Is Q a threat to Democracy?

30 Jun 2020 21:00 #353102 by ZealotX

I personally believe Q is actually Russian Intelligence
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01 Jul 2020 00:18 #353104 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?
Yea the social unrest doctrine of the Russian's is a legit thing by the looks of it, but whether they are having success in engineering mass delusion within the US population on both sides of politics is another question. It might just be an inherent weakness in democracy that group think inevitably tears order down when the citizens are given enough of it to hang themselves with. It seems to be one of the factors in places like Russia and China to tighten control over populations freedoms in specific ways to crush uprisings of any flavor very early and integral to that is political 'stability' (from the point of view of those in charge).

My thinking is anything which promotes conflict is counter-productive to democracy because it creates fear, and fear promotes delusion because it's driven by an urgency from the sub-conscious flight or fight architecture to decide sooner rather then later. In contrast rational thought benefits by being able to take the time needed to make the best balanced decision given all factors. Irrationality and delusion can feel more right then what is right often, because the real world is rarely as neat and simple as artificial constructs that fit the picture or narrative.

It's basically a case of order vs disorder, and when people decide disorder serves their need better then order.... well then its become every dog for themselves just because each one has its own needs. The illusion of group only lasts so long when disorder is an effective mechanism of change. It's the same thing in a different fashion to when power corrupts - because those with the power realize they don't have to follow the group rules anymore.

So yea I think it is a threat to democracy. To go all Sun Tzu-ey on the thread.... you don't win a war by confronting the enemy, you win a war by putting them in a position they cannot fight from.

So if movements are promoting misinformation, fear, conflict and radicalism, then it's going backwards for that community...... which is disastrous for the environment among other things!!! There are so many humans on this rock that we cannot afford to stagnate technological development and scientific depth, else this place will buckle under our slow pace of growth.

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01 Jul 2020 11:45 #353110 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?
This is an interesting video that works into this subject. Worth the watch.

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03 Jul 2020 14:03 #353143 by Carlos.Martinez3

ZealotX wrote:

I personally believe Q is actually Russian Intelligence

I’ve watched the “last Vanderbilt “since ChannelOne....
Sone one has been on my screen since I was a weeee rebel.
Anderson Cooper is one of the last “royalty” America has - and frankly - I tend not to believe a lot of what he says - becuae of this fact. He owns ALOT of the news he works for. Most of what he says - isn’t for me - just something to think about.

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04 Jul 2020 02:25 #353154 by TheDude
Replied by TheDude on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?
Q is just a person or group of people who posted things you might normally see on the anonymous forums they posted on. Only difference is they have a quirky writing style and generally say the things they know will be popular or increase hype with a particular subset of the population. There have been times Q has been right, but it's a lot of stuff that could be guessed or surmised pretty easily and other times Q has been totally wrong. Q could be anyone, and anyone could be a "Q" at some point in time if they get into trolling as a daily habit. The cult of personality around Q is not new, nor is it unique to Q, nor is Q the largest or best example of it in my opinion.
Basically, I think Q is a LARP or a troll and is of no more or less a threat than the national enquirer.

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05 Oct 2020 20:48 #355083 by ZealotX
Replied by ZealotX on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?

TheDude wrote: Q is just a person or group of people who posted things you might normally see on the anonymous forums they posted on. Only difference is they have a quirky writing style and generally say the things they know will be popular or increase hype with a particular subset of the population. There have been times Q has been right, but it's a lot of stuff that could be guessed or surmised pretty easily and other times Q has been totally wrong. Q could be anyone, and anyone could be a "Q" at some point in time if they get into trolling as a daily habit. The cult of personality around Q is not new, nor is it unique to Q, nor is Q the largest or best example of it in my opinion.
Basically, I think Q is a LARP or a troll and is of no more or less a threat than the national enquirer.

I think that's how Q got started. So I'm with you on that.


The problem with an anonymous poster is that anyone ELSE can assume the same identity. I think it started out as a prank... maybe not even an experiment to see if anyone would believe it but just saying random silliness for effect because that's how some hackers are. But then maybe someone else pretended to believe it and eventually someone wanted to see if people would believe it for real.

