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  The white Owl blinked 9 times

Can you see in the dark? Would you like to? —Asked the Owl.

First blink: A bird, never born with its feathers and wings ready.
Develops them and learns to fly along each day.

Enjoy the process said The Wise Owl...

Your wings are strengthened in the urgency, sometimes while copying the freedom of others. We can confuse the drizzle with a rain or storm to get too much inside a tree, we can live with quality or just survive. I can imagine that some rain want to punish me, but that is only my imagination, ideas that don’t exist. When real storms happened, we can watch those thunders lighting the forest while our heart jump until notice gradually that the storms go away. We can imagine dragons up there, also the next sun.

An Owl in captivity can live around 50 years. With us, that amount could be larger, varies "according to the way of flying through life." I wish you to live long and prosper. An Owl doesn’t hang an amulet to obtain food from a goddess. Learn to hunt and withstand the wind. Doesn't do drama in the snow and instead moves to a better place. Is not punished or exaggerates that winter will last forever.

Breathe deliciously and soften the muscles around your neck


Second blink: Enigmatic eyes.
Owls can hardly move their eyes in their orbits, which means they must turn their heads to see everything in a different direction.

With what other frame of reference can I look at my life?

Human beings can choose where to look. To use binoculars, telescope, microscope, “dramascope”, “growthscope”. I wish you conscious evolution by your clear vision.

Where do you want to go? Then open your wings and fly with curiosity —Said the Owl.


Third blink: contrary to popular myth, an Owl cannot turn its head completely backwards, it can turn its head 135 degrees in any direction. We can use different systems of ideas and philosophies to look back or do it prospectively. We can look at the present and enjoy what we can. With our mind, we can travel to the past and resignify the drama or injustice in our lives, as experiences that strengthened our abilities. The dark wood could become a joyful campfire, where you can heat your food and enjoy roasted marshmallows, choose their flavors if you can, enjoy what you can.
We are learning to fly and to admire the color of our “feathers”. Being grateful to have arms, skin and internal energy that is renewed every day. Hold on tight to the aspects most important and valuable in your life. Hold on tight to love. Caress The Light of your being.

Instead of scrutinizing the environment with their eyes, as most animals do, Owls use their ears primarily and then move their heads to see what they heard, which also makes it easier for them to Save Energy and remain stealthy. A Jedi doesn’t lose energy with any assumption, doesn’t engage in any battle. Knows that many battles are just clouds evolving with the wind of changes. An Owl doesn’t try to convince others that it is spring, doesn’t try to convince that winter is coming and snow will fall. From experience and instinct, moves and learns to hunt to live. People also learn and teach by showing an example.

Enjoy a new breathing, your cells renew even when sleeping.


Fourth blink: We focus on living in the best possible way. We observe life and our wings, we analyze things and the Owls know the type of branch that can support their weight. We have creativity, intelligence and impetus to enjoy life. Learning to be effective teaches us that "settling into drama and labels" limits us, instead we can focus on amplify our light.

Feathers… Wings… Birds… Freedom. We like some symbols of this planet. Owls have their archetype, some people get ornaments like necklaces or Dreamcatchers, some people get tattoos of their symbols of power to evoke them in real life. You have the right to create your own ritual to enter in action. That reminder can be a poster in your room, sign or a fluorescent spontaneous post-it.
Anyway: Focus again in your strengths to transform life and enjoy a certain degree of freedom at least.

What is that marvelous in my ears? Is it The Force traveling in my body? —Said the Owl while listening music into the distance.


Fifth blink: It is a myth that an Owl can turn its head without a stop, it is a myth that human beings should always be happy, or always be appreciated by others. It is a myth to think that an Owl can read your thoughts, human beings try to guess the ideas of others, sometimes without any clear clue.
Evolution favored the claws of the Owls, two fingers forward, two to back. Sometimes human beings are born with a limitation in their body, even without being able to see, walk or any other hard challenge. Many parents remove some “labels” and teach their children not to limit themselves "just because their wings are short or not so colorful."
Owls can cling to a good branch, they know their strength as you now. I can evaluate some obstacle and guess if I can jump it, could be a game or an adversity. We also know that we can train to create some skill from scratch. Human beings can detect the difference between "perfect practice VS practice perfect". Owls cannot ask, some people also cannot recognize that it is necessary to know: When and how to listen to learn and acquire new information, then nurturing our wisdom to choose or create a new path.

