The Block

26 Sep 2016 13:56 #258411 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
One of many gifts of Jedi ism
Good day Jedi, im not sure how many know this but ill let you in on a little secret. There is a way to find things out for your self. No treasure map, no road maps or google ever needed, just good old fashion searching. Now, before you call me Indiana Jones, or some form of old joke lol (they are always welcome!) I want to put this out for the week. Meditation. The whole reason we as Jedi teach and preach Meditation and contemplation is in our teaching's. #2 says we are encouraged to "maintain a clear mind; which can be achieved through meditation and contemplation"

Now, in my learning I have come to a bit of validation. So many people ask me why the Temple? One of my easier answers is simple, and I offer it to you.
When I started on my path here in the Temple things were different. Time was different, Teachers were different, availability and the process was different. Not wrong, I wasn't used to it. Over time and effort I was in the mix of things in the Temple. After a bit of time, I learned the process and figured out a way to be a part of this wonderful place.
Now, that's not the point I would like to share today in the block party. The point is this, that word...VALIDAION
I offer it to the Temple. Why search ,why seek, why find out why ? In seeking you will find. IN SEEKING YOU WILL FIND. I put that in big letters so we all can see. The direction is in fact part of the reason here. Ill explain. Part of the Temple for me is,,, me. The time and effort I have put into it. The extra yard sale books I find, the web sites I link the subject matter I bring ,the songs I sing , the things I watch, that's all the Validation. All that is my path, me. On our path we will have that fire that urge to do something about it. Look it up , validate, it is our gift as Jedi to do so. I think at times I forget or my amygdala take over and I just take some ones word for it. Not wrong, im just not used to it yet. lol So, in this week as you take your time to practice your Meditation and contemplation as our 12 teachings encourage us to, I offer you this, the longer you stay in this path the more you learn , the more you learn the more you CAN validate a lot of things you always wondered. IS it true, is it path worthy , is it right for me? These are things each Jedi HAS to ask them SELFS on their own paths. So as a Jedi I offer this to you, why the Temple.
Validation, thru knowledge and good old fashioned perseverance, other wise know as curiosity. You got both in floods, I see it! So for this week, my hope is that you find your own validations and you find out for yourselves. My hope is you can still look at the great wall and feel small and still, you look up at the stars and wonder. My hope is we turn to ourselves and our teachings and find EXACTLZY what we need, not what "I" need but what we need personally. Remember, we are Jedi and the answers will differ as colors in a rainbow of light. Don't worry about the answers so much but get the process down. Start the fire , fan the flame, grow Jedi grow, no one can stop you, you know why? Its in our own doctrines that we can validate what we seek. Might not be the answers we want right then and there but we will find them. From one who is and has been there, friends, keep on! SEEK FIND share live grow. May the Living Force be with yall allways!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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26 Sep 2016 14:08 #258413 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
"as always Feel free to comment or validate anything... if you have any questions at all feel free to pm me. My door is always open and I am almost always available , some times for those who need it or want it. Be strong in your paths Jedi! be like water, be strong.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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26 Sep 2016 15:12 #258427 by Jack.Troutman
Replied by Jack.Troutman on topic The Block
Thank you for this Master! Very relevant to me! I meditate...nearly...everyday. I am trying to get into the habit of making it everyday and I am well on my way. :)
Force be with you always Master!

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Ernest Hemingway
TM: Carlos Martinez
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26 Sep 2016 15:34 #258432 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
In the course of being in the Temple I am talking a course on this a course on that. Man my brain some days if so full of stuff. Don't forget to make time to rest too. No fair using your drive and fire and not stopping often to re fule or rest and re begin. The break is as important as the content. I had a engineer tell me one time... the best machines run while resting. That's what you pay more for. There is so much we can teach each other. Don't u think? Smiley face

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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26 Sep 2016 15:36 #258433 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Carlos Temple secret : work a break in the process as often as possible. Helps for good form, sanity and focus!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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27 Sep 2016 18:07 #258677 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

Attachment h04ac3b9.jpg not found

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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03 Oct 2016 14:14 #259524 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block

