This is a log of the live service which took place on October 19, 2016 concerning the month's theme
(14:18:00) Rosalyn_J: So our theme this month is on Foolishness yet wisdom
(14:18:17) Navillus: That the
(14:18:17) Rosalyn_J: How do we define (without google) wisdom?
(14:18:43) Parnerium: The practical application of knowledge and experience
(14:18:48) Kyrin_Wyldstar: that
(14:18:49) Navillus: The capacity of how much one is willing to accept as knowledge.
(14:19:06) Navillus: carlos.martinez3 ?
(14:19:54) carlos.martinez3: To me widome is the applied and tried in action
(14:20:06) Rosalyn_J: so there are some things we accept as knowledge and some things we do not Navillus?
(14:20:16) carlos.martinez3: The applied knowledge *
(14:20:25) Rosalyn_J: howdo we decide which is which?
(14:21:15) Navillus: Yes. And true knowledge, and all of its potential, is hidden in the ability to accept and learn all that is knowledgable. If you have a closed mind and block some things off as nonsense, you have pieces of a puzzle missing.
(14:21:22) MartaLina: wisdom hmm.
(14:21:54) carlos.martinez3: To me my ideas of wisdom are proven andntried
(14:22:14) MartaLina: knowledge is that you learn what to do , but wisdom is denying that sometimes and doing what your heart tells you to do
(14:22:32) Rosalyn_J: ah very interesting
(14:22:55) Rosalyn_J: Carlos I want to take a closer look at your point
(14:23:11) Rosalyn_J: Is wisdom then, knowledge which has been tested?
(14:23:34) carlos.martinez3: For menu would say yes. !
(14:23:52) Rosalyn_J: like knowledge is tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing that it doesnt belong in a fruit salad?
(14:24:33) Parnerium: But plenty of people haven't tried tomatoes in a fruit salad. They haven't tested that knowledge. They're just applying the knowledge to make the decision to specifically NOT test it.
(14:25:41) MartaLina: good point Par , people take wisdom for granted , good one
(14:25:43) Rosalyn_J: hmmmmmmm
(14:26:29) MartaLina: who is to say tomatoe does not belong in a fruit salad
(14:26:50) MartaLina: who is to say what is wise to put in a fruit salad anyway
(14:26:52) Rosalyn_J: so Marta, to your point, what would be an example of puting what we have been tought away in favor of what our heart says?
(14:26:55) Temple Bot: Proteus has joined the chat.
(14:27:04) Rosalyn_J: good point
(14:27:25) Navillus: Perhaps those that eat the tomato in the salad are arrogant? Just following the herd of sheep as if to fit into said surrounding?
(14:27:42) Rosalyn_J: tomatoes dont have the same profiles of what typical fruit salad is made of
(14:27:54) Parnerium: Is tomatoes in fruit salad some kind of hipster trend I don't know about, Navi?
(14:28:01) MartaLina: we would put a tomatoe in a fruit salad if we all like tomatoes but not if we only like what we percieve to be veggies i guess
(14:28:06) Navillus: No. Lol
(14:28:39) carlos.martinez3: So widome CAN be all these things together as well
(14:28:46) MartaLina: yes but are we not challenged to see if tomatoe does not fit in there?
(14:29:06) Rosalyn_J: Ive once had strawberries and carmalized nuts in a veggie salad and that was wonderful
(14:29:07) Parnerium: I'm arguing that wisdom is not "proven and tried knowledge"
(14:29:32) MartaLina: or should we dismiss tomatoe because from a young age they lied to us about it being a fruit
(14:29:42) Kyrin_Wyldstar: right, putting a tomato in a fruit salad or not is not widsom, its just preferance
(14:29:45) carlos.martinez3: U don't have tonargue friend for u it may not be.
(14:30:03) MartaLina: exactly Kyrin
(14:30:12) MartaLina: its preference
(14:30:20) Parnerium: When I say "argue" I mean "putting forth my viewpoint for discussion" Carlos
(14:30:40) Parnerium: Not "raging at my keyboard" or anything
(14:30:43) carlos.martinez3: For me ur widome may not be mine, mine may not b urs that OK
(14:30:55) MartaLina: wisdom is to compare the tastes and combine the salad accordanly and expand the taste where possible
(14:31:08) carlos.martinez3: U know anything about cars?
(14:32:00) Temple Bot: Navillus has left the chat.
(14:32:27) carlos.martinez3: Ur personal knowledge CAN be your wisdom.
(14:32:53) Parnerium: Then what's the difference between knowledge and wisdom, if any, Carlos?
(14:32:54) carlos.martinez3: It doesn't have to be mine. And thats OK. Difrent paths
(14:33:04) MartaLina: yes but knowledge is futile if you dont posses the tools to apply it
(14:33:23) Rosalyn_J: agreed
(14:33:27) carlos.martinez3: For me in my path there will WILL be a difrentndefinition
(14:33:48) MartaLina: you have all these thing yu know , but you dont know how to apply it , then ther is little wisdom
(14:33:53) carlos.martinez3: We do DO havebdifrent answers we are Jedi
(14:34:27) carlos.martinez3: Its to u to find YOUR s not mine friends
(14:34:32) Parnerium: But how useful it is to talk to other people if the final answer is just "we are different and think different?"
(14:34:59) Kyrin_Wyldstar: Different answer could be an illusion.. there are different paths but they should lead to the same conclusion
(14:35:02) Parnerium: What's the point in using the same words if we assign them drastically different meanings and then refuse to try to reach any sort of consensus, however temporary?
(14:35:11) carlos.martinez3: To get u to act, in action we find our wisdom
(14:35:26) Rosalyn_J: ?
(14:35:31) Parnerium: We? I thought we all had different wisdoms 

(14:35:51) carlos.martinez3: Do u agree?
(14:35:53) MartaLina: consensus >
(14:36:01) Parnerium: No, which is why I want to talk about it
(14:36:10) carlos.martinez3: We Can
(14:36:19) Rosalyn_J: trying to define wisdom may be like trying to define love
(14:36:22) MartaLina: the consensus should be that you apply what you know in a wise way
(14:36:30) Rosalyn_J: words suck in their limitation
(14:36:37) MartaLina: wisdom is a very difficult concept
(14:37:01) carlos.martinez3: Lol it Can be
(14:37:01) MartaLina: wisdom is in short yur personal ability to apply your wisdom
(14:37:15) carlos.martinez3: Do u Marta have ideas of wisdom
(14:37:15) MartaLina: sorry knowledge
(14:37:22) Rosalyn_J: For me wisdom is the ability to know WHEN to use knowledge that I have and HOW to use it
(14:37:44) carlos.martinez3: True
(14:38:00) MartaLina: no i have no ideas of wisdom lol , i apply knowledge to my best ability and then determine later if that was wise
(14:38:04) MartaLina: loll
(14:38:18) Rosalyn_J: so sometimes NOT acting is wisdom
(14:38:21) MartaLina: good one Rosalyn
(14:38:27) Parnerium: I feel like wisdom is primarily about anticipating potential outcomes.
(14:38:45) carlos.martinez3: Then undo. And they are not like mine whos is more true, nether they are both va
(14:38:47) carlos.martinez3: I'd
(14:38:59) Rosalyn_J: if I make a mistake and I dont learn from it am I wise?
(14:39:24) carlos.martinez3: Do u feel wise
(14:39:54) MartaLina: hmm Rosalyn , how could you not be wise , i mean , you will be doomed to learn one day 

(14:39:54) carlos.martinez3: I never do after
(14:40:24) MartaLina: even if you learn you are not wise , that is wisdom
(14:40:40) Rosalyn_J: but can wisdom come if I learn from a mistake?
(14:40:43) MartaLina: wisdom has not prejudice
(14:40:52) MartaLina: yes
(14:40:54) MartaLina: it can
(14:41:02) Rosalyn_J: for example if I put my hand on a hot burner
(14:41:03) carlos.martinez3: The wisdom chat is a hard one because so many times we have this idea that on
(14:41:09) carlos.martinez3: Y one can be.....
