Weekday Doctrine Meditations 13:00 utc(Ajax)

14 Mar 2018 05:24 #318651 by RosalynJ
Hi guys. See you at 13:00. We'll discuss

3. Jedi are aware of the future impacts of action and inaction and of the influence of the past, but live in and focus on the Now. We let ourselves flow like water through the events around us. We embrace the ever changing and fluid world, adapting and changing as it does.

Pax Per Ministerium

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14 Mar 2018 12:30 #318668 by RosalynJ
Here is a recorded one for your morning:

Pax Per Ministerium

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15 Mar 2018 12:31 #318782 by RosalynJ
Traching #4
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Pax Per Ministerium

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16 Mar 2018 02:39 #318879 by RosalynJ
See you all at 13:00. We will be discussing:

5. Jedi understand that well-being consists in the physical, the mental and the spiritual. A Jedi trains each to ensure they remain capable of performing their duties to the best of their ability. All of these are interconnected and essential parts of our training in becoming more harmonious with the Force.

Pax Per Ministerium

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16 Mar 2018 12:34 #318902 by RosalynJ
Teaching 5
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Pax Per Ministerium

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16 Mar 2018 12:34 #318903 by RosalynJ
Starting next week, the Meditation time will be changed to 12:00 utc

Pax Per Ministerium

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18 Mar 2018 02:56 #319029 by RosalynJ
Starting tomorrow, (Monday) there will be two opportunities to engage in Weekday Meditations:

One at the regular 12:00 UTC

Another at 3:00 UTC

I'm looking forward to seeing you all. Thank you for the opportunity to share with you

Pax Per Ministerium

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19 Mar 2018 01:18 - 19 Mar 2018 01:19 #319091 by RosalynJ
Today is the first day we will do meditations at 3:00, which means in one hour and 45 minutes. Since we are starting this, we'll start it fresh with "Jedi Believe"

Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty.
In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice.
In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin.
In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time.
In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.
In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures.
In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression.

at 12:00 we will discuss teaching #6

6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 19 Mar 2018 01:19 by RosalynJ.

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19 Mar 2018 04:54 #319107 by RosalynJ
Weekday meditations for Monday and Tuesday are cancelled. We will resume on Wednesday 12 utc

Pax Per Ministerium

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21 Mar 2018 04:00 #319266 by RosalynJ
Good timezone everyone!!
I've missed you all. I needed some good R &R. Hopefully I will see you all at 12:00 or 3:00

At 12:00 we will discuss teaching #6

6. Jedi use their skills to the best of their ability. We do not use our knowledge and skill to boast or be prideful. We are mindful of the ego and mindful of our actions, exercising wisdom and humility.


At 03:00 Thursday, we will discuss:

Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person. We oppose the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty.
In a society governed by laws grounded in reason and compassion, not in fear or prejudice.
In a society that does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or circumstances of birth such as gender, ethnicity and national origin.
In the ethic of reciprocity, and how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time.
In the positive influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.
In the importance of freedom of conscience and self-determination within religious, political and other structures.
In the separation of religion and government and the freedoms of speech, association and expression.

Pax Per Ministerium

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