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The sword of Freedom


It was a beautiful morning in an ancient village, which is very respected traditions. If you were a descendant of a military, would be trained in combat, if a descendant of a baker, was trained in the art of cooking bread. Everything worked very well and everyone accepted their fate always doing the best they could. It was a life of hard work and dedication to achieve those objectives imposed by older; these were very proud of their achievements: the best sword, the best pasta recipe, the best food, the best glass. Such products held by legends who often roamed far beyond the province and throughout the empire.

What was not tolerated by those people, was to deviate from that path set by his birth, there was no choice, there was no flexibility or freedom to choose one's own way. Those rebels who did not fit in this context were exiled from the village and were thought to disgrace the way of life of those people. They founded a new village and in it, you could be what he wanted to be;the people of this village new found fitness for a hundred different things, but they were too attached to their freedom and thought "what else could I do? How far could I get? "Then they changed his business many times, shops opened and closed, people would change their position in the most varied services and so on. Things produced here were of a wide variety, but they were not as good as the village next door.

So both villages were living with their little friction and discussions, but all were happy in their own way. One day the country went to war with a nomadic people who roamed this land; even being a people who migrated much, its contingent was vast and its ruthless and brutal warriors. Thus began the war and both villages were attacked, the first village I felt safe because they had the best warriors, the best weapons and the best techniques and all of them was "the best". The other village began feared for his safety, as many of the soldiers who had were new in function and many of his blacksmiths were still inexperienced. Then the war began; the nomadic people attacked both villages, they already knew their techniques in battle, were used more than 2000 years and it gave them an advantage. The other village used new tactics and bold, from his commanders still very new, but their weapons and armor were not as good and it earned them many lives.

Then there was a flash of wisdom between the two villages; they had perceived them to join their forces they could win that battle. One should leave its rigid and immutable ideas aside and give some space and freedom in turn that much cherished freedom should have some attachment older and traditional ideas. Then joined forces and new battle tactics and conventional weapons, they could achieve their goal to expel the nomadic people who attacked very easily. Then there was an alliance between peoples and that week there were big celebrations for the victory of the villages.

People began living in both villages, there was still the more traditional thinking that not many gave up, but that was only part of their lives, on the other hand there was no rule about what one should be, just each it was directed according to their fitness. So that the freedom and the traditional rules made a perfect union and say that there was a period so happy and prosperous than that.


by Bruno Moreira