Once they did, now, without realizing it, they had created a valuable intelligence weapon. Because if you can get people to believe that some rich people are actually satan loving baby eaters then this allows an intelligence agency to to run the ball the rest of the way in for the touchdown. All they have to do is start dropping names of their political adversaries and people who are against Putin and don't want him having access to all the money he's siphoned off the Russian people and has been hiding in banks and under Oligarchs. If they can turn enough people against those politicians then they can be replaced by people who are more favorable to Putin. If Q people actually get elected... that's worse, but it's still bad if a large number of people believe Q because now that's political pressure on the people representing their districts.

We have seen Republicans, some who I used to have respect for, completely lick the boot of the president because they are scared of his influence. If Q keeps recruiting normal people eventually our political leaders are going to become Russian puppets.

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05 Oct 2020 23:11 - 05 Oct 2020 23:49 #355087 by OB1Shinobi

ZealotX wrote:

I personally believe Q is actually Russian Intelligence

I think most Americans seriously under estimate just how prolific Russian intelligence is within American social media. They are hitting every vulnerability that they can identify. Theyre not just trying to influence one or two elections, they are working to facilitate irrevocable rifts in our country. To use the Culture War to fracture us beyond repair. They are a major player in the “post truth” movement that we are currently facing and they are a very serious threat to our society and to our future as a nation.

Just sayin

People are complicated.
Last edit: 05 Oct 2020 23:49 by OB1Shinobi.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZealotX, Jake Nislan

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06 Oct 2020 18:13 #355107 by ZealotX
Replied by ZealotX on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?

OB1Shinobi wrote:

ZealotX wrote:

I personally believe Q is actually Russian Intelligence

I think most Americans seriously under estimate just how prolific Russian intelligence is within American social media. They are hitting every vulnerability that they can identify. Theyre not just trying to influence one or two elections, they are working to facilitate irrevocable rifts in our country. To use the Culture War to fracture us beyond repair. They are a major player in the “post truth” movement that we are currently facing and they are a very serious threat to our society and to our future as a nation.

Just sayin

Well said.

I honestly believe this may be a threat we (Jedi) may eventually need to deal with because this turning into (already became) a 'virtual' social war. The fact that it's operating in the shadows but in the public domain... makes it different to me than other threats and I know how our government is. Big guns. Expensive toys. This... is different. I'm not saying we don't have talented hackers. But we're not going to use public funding to battle internet trolls, no matter how many there are because we simply can't. Doing so would be too much like state run propaganda.

This, to me, and call me silly, is like trying to identify hidden sith and stop them from taking over our senate. Q is already penetrated several political races. If no one can take down Q in anyway that has a deprogramming effect on the infected/socially hacked population it will simply secretly convert people, using conspiracy theory channels and social media, until enough people are infected.

Once infected, more people will commit terrorist activities. Yes... against their own government. When a person truly believes that a pizza place is hiding a child sex ring and they know where it is... there is a probability of them doing something about it and with enough people considering different possibilities, armed with different weapons, being at different ages, it becomes a human combination to where the right alignment of variables will result in someone becoming a terrorist.

Even non-Arab Americans have been radicalized into Muslim extremism. If that can happen... then how much easier would it be to radicalize Americans who think they're fighting for America, and for Christianity, to destroy people who are satanic or even possessed by demons? Anyone who wants to be a hero can be indoctrinated in Q and used as villains. And if no one can or is willing to convince people that Q is wrong... what's there to stop this from getting much much worse?

It seems like there are already people... AMERICANS.... and I cannot believe I'm saying this... there are people already willing to go through another civil war over this next election. That means there are people willing to forsake democracy over this. And isn't that Putin's ultimate desire? (besides all of his money). The Proud Boys have taken Trump's words to "stand by" and they are recruiting. Call me crazy but I think we need to train ourselves to be online warriors to combat Q and fascist and racist groups before they all band together, use a few politicians as "moderate face" (who wont actually be moderate republicans because they'll be Q in disguise) and working against democracy and for Russia from the inside.
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07 Oct 2020 17:03 #355134 by
Replied by on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?
I do agree that Q is not only one problem but many hiding behind one name, And I wouldn't be surprised by the Russian influence as we have increasingly seen this during the last 5 years, Its almost as though they WANT US TO KNOW who it is....

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07 Oct 2020 17:22 #355135 by rugadd
Replied by rugadd on topic Is Q a threat to Democracy?
Or somebody else does.

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