What a freedom of some human beings of this planet: Having the liberty to take the best of each subject and experience:
What do I believe about what can I achieve in my life? How should I practice? When to rest?

Can humans move their eyes inside the cavities? That would be fantastic and I wish to see that —Said the white Owl.


Sixth blink: My way of looking at the world, contains premises, I allow myself a worldview. And an Owl can't store the lyrics of a song and give them new meanings, but it doesn't nest inside limiting beliefs, even take advantage of old nests to rebuild theirs.

What philosophical platform allows me to develop more harmoniously?

How to see in the dark? Can I find a lamp?

Let´s create a bonfire to see better, let´s play music and dance.

How do I want to see and value my life?

An Owl can make distinctions: height, width and depth. Humans too and even more. These birds see better because the structure of their eyes amplifies The Brilliance of things, they also magnify the blurry aspects, sometimes me too.


Seventh blink: Do I see everything in black and white like Owls?
Even being able to see black and white Owls can't play that Viking-Celtic-style chess called Hnefatafl. In that game, the white king at the center will try to reach an exit. In our life, we are “The King”, to build a meaningful game.
An Owl has an instinct. I can develop changing strategies throughout my life, the flexibility of my neck is not so wide but I hope my positivity will be activated by my breathing. By new reasoning systems. I hope to feed on noble aspects so that “at dusk” I can permeate my day with valuable aspects. It is my game, and winning along with Others: can expand my satisfaction by flying through my life With a Team. In that Hnefatafl game, an escape is built, in my daily life I can build more ways to have healthy satisfaction while facing troubles. Let´s share good life with the others.
An Owl doesn't do drama because he doesn't know how to do it, it lives in the present and learns to detect what he or she wants in the dark. Sometimes, we can magnify the drama or a problem too much, because we stop being loyal to The Light. This metaphor lands on the self-consciousness of the multicausality of life, my actions, effects, thoughts and emotions. Vicious or virtuous circles.
Will I fly effectively to approach my own wisdom?

What did I learn today? —Said The Owl with its dilated beautiful pupils.


Eighth blink: Humans fall when trying something for the first time, some fall and leave, others persist. Some stop because they only expect applause from others. Owls don’t know the harassment or criticism, nor would they mind hearing nicknames. They just do what they need to do. We can act with values, we always activate several because are like feathers: they clothe us, allow our flight and give us meaning: instinctive or elaborated.

—Why are you sad? —A baby Owl asked.
—I am not, I just close my eyes —The White Owl clarify.

The face of an Owl expresses no idea neither a word, human beings invent many stories about others. Emotions grow so much in a few minutes, into some: degree, frequency and intensity. Meanings can change along the time, we change them in the way we move between ideas. Some people carry a tremendous weight, while others seem to fly and others have fun even with the falls.

I like to see the vibrant turquoise northern lights, rainbows and all those variants of the phenomenon of refraction of Light, and we can detect some kind of love every day: in the mirror as an starter.

Hear the mantra of your soul —Said The peaceful Owl.


Ninth blink: Detect some Lighthouse in the dark, follow it until arrive some safe port.
We can focus on something nice and build from there: create your nest. Then fly and go back whenever you like. Upgrade your nest with Freewill. Enjoy the process.

Let’s breathe some good feeling, evoking our wisdom again, a wonderful tone in our souls, we can find Light in a book, candle, person, lantern or song … Every progress sums. This attitude of extract value from each day can become an effective compass. Some people are my Lighthouse, maybe in the future you will be that safe rock to someone.
There are Shadow aspects to work: we are doing it and will. But let’s be attentive to not get lost in the endless game of detecting defects and imperfections. We can discover our roles, shadows or costumes to give dimension to them, understand that strategies as options, maybe using them with liberty and awareness, there is some wisdom for us to keep reflecting Sunlight, and at night: knowing when to rest to regenerate our energy to Keep Shinning the next day. May the Force to be with Us.

