. Plant something different... plant a time out. Blow a whistle or take a pause but as Pastor here I can encourage you as often as you can to practice your faith. Do it. Seek and don’t stop. At times remember, take a moment of time to let things get ... quiet or make those moment to pause and see the difference. Give moments for the settle and thought. These, I think are worth sharing and passing and meeting for, moment like these and ideas like these.

A Jeddist is smart... Yea you. You who claim to be modern day Jeddist. Jedi in the real world. Be smart and when you need it or when you don’t ...PAUSE and watch what’s going on. If you do it, share with others how you do it. This is worth sharing, cultivating and growing. Maybe even developing.