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The path of the traveler.

Today I'm going to run away from my usual standard d and sermons. I notice that they become repetitive and boring. I do not know who chooses the themes of these sermons, but they always put two adjectives or "things" that do not exist without the other. This week doing my Jedi training, I discovered that there is good without evil, of course this could be a topic discussed in another sermon, but I could logically prove within my expectations that the "evil" that in general we say that we have within we is not nothing like the real villainy that a human being may have within your own heart. Now the folly and wisdom are different, both are part of the same coin and it reminded me of something that was studying this week, so I decided to share with you. I always believed that you can not believe everything or trust everything, but my old mother once told me: "There is always a lesson to take away from any situation." I have always seen this phrase as possessing great wisdom and take me ever since.

Two weeks ago I bought a Tarot Marcelha. If anyone has had any contact with tarot know how they are. When I was younger, I thought people who wore oracles were charlatans, not me seemed in those letters could be any kind of knowledge. Then, with the Jediism in my life I opened myself to possibilities to meet new things and that's when I had contact with oracles. Studying them I discovered that there is a very good knowledge within the knowledge of each component of the oracle and how to manage these components. Here are two letters, "The fool" and "The Magician"


A carta de hoje aconselha a se proporcionar uma nova forma de olhar a vida, que se abra a novos desafios e deixe o inesperado vir até si. Desprenda-se de todo o peso que carrega em cima dos ombros e fique só com o que verdadeiramente importa.  Pode estar no início de uma jornada onde necessita de coragem e confiança para seguir rumo ao desconhecido. Deixe-se levar sem medo e permita-se ter um dia leve e feliz!:                                                                    The Magician - Tarot of the New Vision. Artist: Raul Cestaro - the entire deck can be found here: http://www.marytcusack.com/maryc/tarot/NewVision.html:


There are analyzes of these two cards that may be relevant and relate to the theme of this sermon. The fool seems a traveler cacheiro uses any clothing, extravagantly. He throws himself traveling the world seeking perhaps his place in the world, your skills, your dreams. He is the Arcanum 0. With this in mind, the following arcana, the number 1 is the Magician. In turn, the magician is a serious person who is speaking to a large crowd, he points a stick or candle to the top, which means that his words are about things beyond the earthly world. So when I came to this sermon I chose this tarot version because the letter of the magician amazed me. It is different from what I own, because the magician is seen from the back and behind him there's a monkey. The monkey is the key ... He seems to have come from elsewhere, is wearing clothes that are not European, it looks like it came from India. This indicates that the magician bought some merchant, that is, he must have wandered around. The point is. This wizard is probably the Fool previous letter, as in the tarot cards Marcelha very represent the myth of the hero.

Let's think a little about it. A man decides to leave home, to throw the world out the door in search of his "I". I understand that nonsense, as well as the flow of chaos, it is a generative force of movement, which drives us to seek something. My ignorance encourages me to seek knowledge, understand that I am a rough stone stimulates me to polish me with my training. It's because? Because I want a being more like the magician, who has a connotation of smart strategist and sometimes elusive. So I ask. Reach the magician to be what it is if it had not been fool one day? The master come to be what it is if it were not a disciple day? This is movement I see between folly and wisdom, one can not exist without the other, because these are different states of knowledge. There is no way to be wise without having gone through a state of "nonsense" and is always good from time to time, remember and visit this state.

Having said that, I would like to think of another point. Is there anyone really wise? Saber has no end? Is somehow "Ready" way? So that the person can say, "Now I know everything there was to know." On the first point I say no, wisdom is nothing more than listening to the Force whispers in our ears, as well as a musician hears a melody in the air of his imagination, a man "wise" hear the wisdom whispers in his ears and transmits them. For other knowledge comes from him, but in reality comes from strength. One day I was talking to someone about it and said what he thought. The person told me that it was a vision somewhat pretentious, as if I were a god sent to earth. This vision shocked me, but I explained that we all have this ability, it is something that is of nature, perhaps of all beings. Here in the temple I was a disciple because there was a master. So who was the master of the first student? There was none. And who else could it be if not the Force? The Force itself was the master in question, it is the only master, we're just more experienced students helping the younger ones, but the real master is the Force. It makes me think.

The other point is the readiness of knowledge. I do not remember who said it was Deleuze, Foucault or Paulo Freire, but knowledge is never ready. Ourselves, we will never be ready for anything, because readiness is stagnation, presupposes a movement for refusal. Thinking this way, I never want to be ready, time want to be wise and time want to be a fool; whenever necessary I change me, so I become the Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis.