19 Powerful Frequency Tones At Once | Achieve Astral Projection ✚ 8D Audio.

03 Nov 2019 20:52 - 03 Nov 2019 21:34 #345146 by OB1Shinobi
Internet space is not the same as “real-life” space. If someone is irritating me online i really do have the ability to just ignore them. I think TOTJO even has a function for it iirc, not that i would use it.
To me it looks like Flexibility is spamming and i voiced my opinion. S/he wants play like s/he doesnt understand, fine; im prepared to just ignore Felixibility’s posts (it would be nice if theyd be kept to a single thread, at least).

Others choose to continue speaking and it seems to me that this is a choice they should be allowed to make. Flexibility is spamming. S/he doesnt have a journal or an introduction, has made no replies to anyone elses topics and has only opened topics to share links to binaural beats.


Ive seen at least two people banned for spamming just jn the last week but for some reason, Flexibility gets a pass. Im not calling for a banning, necessarily. Id prefer for Flexibility to genuinely participate with us, instead. But in light of the actual factual history, Gist’s comments seem pretty reasonable to me. Now instead of banning the spammer, Gist’s post got deleted? Did one of his posts get deleted? It’s hard to imagine that Gisteron asking for his post to be deleted or even that he would approve of its deletion if asked. So im assuming if there was a deletion, one of the mods just deleted it of their own accord? Am i wrong to assume this (i certainly might be)? If there was a deletion could the person who did it please explain the rationale behind the decision?

People are complicated.
Last edit: 03 Nov 2019 21:34 by OB1Shinobi.
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03 Nov 2019 21:45 #345147 by Gisteron
Hang on, one of my posts was deleted? Where? When? Are you thinking of #345138 here? https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/meditation/122948-relaxing-music-for-meditation-productivity-sleep-with-healing-solfeggio-freque#345138
Because I can see it just fine still...

Did I forget I made one recently in this thread? Sheesh, I'm getting old! :laugh:

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03 Nov 2019 22:11 #345148 by Rex
Touché, there's far more of these threads than I realized. It's like they're spam or something

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"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes" - Wittgenstein
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03 Nov 2019 23:35 #345149 by
Wow you guys are just trolls! You attack anyone with different ideas than yours. I thought jedi were about inclusiative aspects of all reality but you guys just take the cake!

I like this post for one! I will participate in a good way! How about you others try before you poo poo the idea.

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04 Nov 2019 03:48 #345155 by Rex
Jediism is "inclusiative" to people who are genuinely involved. Inclusivity doesn't mean we need to agree with ideas that are obviously wrong or affirm people who aren't authentically involved in the discussion.

In these threadS I've bracketed out the actual discussion of whether or not the sounds do what the OP claims, almost solely for the purpose of preventing claims that I'm biased

Knights Secretary's Secretary
Apprentices: Vandrar
TM: Carlos Martinez
"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes" - Wittgenstein

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04 Nov 2019 08:00 - 04 Nov 2019 08:09 #345159 by Gisteron

Fyxe wrote: Wow you guys are just trolls! You attack anyone with different ideas than yours. I thought jedi were about inclusiative [sic] aspects of all reality but you guys just take the cake!

I like this post for one! I will participate in a good way! How about you others try before you poo poo the idea.


My dude! How about you try! Google for any tone generator online like https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/ , type in 4096Hz and listen, and then come back and tell me that what you heard was even part of the meditation track in the OP.

There is no need to "poo-poo" all over the "idea". The music is fine. If it helps you meditate, more power to you. But if they are going to paste it all over the internet with claims of magical healing powers, then pardon me, but that's fair game. And if they will list some "magical" frequencies and allege that those are significantly present in the tune (even setting aside how pleasant or beneficial they are supposed to be), that, too, is not a matter of "liking" the thing (and its several copies) or not.

You say it quite correctly, Fyxe, we are inclusive of aspects of all reality. That doesn't oblige us to include any and all fantasy that is arguably not. And before this sounds overly exclusive, do keep in mind what sort of treatment nonsense like this would get anyplace else on the internet. Not only does this place let spam like this slide in the first place, here it gets to actually start discussions, even when the poster barely participates. We actually entertain this. I myself even defended it a few lines earlier saying that I can appreciate how the music linked might aid meditation. And yes, where most other places it'd get either ignored or mocked and ridiculed, here the most poo-poo-y thing that might happen is a genuine critical (one daresay intellectual) response. Oh, woe!

You say, with your usual confidence, based on a non sequitur rooted in your personal gut feeling, that God clearly, as a matter of fact, does not exist, yet when I say that the frequencies alleged to be significant parts of a tune are barely to be found in it discounting discretization effects, and we can show it, or that possibly they do not have healing powers that somehow kept evading medical research for decades, that's somehow unfair or unreasonable? Oh, please...

Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
Last edit: 04 Nov 2019 08:09 by Gisteron.
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04 Nov 2019 10:07 #345160 by Brick
Alright, lets all take a breather. We can disagree with each other without insulting each other.

I must admit this thread confuses me somewhat. However, Flexibility has now responded to a number of comments and I don't believe this falls under our definition of spam.

I'll mention it to a user who has Mod rights in this forum (as I don't), just to get their perspective, but as I say, I think this one is alright.

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04 Nov 2019 19:01 - 04 Nov 2019 19:18 #345179 by OB1Shinobi

Fyxe wrote: Wow you guys are just trolls!

Incorrect. Each of us have years of active interaction with this community. I’m pretty good at criticizing and I've certainly ruffled some feathers over the years but i have genuine affection and respect for this place and im doing my best to contribute in positive and useful ways. I cant speak for Gisteron but observation leads me to believe that he would say the same thing for himself.

You attack anyone with different ideas than yours. I thought jedi were about inclusiative aspects of all reality but you guys just take the cake!

You can see this as an attack if you like but it would be better for all of us if you took it as an invitation, instead. I am inviting you to become more active here in a more personal way. Make an introduction and tell us a little bit about yourself here: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/Introduce-yourself

Take a look at our doctrine here: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/doctrine-of-the-order

Check out the Initiate’s Program here: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/initiateprogramme

Maybe start a journal here: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/47-Journals

Or browse these forums and either open a new discussion (an actual discussion, not just a link to youtube videos) or enter into any ongoing discussion/s that seem interesting to you: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/index

People are complicated.
Last edit: 04 Nov 2019 19:18 by OB1Shinobi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gisteron, Kobos, Rex

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04 Nov 2019 20:07 #345187 by
I don't feel like the objections to the OP in this thread are the work of trolls, though a few responses could have been more diplomatic.

I believe that there are fascinating phenomena that occur outside the bounds of 3D reality, but understand that this belief is the result of a mix of personal experience and perception. We have to be really careful in extending a statement like "I tried doing X and right away Y happened" to the conclusion "X causes Y". The first statement suggests the possibility of a relationship, which is valid to present, but the latter asserts certainty, and to be credible requires precise definitions and a body of evidence.

The original post asserts that these various musical passages can heal the body, change consciousness, support communication, and "center magic". Maybe, some people experience these things, and it's accurate - even helpful - to describe those experiences for the consideration of others. But these claims convey the possibility of extreme outcomes, and if asserted with certainty - as they seem to be here - require both evidence that they have been well tested, and also need to rest upon a foundation of well-defined terms. Much of the terminology in the OP is imprecise; it is not clear what centering magic is, what is meant by the "power of surprise" is also unclear, how these musical passages are related to orbits of various objects in the solar system is undefined, and what an 8D audio is goes undefined as well.

I'm not trying to say the claims in the OP are false; I don't know enough to say that. But no evidence for their validity is provided, not even one person's experience, so the grounds for having confidence in them are weak. It doesn't help matters that the OP is apparently copied word for word from one forum to another; I have to agree with those that say this shows a lack of engagement with the communities hosting the post, and thereby leads to suspicion that the poster has some ulterior motive in sharing the content. If Gisteron's assertion that the cited musical frequencies aren't even present in at least some of the videos, that doesn't help credibility either.

That said, I suspect people may find the sounds conducive to meditation. That's a good enough claim, so maybe we can leave it at that until more is known.

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04 Nov 2019 20:44 #345189 by Gisteron
It's not that they aren't present... Because of the uncertainty principle it is inevitable to find pretty much all frequencies in any track of finite length. I'm saying the frequencies listed (or some of them, at any rate) aren't dominant, significant contributors to the entire thing. I'm sure this can be seen by performing a fourier transform on the track, I'm just not sure if suggesting that sort of effort to the regular forum reader is quite as effective as linking to something where they can just listen to what any frequency sounds like and judge for themselves if they have heard it to a noteworthy extent in the track before. It's more subjective this way, fair enough. Yet it's also more intuitive and hence more convincing than the "proper" way to make the point would be...

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