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...foolishness yet, wisdom... This months topic is this and one in which I hope to relay as well. When I was young I met a man. Mr Felipe Soto. A wonderful , devout , Christian man. You talk about character in a human being, this dude was the living breathing article of his faith and what it can bring out in a human heart. Today, I love this man and would gladly take a bullet for him, all his wisdom and guidance sessions at the local mc Donald's or over a plate of salad... home grown, nutritious and strait from the earth. The man had a million dolars worth of..it... inside him. At the time I was 13 -18 and that time I got into fights on the street and such. Some days after church he would nab me and say things like "hey lets slow down and get some thing to chat over." Truly it was an odd coupling me and him.(a very brave man) He was the chief artist for the local news paper and still is or is about to retire from it. I actually think he had the open board for artist for his job, dudes legit, he made EVERYONE try out for his job when he left. This is one of my many mentors. I still follow him and now that hes retired he the one that sends those photos, "guess where I am....King David dance thru this street naked in this book and this chapter and so on" Growing up I called him a fool. During my adolescents I disregarded loads of what this crazy artist had to tell me. One of the many lost treasures I have received is this and my challenge to the Temple. I pride my self in my Individualism and human sprit. so I challenge my Temple to do it as I did. The challenge is this, Grow a sunflower from beginning to end. Some time in your life, what ever you are doing, stop and buy a bag of sunflower seeds, to plant not to eat and grow it from seed to full flower then to death. Do it. I have been a green thumb my whole life. I and my family will always encourage others to read and grow things. Temple, I challenge you to Grow sunflowers from start to finish. Post your results in a forum. My self personally I will always have a sunflower or two in my place some where. Its the Hobbit in me at times lol that's ok! There is something un explainable about sunflowers. Use them for what ails you. Here are all the instructions you get from me. The object is to grow and learn and part of the process is the scribbles of stuff you learn on separate bits of post its. savy? so start seeds in a cup, what ever how ever u pick, google it if you have to. Set em on a window sill. When you see em sprout and grow pot 3....3 in a pot. Now I wont begin to say this idea is his solely, no this thing goes way back to the dynasty days... if any one finds out more please pm about such things. By planting sunflowers in pots it makes them transferable during their growth. You can move em inside outside and such. There is something happy about this process and very revealing, and it is this reason I apply it here. Temple , you are challenged. Members Initiates Apprentice Knights Council Clergy EVERYONE I look forward to what has been planted May the Living Force be with yall where your at right now!