(14:41:15) Rosalyn_J: automatically there will be feedback
(14:41:36) Rosalyn_J: next time Im not going to put my hand on a burner without checking
(14:41:43) MartaLina: feedback is not wisdom
(14:41:48) carlos.martinez3: Only one can be , but it doesn't have to be
(14:41:49) Rosalyn_J: true
(14:41:53) Parnerium: I'd think not putting your hand on a hot burner because you have been burned is knowledge
(14:41:59) MartaLina: knowing that you should not put yur hand on burner is
(14:42:38) carlos.martinez3: Not doing things to put your hands near it is wisdom as well
(14:42:54) Parnerium: If you've directly experienced an exact thing before and the very same scenario comes up, you aren't utilizing wisdom to make a choice. You're utilizing your knowledge of the outcome from last time.
(14:43:01) carlos.martinez3: Difrent wisdom than knowledge
(14:43:10) Kyrin_Wyldstar: wisdom is not a state we exist in, it is a process of application of experiential knowledge that is always evolving
(14:43:20) Parnerium: If you do the exact same thing and expect a different result, that shows you haven't actually assimilated the knowledge
(14:43:30) Rosalyn_J: true, but in a lot of ways I feel like we are spliting hairs
(14:43:32) Rosalyn_J: brb
(14:43:35) carlos.martinez3: There is a mindfulness factor that come in parn.
(14:43:38) Rosalyn_J: please continue
(14:44:18) carlos.martinez3: Every example of wisdom we each give is correct
(14:44:46) carlos.martinez3: In our own paths , that is IS wisdom, yours.
(14:45:01) carlos.martinez3: Our self wants to say nooooo!!!
(14:45:08) carlos.martinez3: No its not
(14:45:21) carlos.martinez3: Its not like mine
(14:45:45) carlos.martinez3: The great part I don't know if anyone's ever heard this but they don't have to be
(14:46:22) carlos.martinez3: We can share em. Somenmay work for others some may not
(14:46:32) Parnerium: You've simultaneously said "we're all correct" and "but actually, I'm the one that's right"
(14:46:40) Kyrin_Wyldstar: are there wrong examples of wisdom?
(14:46:55) carlos.martinez3: Thats my idea I hope in share with others here
(14:47:24) carlos.martinez3: Are there in your life there are in mine
(14:47:43) MartaLina: i dont know Kyrin are there ?
(14:47:53) Parnerium: Do you mean examples that don't relate to wisdom? Or examples of bad wisdom?
(14:48:14) MartaLina: should we really tell people not to put tomatoes in fruit salads
(14:48:16) carlos.martinez3: Marta are there in urs?
(14:49:14) MartaLina: a wrong example i think is to tell people that everything will be allright , becaus i saw that it does noet
(14:49:17) MartaLina: not
(14:49:27) Kyrin_Wyldstar: thats hard to say I think marta. Its like asking are there examples of evil? from a subjective point of view one could argue that there are not. but is that actually the case?
(14:50:12) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I think bad wisdom in this case
(14:50:14) MartaLina: no has nothing to do with evil
(14:50:24) MartaLina: some things will never be all righ
(14:50:28) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I didnt say it did. I was just using it as comparison
(14:50:30) MartaLina: right
(14:50:44) MartaLina: that is no comparison
(14:50:58) Parnerium: How not Marta?
(14:51:01) carlos.martinez3: Parn, I will never say what u know and hold as wisdom is not, not my place . in fact I say that they Can be in conjunction with a few of my truths. Thewybwill be difrent . we are difrent. Thats OK and thats howni will treat u
(14:51:03) MartaLina: evil has nothing to do with wisdom neither has good
(14:51:11) Kyrin_Wyldstar: your missing my point. I didnt mean to imply that was some relation between the two
(14:51:35) MartaLina: some things will never be all right
(14:51:46) Kyrin_Wyldstar: according to who?
(14:51:52) MartaLina: some things will stay wrong in someones eyes
(14:52:16) Parnerium: Discussion about evil: Somebody says murder is evil, somebody says murder is not
Discussion about wisdom: Somebody says telling white lies is wise, somebody says telling white lies is not
Discussion about wisdom: Somebody says telling white lies is wise, somebody says telling white lies is not
(14:52:23) carlos.martinez3: That's the idea Parn not whosnright ornwrong. Call me wrong all day in don't !Ind, I'm not offended in the lease
(14:52:28) Parnerium: That's the comparison
(14:52:47) Rosalyn_J: ah so where are we now?
