What form(s) of magic(k) do you practice?

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25 Jul 2014 22:38 - 25 Jul 2014 22:42 #153481 by
Though I don't discuss this often on the forum, I am active in a few Pagan/occult traditions and practice a number of different forms of magic. I've had long time love affairs with John Dee's Enochian magic (esp. early applications like the Tabula Bonorum), New Orleans voodoo (as distinct from hoodoo ), runic magic , and magical practices related to Huna - and despite no longer being a practitioner of shamanism or chaos magic , I still utilize techniques from those traditions on occasion.

I'm interested in hearing about the types of magic that other people in the community practice - and if you are comfortable sharing, I am also curious how you have effectively used your practices to enhance your individual experiences with Jediism. This is not a subject that most of us are able to talk about regularly or without receiving odd looks, so I thought it might be fun to get a conversation going in this section of the forum.

I would like this to remain a safe space where we can discuss our practices freely and without judgment. So I ask, please, that others respect this and not turn this thread into a debate about the authenticity of magic or its value.
Last edit: 25 Jul 2014 22:42 by .

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25 Jul 2014 23:21 - 25 Jul 2014 23:23 #153483 by Br. John
For half a buck, a vial of luck,

Or a bottle of nifty breaks,

Or a flask of joy, or Myrna Loy,

For luncheon with sirloin steaks.

Pour out a mug from this Old jug,

And you'll never get wet in rains.

I've bottles of grins and racetrack wins,

And lotions to ease your pains.

Here's bottles of imps and wet-pack shrimps,

From a sea unknown to man,

And an elixir to banish fear,

And the sap from the pipes of Pan.

With the powdered horn of a unicorn

You can win yourself a mate;

With the rich hobnob; or get a job —

It's yours at a lowered rate.

from Shottle Bop by Theodore Sturgeon

Founder of The Order
Last edit: 25 Jul 2014 23:23 by Br. John.
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25 Jul 2014 23:51 #153484 by
Hello.ive been practicing a form of snchromystisism .an knowledge has been flowing.some really cools snchronicitys have been popping up in triplicate as well as standard double doses.i viewed a holographic universe seiries I downloaded on youtube.it was subliminal deconditioning to standard model thinking.it was basically the secret teachings downloaded right into the cortex.ever scince I've study said series .i can actually say .....the force is one stand up way of viewing the universe

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26 Jul 2014 00:41 #153489 by steamboat28
Syncretic Christian mystic checking in.
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26 Jul 2014 01:22 #153492 by
I'm studying Tarot card reading and I would participate in a number of different pagan rituals if asked, but at the moment none. I do it more for understanding rather than to enhance my own spiritual life (although understanding is a big part of my spiritual life).

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26 Jul 2014 01:40 #153495 by Adder
My own blend, mostly using Vajrayana Buddhism for internal alchemy, which tends to translate externally through changes in perception, which then relates back to 'connection', which allows direction of effort to achieve a balancing transfer of energy. Some external effects are likely consequence of tracking 'karmic traces' and managing mindfulness, but the point is to seek out and understand the higher fidelity results. So I basically wander around in the dark trying to find my own best methods.

As I'm getting a bit older now, I think I'm loosing 'range' or projection and instead falling back on myself a bit - to better understand my self in regards to this physical shell and its place in the Force. I'll call it bubbleism, lets all be round and shiny
One day I might 'pop', but perhaps I'll grow big enough to bridge two layers/planes and continue on as a conduit... fed but fuelling in perpetuity

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
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TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
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26 Jul 2014 01:52 #153497 by
Ninjafretshadow: Interesting. I am pretty obsessed with synchronicity myself and it is frequently a focus in my magical workings. I wonder how common a thread the interest in synchronicity is in this community (in general or where other Pagans, witches, magicians, and mystics are concerned)?

steamboat: I had been wondering how you defined yourself in this sense. Thank you for sharing. If this is not too personal a question, how does the Jedi path fit into that? Or does it? I mean, it sounds like Jediism is an extension of Christian mysticism for you, but I'm curious if Jediism plays a part in terms of practical application or if it is more of a philosophical layer?

Jamie: Cool. I studied tarot for quite some time and would love to talk with you about it if you ever feel up to it. Do you have a favorite deck? I always worked with the standard Rider-Waite deck and Crowley's Thoth deck (the latter was generally for personal readings, and I admittedly used tarot less for divination than I did to figure out where my own head was at a given time). :)

Adder: Ooh. Very interesting. In all honesty, I don't even know where to start asking questions about your practices, but I'm genuinely intrigued. I can definitely appreciate the 'wander around in the dark' approach too. :) "Bubbleism, lets all be round and shiny"... nice! Forgive me, but you made me think of this...

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26 Jul 2014 02:19 #153498 by
Tarot is a very good practice.studying tarot from Carl yuengs view as pertained to psychology with the anima an animus the archetypical thought process can bring real understanding an practical uses for appealing to the comman being the magik view for the initiate.micheal tsarions work in that arena are all over youtube..I just had a synchro trip...I saw a commercial for a witch bubble 2 app downloaded it played it then came to the site an I see the bubble vid.far out! The tarot,sacred geometry,an numerology and psychology from yuengs teaching.......man that just blows the mind

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26 Jul 2014 03:47 #153500 by steamboat28

Arcade wrote: steamboat: I had been wondering how you defined yourself in this sense. Thank you for sharing. If this is not too personal a question, how does the Jedi path fit into that? Or does it? I mean, it sounds like Jediism is an extension of Christian mysticism for you, but I'm curious if Jediism plays a part in terms of practical application or if it is more of a philosophical layer?

I was originally drawn here for practical reasons, though I've found only philosophy. It's not a loss--I needed that, too--but I continue to see "Jediism" as an extension of the energywork I've done for years, and continue to pursue it in a practical manner.
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26 Jul 2014 04:50 #153506 by RyuJin
I'm currently exploring my own blend...a little shamanism/hedgecraft...in the past I've studied wicca, enochian, tarot, I-ching, runic, astrology..

I have my own staff(oak aka wizards wood), wand (spruce), a jade chalice( don't know where or when I got it), also have a flagon of holy water I blessed myself, and a small vial of lightning infused soil...I have no idea what to use it for yet, when I collected it I was walking my dog outside and a bolt of lightning struck a tree 50 feet from me, my dog didn't even look up to see what happened...it blew all the bark off one side, and sent large splinters everywhere, and blew a big hole in the ground where it went in...I saw that and didn't hesitate to scoop some up...how often does one get an opportunity like that?...

When shaping my staff I had a dream that someone in a black robe told me "call my name" he then turned into a dragon and vanished into a mist..I shaped the staff head into a dragon's head, put my markings on the staff and waited until I finally learned the name. For the awakening I anointed it with the holy water and a small amount of the lightning infused soil, and called his name...I did the ceremony on halloween which just happened to have a full moon...

Warning: Spoiler!

Warning: Spoiler!

J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
Former Masters: GM Kana Seiko Haruki , Br.John
Current Apprentices: Baru
Former Apprentices:Adhara(knight), Zenchi (knight)
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