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Silliness is good for you ! 
What have you done today that made you laugh? Anything? Have your smiled at yourself at all? Why not? What or who are you saving it for? Life can be horrible enough without us taking everything so seriously , believe me. But… 
Being silly is serious business and good for you. Countless studies have shown that people who laugh regularly are more likely to be healthy both mentally and physically. Having fun is a good way to relax while also letting our minds grow and wander and it fosters imagination and the ability to make difficult decisions. The human mind learns through experiences. And the more fun they are , the better we learn. 
Truly enjoying ourselves requires engaging in activities that we want to do and that somehow enhance our feelings about life. If we lack these chances, we are in danger of burnout, frustration, and other issues that can lead to long-term mental, behavioural, and even medical problems like stress and stress related illnesses. 
When you are in your car , do you ever talk back to the radio and answer the host? When I say talk back, I mean as in conversation, not in anger. Use your power for goodwill, not complaining. Do you laugh out loud when you are in bed because you think of something really funny? 
We all have our responsibility, but silliness is necessary . Think about it, when kids play tag or hide-and-seek, don’t they understand and follow the rules? Don’t they all own up to their responsibilities as either “it” or “not it?” So when children play with others they are also learning about teamwork, social roles, and following rules in order to make the game more fun and they can do it longer because of the fun — the same way as following laws in adult life usually makes society run smoother and therefore more pleasant to live in. So… 
Relax more and allow yourself to be playful. Do I have the talent to sing, dance or paint professionally? No and there is no panel giving me advice. And I have no desire to bake a cake on television in front of millions of people. 
As always balance is important in every aspect of life and especially in the life of a Jedi . It is important to learn and be responsible, but not at the expense of something as integral and critical as laughter, fun, and — yes — silliness. Some of the posts in the Forum might leave you drained and empty , but very often a streak of silliness will leave you with a smile in your face even if the subject is very serious. 
So especially as a Jedi , Inject a bit of whimsy into your day, whether you spend it alone or with others. Be yourself, your silly self. See what kind of chain reaction occurs.