(14:52:58) Kyrin_Wyldstar: nice parn
(14:53:03) carlos.martinez3: The idea is to grownwithbwidom and share it not say one is and is not
(14:53:45) carlos.martinez3: If we never figure out what it wisdom is how can we find ITN
(14:53:51) carlos.martinez3: It
(14:54:31) carlos.martinez3: If we never make a choice
(14:54:52) Kyrin_Wyldstar: that is the journey isnt it lol - deciding to make that choice as best we can with the knoweldge we have
(14:54:56) carlos.martinez3: Funny thing about wisdom is it can be tried
(14:55:18) carlos.martinez3: Yes and its difrent for every one
(14:55:43) carlos.martinez3: And thats OK too
(14:55:43) Kyrin_Wyldstar: but some choices remain wise while others do not
(14:55:52) carlos.martinez3: Yes
(14:56:15) MartaLina: who decides what is wise
(14:56:20) carlos.martinez3: So u know the difference for u,!
(14:56:25) Parnerium: Once you try wisdom it stops being wisdom and becomes knowledge, though. I ask my wise friend whether I should break up with my girlfriend. Friend says "Yes." Once I break up with them, it's not longer a question of wisdom and becomes a question of "What do I now know, factually, about the effects of breaking up with her?"
(14:56:29) carlos.martinez3: U
(14:56:31) Rosalyn_J: What role does foolishness have?
(14:57:24) carlos.martinez3: In?
(14:57:40) MartaLina: i love foolishness , it searches the borders of wisdom like a fish searches the borders of the mainland , never walking on land but knowing where it is 

(14:58:30) carlos.martinez3: Its a very help to me in manybways
(14:58:59) MartaLina: the sillyness of existence 

(14:59:13) carlos.martinez3: I use foolishness in many difrent ways
(14:59:54) carlos.martinez3: Friends be well and may the living Force be with Y'all
(15:00:07) Rosalyn_J: you leaving me?
(15:00:16) carlos.martinez3: Pro Ros be well
(15:00:35) carlos.martinez3: Parn kyrin bebwell
(15:00:37) Parnerium: See ya Carlos
(15:01:15) Rosalyn_J: bye
(15:01:15) carlos.martinez3: Marta my favorite heart today bebwell and known Im with you friend your not alone ever. Notnhere!
(15:01:32) carlos.martinez3: Thank in
(15:01:36) MartaLina: thank you dear
be well Master x

(15:01:41) carlos.martinez3: Thank ya
(15:02:09) carlos.martinez3: Thank y'all for the chat! Loved it,,! Pm if any one ever needs
(15:02:19) Rosalyn_J: np np
(15:02:56) Rosalyn_J: So what role does foolishness play in wisdom
(15:03:03) Rosalyn_J: or wisdom in foolishness
(15:03:27) Parnerium: I'd say foolishness is acting contrary to wisdom.
(15:03:34) Kyrin_Wyldstar: foolishness is lack of ability to properly apply knowledge in the pursuit of wisdom
(15:03:37) MartaLina: sometimes you have to do something realy stupid to see why you want to dot something wise "

(15:04:04) Kyrin_Wyldstar: which is different than ignorance, which is a lack of knowledge itself
(15:04:33) Rosalyn_J: how do we decide what is foolish?
(15:04:50) Temple Bot: carlos.martinez3 has been logged out (Timeout).
(15:05:17) Parnerium: Most of the time, I'd say hindsight
(15:05:28) Rosalyn_J: good point
(15:06:07) Rosalyn_J: anyone else?
(15:06:49) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I would agree.. we cant judge the outcome of a decision until we can see the consequences
(15:07:39) Parnerium: Most of the time if you're not looking back on the past, saying something is foolish is to say "I think that will go poorly, based on my current wisdom"
(15:08:15) Rosalyn_J: ok
(15:09:00) Rosalyn_J: I think foolishness plays a part sort of like what Marta talked about much earlier in our conversation
(15:09:19) Rosalyn_J: Putting away conventional wisdom to do what you feel in your heart
(15:09:38) Rosalyn_J: it goes against "wise counsel" whatever that is
(15:10:34) Kyrin_Wyldstar: what if whats in your heart is the right thing to do?
