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"Watch the store, I got some selling to do..." 

I'm am going to use a open Myth but feel free to follow along in EP1. "Hero" being the main character or protagonist. The shopkeepers "slave" comes through the door and the hero is told your in charge while the owner exits with customers. BRB watch the store.

There are a few ideas about this very thing in the world. The Aladdin effect or the Joseph effect are a few familiar terms I'm aware of. There are more. [Share ‘em if ya got ‘em] The basic idea is that character makes the faith shine and in turn shine outward bright by the actions. In real talk- those with great character can become more than just a benefit not only to those who seek it but to all those who are in its wake or at any part of the path. Whether it’s the Mountain top or valley, or in the actual journey itself, balance can be found, and even mastery and gain can be found in what isn't - win all the time. Even though he was a slave - he pod-raced and ran the shop and fixed - everything and was trusted with pretty much everything. The character of trustworthiness and faithfulness shined bright by HOW things were done. 

I personally talk and speak directly to many Modern day Jeddist in the real world, off-the-line. All from different parts of life and walks as well. Would you like to know a secret between me and you? You want to know the one similarity they all have? There are many common things most Jeddist share but this one I can share with you. Jeddist are smart. I'll explain. Most people I talk to, as Modern day Jeddist, in my ministry are the managers in real life. They are the ones that work - a lot. They are the people with people problems. They are the ones who's try is equal to the work of that of several others...hands down. We are all fans but folk like that are the Modern day Jeddist that reach me. These are like the Heroes who have or are full of character that they are recognized for their character before their spirituality. Did ya catch that? I'll say it again. There are some Heroes whose character shines waaaaay brighter than the spirituality side of things or the "Mythos" of it all. 

Character can be studied and learned. I try often to think of different ways to display the same character. Character can be a connection we can all share as well. It is said... "Virtue and Character can stand alone but that's not their way." As modern day Jeddist we can add that title Jedi anywhere like a sticker or a badge. When we apply it like a type of character or Virtue and use it as such, expect to get a different outcome. Each "Aladdin or Joseph" type of story ends not with magic or a huge massive movement of the cosmos but like in the real world it ends something as simple yet difficult as choices made. Is the character that saves the day. That's when things shine brightest. When used and or applied.

Jedi are smart. If not by just the fact that we share, its the ability to see and understand that character can play a huge part as well as magic or the cosmos. Real life Jeddist are usually the people who read and write well enough to be counted on or relied on. Those folk, those folk that out work 3-5- people in one day of work, yea those folk are who I'm referring to today. The Heroes of their stories and path who are enough somedays by your very character. Jedi aren't perfect. Don't try. Be smart. if anything. I see you! Don't stop being dad and Jeddist. Don't stop being mom and Jeddist. Don't stop being lover and a Jeddist. Don't stop being worker and Jeddist. Don't stop being student and teacher and Jeddist. You, as you are, are what the SOLOS need and the Vaders and Lukes. Think about that. 

Some days it’s the shopkeeper’s kindness that can leave drops of hope to those who have none. [No label there] Just pure old fashion human-people ...stuff. I have found in my ministry that some Jeddist have a glow around them that's attractive like actual light. I've seen it. everyday people and they are just... Everyday heroes. 

Modern day Jedi ism can have character. We display it if we choose. Shine friends shine, whether its your light or the light of others - SHINE BRIGHT Temple. you would be surprised who may need it and where they found it.  In the everyday places. 

Force continue to be with y'all!

Pastor Carlos