I often ask a simple question to my self. Where is my Focus. A simple question to a not so simple answer. As a Jedi our Focus can be anything we choose, better yet it can be a number of things if we so choose. Now , that being said if you don't know let me tell you, Jedi ism, is a very open idea in to which many different ideas CAN and will be together to create something as individual as the person itself. We all have our different focus, that ok. I'm gunna Bold it so u can read it. WE DONE HAVE TO BE ALIKE. Your focus is your own. It is up to each Jedi to figure it out. Some understand more quickly than others and begin their choices to change or modify their own ideas and focus. It is entirely up to you what you choose to study and focus on in your life. Isn't that a nice thing to know? It is up to you to figure out whether its worth keeping or keep searching. It is up to you to know where to put your own focus. Jedi ism will never condemn, blame or tell you some one else's as you must, nope, and I think that we can all say here that if so, you might want to check it out a bit more. Most of us here are looking for a better path and a better focus. That seems to be the common goal here. Watch! look! see! take some time to ask, hmmmm where IS my Focus? It can and will change at times by situations and time. Count on it. Do you have a focus? Do you have multiple? Do u have enough? too many? This is the Mindfulness that combats ALOT of common stumbling block in the Jedi path as well as in common every day life. Life is constantly moving, going, flowing and it CAN be up to us where our focus is, or isn't. This week as we make attempts to focus on things this week, our lifes, family, friend's and Temple, be reminded friends and Jedi, if its your focus, ITS OURS and you can control and direct it with a bit of, MINDFULNESS.
May the Living Force be with YALL always!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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10 Oct 2016 13:48 #260468 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
This week I lay this at your feet Jedi
In my studies I have found a truth, a reason , a pitch or a idea and it is taken from here ..

The World according to Mr. Rodgers
Important things to remember
by Fred Rodgers
copyright 2004 family communications inc.

This is not from the Land of Make-believe but his memoirs.

"If you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet: how important you COULD be to the people you never even dream of. There is something of your self that you leave at every meeting with every person. " pg 160.

I personally think Mr. Rodgers was part Jedi lol
We never know the impact we have on things, places or people by just us being there. I encourage those on the Jedi path to remember that we are the light, if you don't want to be the light then your in the wrong place. This place is designed to help grow and nourish this one of many ideas. We never know who or what and how we influence things. Be it known some times our presence IS the difference in some cases.
Jedi, be Jedi.
Continue to be the light, the more we see and the more we realize our surroundings some days the more we realize how in the dark so many things are, SOME TIMES WE ARE THE ONLY LIGHT SOME WILL SEE. Come on Jedi, shine. Do what it is that makes you shine. Be the light not only because its our path and chosen focus but to those without. (family friends co workers ect...)
My son looks to me for certain things, father, cook, companion, teacher, yet I fill them all every day , not to mention lover husband and a many other hats I stack on top of each other from others as well. We are not alone in this world friends, we would like to think we are and some even wish we were but the truth of the matter is we are not. Why Jedi? Why be the difference in things, hopefully you share the same thought with me, for those I see, for those I personally come in contact with. Be mindful Jedi this week about things, sometimes ,whether we like it or not we are the light some never knew existed!
May that Living Force be with yall where you stand this day!

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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10 Oct 2016 17:11 #260569 by
Replied by on topic The Block
Our lives and beings are so intertwined , we dont even know the half of it , all the problems in the world that mean nothing if we ever get really disconnected and feel as if we dont matter , what an intens lonely feeling that must be. I notice how people get sad and upset when we fight in the Forum and i realise that for us , THIS is HOME , and nobody likes fights at home , we want to be together and cuddle , Jedi hugs all over , but let me tell you ,there is yet a family to be born that does not fight , the connection the learning , the leaving and the coming back . Its like my family here :laugh:

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17 Oct 2016 15:00 #261598 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
This world we live in is vast. Very vast. Some days there is a lot. (I wish I could underline the word is!) Too much if you ask me. I have learned through my studies that I personally can not handle it all some days. This rele-vation (pun intended) shows me a few things I would like to share. There is a focus. Now, taking the Buddhism course or two from Coursera will reveal many things in the course of the study. One of the minor things I have learned is that life goes whether or not I'm on the wagon. This causes me to think. Its the flow and ebb as some have said of things that we can either flow with or swim in or even allow to dismantle.
Now, it IS up to every Jedi to decide their own fate. Be it known, friends and Jedi, this is not a one size fits all, its really a your size can fit all kind of way of thinking. No path is the same and therefore no way will be similar, I'll say it again so those who take notes can catch that, NO PATH IS THE SAME. Knowing this, it seems silly to see a few things butt heads when we kinda know that we won't have the same answers, hu? hmmm. This is something for us as Jedi to think about. I never want to blame or shun any one ever in this place, not the intention ever, the intention is to build. When builders realize they have different tools and different skills, lets just say each house is going to be different. You can spend your day and time trying to make others see like us but in the end, Their house, their tools, their path. Why do we forget that as Jedi some times? I don't want to seem like a downer by any means. The Jedi way is a uplifting way of thinking, I can! If I were to sum up Jedi-ism in a nut shell my official stance is this, "yes you can" quote me if you like lol. Part of the reason I find myself sad and lonely some times is because I simply forget I am a part of something that can help. When you're feeling down and in a corner as some say , its ok, when you see everything is different and not in your control , that's ok. life is full. He who controls it, all of life, has got some problems on their hands, lol so rather than stress about the control of the vastness, turn to you Jedi. Notice your path and be happy , you have your own path. That's ok Jedi, you don't have to be like me and the best thing is and I say this with love I don't have to be like you. Yet we are...
May the Living Force be with yall
Your Knight and minister , Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
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