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Let's take a few moments to settle into 'now' (that sort of means, stop multi-tasking, close other windows, other projects, turn off the music or the telly &c.) to be fully and firmly present here together … We may begin by a few minutes of meditation, of prière or of quiet contemplation (as to how honest we've been about our presence, for example).


May the Force be with you …


This is going to start off as a regular sermon, but it would be good if we developed a discussion on the topic hereafter, depending, of course, on how we feel …


In the domain of metaphysics – and we have talked about this mystical state before – there comes that occasional feeling that everything that occurs is somehow “right”, “harmonious” and “part of the universe” exactly as it is. This translates into the moral domain as there not being any “wrong” feelings ...


So, how do we feel ? (just right now) What sentiment is predominant ? Not “about” what event or circumstance or judgement – only what is the sentiment ?


Now, how do we feel about that sentiment ? (this is why we started off by an exercise in honesty) It may be easy enough for us to admit if we feel some measure of Joy. We can be pretty clear about our enthusiasm, our hope, our happiness …


But what about our fear ? Anger ? Hatred ? Jealousy ? Those are a little harder for us to admit, often even to ourselves. We are taught that one “must not feel” negative emotions, that it is “bad”. That there is “no Reason (sic) to feel that way” … We are taught that negative emotions lead to negative consequences/acts. This is not necessarily so … Whereas it is true that acting out of anger or hatred violently by hurting or killing someone is not appropriate, it is essential that these feelings be recognised for what they are – honestly. It is essential quite because trying to force our feelings to be other than what they are is just absurd.


This may come off as a frightening statement ; it challenges our sense of control. We like to feel as though we are in control of how we feel, just as we like to think that we control our thinking. And then we get frustrated in the course of learning meditation that our control (over our thinking) is much more flimsy that we would like.


Feelings/sentiments are like the weather : they come about according to a variety of conditions, they run their course and they pass. Some come about frequently, others more occasionally, with various degrees of Force … Nonetheless, they arise and abate according to the conditions – or conditioning – well outside of the sphere of influence of our moral reasoning.


And it is this conflict with our own feelings which gives rise to much of our conflict with one another. We are ashamed to feel angry, fearful or to hate (so much so that we now call them “illnesses” or “disorders”). We consider feeling what we have to feel to be weak, to be irrational, to be shameful – to “not be in control”. Yet, to deny these feelings is as foolish and irrational as it would be to deny the rain, the wind or the Night – pretending that the Sun is out and shining. Being cold and in the dark,  yet feigning warmth and light -- that can spell disaster.


And spewing all of the hurtful, shameful and hateful feelings we cannot bring ourselves to recognise in ourselves into/onto others – that is the head and source of Suffering.


Thus, just the mere feelings of Fear, Anger, Hatred – this does not bring on the violence we visit one upon another. Unacknowledged Fear, Anger, Hatred does ….


Thus, before we open the discussion segment, let's review what the Creed suggests to us in those moments of authenticity :


I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace ;


Where there is Hatred I shall bring Love ;

Where there is Injury, Pardon ;

Where there is Doubt, Faith ;

Where there is Despair, Hope ;

Where there is Darkness, Light ;

And where there is Sadness, Joy.


I am Jedi.


I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console ;

To be understood as to understand ;

To be loved as to love ;

For it is in giving that we receive ;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned ;

And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


The Force is with me always, for I am Jedi.


We'll now open the floor for the discussion …