(15:11:01) Parnerium: I'd say sometimes your heart is wise and sometimes its foolish
(15:11:08) Kyrin_Wyldstar: yea
(15:11:29) MartaLina: your heart is always right whether its foolish or wise
(15:11:38) Parnerium: Nah, sometimes your heart is dead wrong
(15:11:41) Rosalyn_J: oh?
(15:11:47) MartaLina: the heart does not care about right or wrong
(15:11:47) Kyrin_Wyldstar: lol
(15:11:55) Parnerium: When your heart says "stay with an abusive man because I love him" your heart is wrong and should shut up
(15:11:56) Rosalyn_J: expand more please I love it
(15:12:11) Rosalyn_J: not the abusive man part
(15:12:14) Temple Bot: Axid has joined the chat.
(15:12:18) Rosalyn_J: the other more awesome parts
(15:12:27) MartaLina: its when you put your heart , hands and head together that you accomplish some sort of accordance
(15:12:31) Kyrin_Wyldstar: we make poor decisions due to passion, anger, lust...
(15:12:37) Kyrin_Wyldstar: what is in our heart
(15:12:47) Parnerium: I'm quoting Ros later as saying "Abusive man please, I love it."
(15:13:13) MartaLina: i cherish my lust for life , is that foolish?
(15:13:35) Kyrin_Wyldstar: no its not.. that is lust applied ina balanced way.. but we can apply in in an unbalance way as well
(15:13:55) MartaLina: balance and lust
(15:14:02) MartaLina: sounds weird together
(15:14:06) Kyrin_Wyldstar: lol
(15:14:33) MartaLina: i really want you but i want to balance how much i want you, said no woman ever
(15:14:53) Temple Bot: Axid has been logged out (Timeout).
(15:15:33) Kyrin_Wyldstar: We can have a lust for live... we can also have a lust for that guy in the bar one night and end up destroying our marriage
(15:15:55) Parnerium: "I really want a huge chocolate cake, but I want to balance how much I eat," said tons of women probably
(15:16:03) Kyrin_Wyldstar: have the lust but know how to balance that against the consequences
(15:16:18) Kyrin_Wyldstar: that is wise LOL
(15:17:19) MartaLina: lol Par , true that
(15:17:27) Rosalyn_J: some feelings are stronger than others
(15:17:57) Rosalyn_J: a love for an abusive man is tied to all sorts of feelings of acceptance, social standing etc etc
(15:18:00) MartaLina: yes chocolate cake always wins , is it wise ? probs not
(15:18:50) Kyrin_Wyldstar: now Im hungry
(15:20:19) Rosalyn_J: I have spagetti
(15:20:34) Kyrin_Wyldstar: ooohhh *drool*
(15:21:13) Rosalyn_J: Im eating it with essance of dreadlock
(15:21:23) MartaLina: hahaha
(15:21:24) Rosalyn_J: my hair keeps falling into my food
(15:21:29) MartaLina: foolish but wise
(15:21:36) Parnerium: I'd love to have one meal without accidentally chewing on my hair
(15:21:56) Kyrin_Wyldstar: hair spray works wonders!
(15:22:02) MartaLina: i have it tied up most of the time , my hair not the spagetti
(15:22:14) Rosalyn_J: oh good
(15:22:27) Rosalyn_J: my hair cant do the tying up thing
(15:22:53) Parnerium: I'm going to market a new food accessory called Spaghetti Ties
(15:23:44) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I think we have gotten off track lol
(15:24:03) Rosalyn_J: i think so lol
(15:24:04) MartaLina: spagetti gets everybody of track
(15:24:22) Kyrin_Wyldstar: yes it does
(15:24:34) Kyrin_Wyldstar: its ros's fault!
(15:24:57) Rosalyn_J: fine fine
(15:25:16) Rosalyn_J: still want to talk about the theme?
(15:26:25) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I think it was an awesome chat but I have to go soon 

(15:27:13) Parnerium: I've got a debate party I need to start preparing for in a few, too
(15:27:30) Kyrin_Wyldstar: oh debate party, sounds fun!
(15:27:41) Rosalyn_J: oh that sounds awesome
(15:27:41) MartaLina: i have to get some sleep its 00.27 here
(15:27:51) Rosalyn_J: since this was actually a service
(15:28:03) Rosalyn_J: but I am really good at disguising them
(15:28:16) Rosalyn_J: would you all like to do the creed?
