19 Powerful Frequency Tones At Once | Achieve Astral Projection ✚ 8D Audio.

05 Jan 2020 18:52 #348050 by Amaya
Have you ever been to a concert and really felt the vibrations of the music?
Or totally different to a church and felt the vibrations within the music (gospel or drumming especially)
Certain vibrations cause a reaction within us.
Positive or negatively
It can change your whole being
I always think in a smaller way things like singing bowls work.
Different frequencies are said to work in different ways.
At least in my own experience :)

Everything is belief
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09 Jan 2020 13:22 #348229 by
Everything is vibration and thats why it can heal!
Elizabeth wrote everything that i would wrote.

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09 Jan 2020 21:36 #348253 by Gisteron

Flexibility wrote: Everything is vibration and thats why it can heal!

Everything is not vibration, though. For one, vibration is oscillatory motion. Plenty motion is not that, and on many time scales plenty more motion isn't either. Fields and forces are not motion of any kind, though they manifest through such. Matter isn't motion of any sort, neither is space, or time.

One might argue that kinetic energy is motion, and via the energy-mass equivalence so are particles. But a central experimental reason we acknowledge energy-mass equivalence is that one can be converted to the other. The problem I see is that whereas a particle's motion is properly relative, to my knowledge its energy only partly is. Heat absorption and radiation are essentially conversions between photons and the motion of matter, and of course photons themselves can break up into matter and antimatter particle pairs. It's just that the energy of the photons in one case and in the other are many orders of magnitude apart. Yes, there is technically a link one can draw between motion and matter, but that vast difference in energy is something like a lower bound on just how much of a stretch it'd be to say that matter, too, is vibration.

And that was all only sticking to physical things. More abstract objects are so far from having anything to do with vibration that there is barely even an argument to be had at all...

As for whether or not everything can heal... I'm no medical professional, but again I'd say maybe, technically, if we stretch the terms way, way beyond the sensible... Like, sure, drinking battery acid is sure to kill off some hostile bacteria in your throat, and there may just hypothetically be some dosage that actually might do more good than harm. But to call it a healing potion because of that tiny margin where it may actually kill few enough of your own cells that your body can just barely afford it is a bit of a stretch, in my humble opinion. Please, do not drink battery acid...

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10 Jan 2020 02:33 #348265 by
Everything is energy and all energy vibrates and I believe the vibs radiate across time and space. Some are more sensitive, feel more, and some less. No big deal. The cosmos is beyond our abilities to understand all. Enjoy what you can, ponder the wonders beyond, stay lose, live well and be happy.

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10 Jan 2020 04:41 #348266 by
i work a lot with frequencies. actually we all do.
19 frequencies at once is cacophony. all antenna have a resonant frequency. this does not mean it cannot listen or hear others, but it is only resonant one ONE frequency.
this is law.

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10 Jan 2020 04:53 #348267 by
if you were to consider the force to be RF energy - for it too surrounds us, penetrates us....
and then take this analogy to "WE" being antennas...
every antenna ever ever ever has a resonant frequency.
so no, there are not 19 frequencies. there are far many more.
the trick is to find the band that YOU resonate on. and then learn more.
as to those that choose a negative path, or RFI, radio frequency INTERFERENCE, i am not resonant to that.
so, we are each our own antenna, able to receive and transmit as we wish, on whatever resonance we feel is correct.
its quite simple analogy. the reality is not much harder. just takes study.

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10 Jan 2020 10:56 #348270 by Gisteron

littlerickie wrote: Everything is energy...

Is it, though? What about...
  • ... the number four?
  • ... the rules governing how a knight in chess can or cannot move?
  • ... space?
  • ... the chance of two dice showing the same side upon a throw?
  • ... the event itself?
Sure, we can appreciate the platitude, but there is only so serious we can take them. We are talking about an actual, non-hypothetical, non-metaphorical tune here that is supposed to provide actual, non-hypothetical, non-metaphorical benefits of some sort or another. Everything is not all any one thing. If it were, then there'd be nothing profound or interesting about the recognition. We'd all only hear a dull and tautologous "everything is what it is" in a statement like that and be none the wiser for it. Everything is not energy.

The cosmos is beyond our abilities to understand all. Enjoy what you can, ponder the wonders beyond, stay lose, live well and be happy.

Partly agreed. Though, Some might feel curious and inquisitive and wish to contribute to the understanding mankind has already gathered about the cosmos and the benefits it brought us all. Some of those benefits are, for instance, as being able to afford feeling content with not knowing. Another one is being able to advocate for the bliss of ignorance to people around the globe... on a forum about a philosophy that encourages minimizing ignorance... all whilst using a device invented by those who gave such ignorance minimizing efforts their best shot already... Anyway, the door is open for those, too. Speaking personally, I find a grander bliss from being part of something that tries to expand knowledge than I think I ever could basking in my own ignorance instead.

ghosty wrote: as to those that choose a negative path, or RFI, radio frequency INTERFERENCE, i am not resonant to that.

