What is it like to feel gender?

26 Oct 2020 23:15 #355653 by RosalynJ
I see your research article and add another:


Now on the grounds of your comment would you prevent teenagers access to contraceptives?

The "pill" is a hormone pill

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26 Oct 2020 23:17 #355654 by Adder

OB1Shinobi wrote: DAMN- chiming in on the trans debate, there is no way in hell that a minor should be allowed to have sex/genital changing surgery and hormone “therapy” any more than they should be allowed to have breast implants or to take steroids. Sorry/not sorry if that hurts your feelings.

Hey you trying to get it locked or something!!? :huh: :pinch:

Yea, it wasn't really a trans discussion so it might not be a good idea to go there!! As you pointed out the OP was about gender, which includes transgender but is not limited to it. Anyway, I mean the summation of the OP's questions was "So is gender a feeling, rather than a thought or an action? If it is a feeling, how does it feel?". I think I did try to answer it, as my approach was along the lines of: given topic of feeling gender, what are potential mechanisms of ‘feeling’ gender in my opinion from my experience -> can this enable an experience of gender fluidity -> can other genders therefore be felt as a result of those mechanisms => potential wider exploration and appreciation of the topic. Unfortunately the most powerful ones in my experience have some relationship to sex, but interestingly not necessarily the sex your born with - which made me wonder about more subtle psychological constructs which in turn might indeed be more about society than physiology! Which is why its an interesting topic, it sorta straddles that space between science, psychology and society.

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
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26 Oct 2020 23:50 #355655 by RosalynJ
Ah, Ob1

The end of your article is as such "Importantly, these results should not be exaggerated in the other direction either: The correct answer is neither 0% nor 100%. Although the majority of transgender kids desist, it is not a large majority. A very substantial proportion do indeed want to transition as they get older, and we need to ensure they receive the support they will need. Despite loud, confident protestations of extremists, the science shows very clearly and very consistently that we cannot take either outcome for granted."

Given your article states as such, perhaps we should take the approach that non-trans* individuals will never understand the experience of a trans* individual. We should therefore not deprive individuals of access because of our beliefs. I speak in a general sense here.

In a similar vein, I have very strong opinions about abortion. My opinions mean only that I will not get an abortion, not that I can nor should deprive others of the right.

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27 Oct 2020 00:42 - 27 Oct 2020 00:52 #355657 by OB1Shinobi

Rosalyn J wrote: I see your research article and add another:


Now on the grounds of your comment would you prevent teenagers access to contraceptives?

The "pill" is a hormone pill

This was an interesting read. I have to point out a couple of things. First, this article is based on one single study. One. Next, there is nothing in here about hormonal transition, this study was focused on “blocking puberty”. Ive known several people both male and female who would have benefited by having their puberty slowed down. I imagine that this even more applicable for trans children, needing more time to figure out who they are.

Lastly: “Those getting the treatment were more likely to....have a higher household income and have greater family support compared to those who wanted it but did not receive it.”

This rather confounds the study, doesnt jt? Was the puberty-blocker the important part, or was it that these particular kids came from families where they were they were loved and accepted?

As for your question about contraception. Somewhat tricky but not very much because there is no comparison here. Medical contraceptives (as opposed to material contraceptives, such as condoms) do result in hormonal changes but theyre not meant to permanent changes. If you think about it theyre actually meant to keep you the way that you are: not pregnant. Some people grow up way too fast and contraceptives save/protect them from the results of their bad decisions. Gender reassignment therapy is permanent. If your boy wants to wear dresses or your daughter wants to play with pistols and swords, great, let them do that. Love your children as they are. When we’re talking about irreversible hormonal interventions? Research shows that a lot of children grow out of the way that they feel about themselves while they are children.. Its ok if they dont but hey, maybe let them grow up a little bit, first? They can choose for themselves when they become an adult.

People are complicated.
Last edit: 27 Oct 2020 00:52 by OB1Shinobi.

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27 Oct 2020 00:57 - 27 Oct 2020 00:59 #355658 by RosalynJ
I think your opinion is based on a majority narrative which doesn't help individuals who exist as minorities.

I'm going to bring up your study again in that it stated
"A very substantial proportion do indeed want to transition as they get older, and we need to ensure they receive the support they will need."

Support they will need is of course based on the individual. Some will need hormones as a part of their support

My point still stands. I wouldn't deprive them access based on my beliefs.I only own my own body

Having said that, I feel really uncomfortable discussing this issue in such an objective way, As I said, I will never understand what it is like to be an individual in the trans* community. I consider it tantamount to an individual discussing gay conversion therapy, which I do not agree with as a Lesbian.

I'm going to go ahead and stop on that point.

Just know if you are out there and you identify as trans that I support you. That I am learning as much as I can in order to be a better ally. I hope you know that I am here for you

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 27 Oct 2020 00:59 by RosalynJ.
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27 Oct 2020 01:32 #355659 by RosalynJ
This topic has made me very curious as to how to increase my femininity, so I looked up youtube videos and I found some interesting tips:

I could do my hair (in a feminine style)

I could wear perfume

I could put on lotion

I could spend more time with women

I could write affirming notes (though I think that could be said for all genders)

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27 Oct 2020 01:41 #355660 by OB1Shinobi
As someone who likes women i sure hope there is more to femininity than that. Put on lotion? Jesus, the internet was supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness.

People are complicated.

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27 Oct 2020 02:11 #355662 by RosalynJ

OB1Shinobi wrote: As someone who likes women i sure hope there is more to femininity than that. Put on lotion? Jesus, the internet was supposed to bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness.

It rubs the lotion... :silly:

I mean... I made up that one. But I assume it makes your skin soft. I'm really bad at the feminine thing.

I figured it would be more philosophical, so I've been looking around for philosophical resources:

I found this, but its pretty short: https://cac.org/feminine-and-masculine-principles-2018-04-22/

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27 Oct 2020 02:58 - 27 Oct 2020 03:01 #355663 by Adder
The problem there is masculine and feminine can (from some perspectives) be considered to only represent elements of those gender poles? Which would seem to reinforce gender poles that have historically been attributed to sex.

So since we're talking about gender, if doing 'female' things is femininity, its begs the question at what point is a female doing male things to be considered a female thing!? :S

But I do think its fair to assert masculinity and femininity as measures of those poles, ie attributes.... attributes which now allow for partial and mixed expression in different combination and amounts as what we call the gender spectrum. But that to me implies a relationship to sex, albeit not in a limiting way of defining what is or is not allowed or best for the individual - rather just a historical cultural way of what 'was' gender. Or is gender now a totally new field of behaviours.... is Jedi a gender? I sorta think it is but that is me going too far the other way I think!

It's almost as if the concept of masculine and feminine really don't quite fit in with the decoupling of meanings for sex and gender... unless they are just seen this way AFAIK?? Does anyone else have a better way for them to be defined?

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
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Last edit: 27 Oct 2020 03:01 by Adder.
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27 Oct 2020 03:05 - 27 Oct 2020 03:06 #355664 by RosalynJ
I getted confused

Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 27 Oct 2020 03:06 by RosalynJ.

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