(15:28:18) MartaLina: have a good time everyone and thank you Rosalyn for making me thinl
(15:28:42) Rosalyn_J: oh good night marta
(15:28:46) MartaLina: yeeeh the creed
(15:28:47) Parnerium: I feel well served
(15:28:56) MartaLina: ill do the creed s
(15:28:56) Rosalyn_J: cool
(15:29:05) Rosalyn_J: ok lets do it
(15:29:06) MartaLina: sorry Rosalyn
(15:29:10) Rosalyn_J: ---
(15:29:20) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi an instrument of peace
(15:29:30) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I am a jedi an instrument of peace
(15:29:38) MartaLina: I am a jedi an instrument of peace
(15:30:09) Rosalyn_J: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(15:30:20) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(15:30:26) MartaLina: where there is hatred is shall bring love
(15:30:31) Rosalyn_J: Where there is injury, pardon
(15:30:32) Parnerium: Where there is hatred, I shall bring love
(15:30:39) Parnerium: Where there is injury, pardon
(15:30:43) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is injury, pardon
(15:30:53) Rosalyn_J: Where there is doubt, faith
(15:30:53) MartaLina: where there is injury pardon
(15:30:59) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is doubt, faith
(15:31:01) Parnerium: Where there is doubt, faith
(15:31:06) MartaLina: where there is doubt faith
(15:31:24) Rosalyn_J: Where there is despair hope
(15:31:29) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is despair, hope
(15:31:31) Parnerium: Where there is despair, hope
(15:31:34) MartaLina: where there is despair hope
(15:31:53) Rosalyn_J: Where there is darkness, light
(15:32:00) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is darkness, light
(15:32:01) Parnerium: Where there is darkness, light
(15:32:03) MartaLina: where there is darkness light
(15:32:20) Rosalyn_J: And where there is sadness, joy
(15:32:28) Kyrin_Wyldstar: where there is sadness, joy
(15:32:33) MartaLina: and where there is sadness joy
(15:32:40) Parnerium: And where there is sadness, joy
(15:32:43) Rosalyn_J: I am a Jedi
(15:32:50) MartaLina: i am a jedi
(15:32:50) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I am a Jedi
(15:32:54) Parnerium: I am a Jedi
(15:33:11) Rosalyn_J: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:33:26) Kyrin_Wyldstar: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as console
(15:33:29) Parnerium: I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:33:34) MartaLina: i shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console
(15:33:37) Rosalyn_J: To be understood as to understand
(15:33:48) Kyrin_Wyldstar: To be understood as to understand
(15:33:51) MartaLina: to be understood as to understand
(15:33:56) Parnerium: To be understood as to understand
(15:34:00) Rosalyn_J: To be loved as to love
(15:34:05) Kyrin_Wyldstar: To be loved as to love
(15:34:08) MartaLina: to be loved as to love
(15:34:13) Parnerium: To be loved as to love
(15:34:32) Rosalyn_J: For it is in giving that we recieve
(15:34:39) Parnerium: For it is in giving that we recieve
(15:34:43) Kyrin_Wyldstar: For it is in giving that we recieve
(15:34:48) MartaLina: for it is in giving that we recieve
(15:35:03) Rosalyn_J: It is pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:35:13) Kyrin_Wyldstar: It is pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:35:16) MartaLina: in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:35:23) Parnerium: It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
(15:35:34) Rosalyn_J: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:35:45) Kyrin_Wyldstar: And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:35:54) MartaLina: and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
(15:36:38) Rosalyn_J: The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi
(15:36:48) Parnerium: The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi
(15:36:51) Temple Bot: Mac327 has joined the chat.
(15:36:54) MartaLina: the force is with me always for i am a Jedi
(15:36:55) Kyrin_Wyldstar: The Force is with me always, for I am I Jedi
(15:37:08) Rosalyn_J: thanks for coming everyone
(15:37:14) Rosalyn_J: nice convo we had eh?
(15:37:17) Kyrin_Wyldstar: thank you!
(15:37:21) MartaLina: thank you Rosalyn 

(15:37:36) Kyrin_Wyldstar: Ok gotta go.. TTYL all!
(15:37:51) MartaLina: i will go to sleep now its 00.37 now on a week day haha x