Would you kindly elaborate? What is "negative" about radio frequency interference, considering that it is a geometric consequence of just adding two signals? How can adding two presumably non-negatives result in something negative? Also, seeing as an interference is itself a signal, if it happens to carry the mode the you-antenna is resonant with, how can you not be? Particularly if the interference signal is composed of parts one or more of which you are resonant with, unless you are located in a spot the interference just happens to result in a null signal, how can you avoid resonating with it?

so, we are each our own antenna, able to receive and transmit as we wish, on whatever resonance we feel is correct.

This I also don't understand. I'm no radio engineer by any means, so maybe that's why this confuses me so, but... Do regular radio antennae actually have wishes, and resonate with what ever they feel is correct on any given day? I thought their resonance was a matter of their geometry and material composition, but as I say, I'm only giving my first class in electrodynamics, I'm by no means an expert...

Also... aside from sound waves satisfying an analogous differential equation, what does this radio analogy have to do with vibrations or meditation music?

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10 Jan 2020 16:47 #348275 by
littlerickie wrote: Everything is energy...
Is it, though? What about... •... the number four?
•... the rules governing how a knight in chess can or cannot move?
•... space?
•... the chance of two dice showing the same side upon a throw?
•... the event itself?

Gisteron glad to see your still around and think about stuff. Provocatively questioning and sharing diverse views. I like that.

Yes all of this cames about because of energy, directly or indirectly. Energy is the source of everything.

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10 Jan 2020 17:47 #348276 by Gisteron
Welcome back, Rickie.

littlerickie wrote: Everything is energy... (emphasis added)

littlerickie wrote: Yes all of [a list of things that at least on their surface do arguably not appear to be energy] cames about because of energy, directly or indirectly. Energy is the source of everything. (emphasis added)

Hang on, which is it? Are they energy or do they spring from energy? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying either variant makes any sense at all to me. Like, sure, if we want to say that the rules of chess are made up by humans that themselves consist of matter whicih happens to be a form of energy, fair enough. In that sense energy can sort of be said to be "the source of" our rules of chess. So everything consists of things that are invented, things that are identified, and things that are neither. Still we end up giving properties to a universal set. As I said in the post you quote from, there is little content in saying that if only we bend and twist language far enough we can say of anything and everything that it relates to energy somehow. Of course we can do that. We can do it with "energy", we can do it with "cats", we can do it with "blarrbleshmuff", we just don't end up with a description that is of any practical use that way. If "being of energy" is a property literally all things have, then when ever we actually want to make some useful statement about a thing as it relates to others, the "being of energy" property just cancels out, since it contributes nothing to the distinction. To say of anything that it has it carries as much content as saying that every thing is what it is. It means nothing.

Also it makes no sense in the context of vibrations in general or audible ones in particular... Even granting that all energy vibrates, as you put it earlier - something one has to be reasonably careful about saying, too, mind you, if presenting things fairly is a goal - that does not imply that everything that "comes from" energy (by what ever means) also does. There are properties a light bulb has that are not inherited by any of the light it acts as a source of and it is not at all obvious how vibration is something the rules of chess inherit from the possibly vibrating humans that produced them.

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11 Jan 2020 01:05 #348288 by
i speak often in analogies. as do not know you. only what i see here.
i am not "anti" you.
i just find your responses to be more retort, than response.
what i am trying to say is, it seems incorrect to me to respond to a view in a critical manner, without also recognizing its merits.
i just dont see how or who profits from this.
and i can see how i will be taken to task for using the word "profit."
as to RFI. interference is always bad. its useless noise.
a radio wave is not a sum of two, and therefore good.
there are good harmonics, and bad ones.
and all will eventually be filtered out to emphasize the resonant frequency.
in fact, if you "combine" two opposite sine waves, you get a null. nothing at all.
as i often to, as i try to learn and better myself, i apply the things in the physical world that i DO know to help me better learn those that i do NOT know.
i am not bashing anyones point of view, as to "meditation music."
as to antenna, i think its safe to say, they have no wishes. but they wont work well until they are tuned to resonant frequency for whatever band they are designed to work on.
i was being analogous.
perhaps we got off on wrong foot.
...i still think its silly to conflate space flight outside of our solar system with a fork....though i recognize your right to do so.
this is yours in friendship...but please, try to consider merits.
if i fail here, then yea, let me know.


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