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The Force
So basically the first time happened about 2 weeks ago or so.. I tried meditating while laying in bed before i fall asleep because i find laying down helps me to be more relaxed than sitting. So i quieted my mind and tried to increase my awareness around me. I focused on the after image my lights burned into my retinas before i turned them off. I was specifically trying to feel the aether/the force around me. After an hour or more i entered into the state where you sort of start semi dreaming where you get images and things that play in your head... This went on for a good while to the point where i was vaguely awake, when suddenly it was like someone flipped a switch in my head. In the middle back portion of my brain i had an explosion of electric energy and my whole body felt like it was vibrating. It felt like my blood or cells or whatever in my whole body was bubbling or boiling. I also felt stinging electric energy in the air around me. It was mildly painful. I used to be a cop so i have been tased for 5 seconds. If i had to compare it to something I'd have to compare it to being tased. But it wasnt agonizingly painful like a taser, just a discomfortable pain. The most painful part was in my head when it first triggered. Anyway, i attempted to raise my energy level like you would if you were a dbz character and it made me vibrate harder. I did that about 3 times. It was an incredible experience!! I quickly wanted to get up and see what i could do or what it would be like to be on my feet while experiencing this. But my limbs felt heavy and it was hard to move them. I know i picked my knees up and kicked my legs back and forth and then tried to roll over. But I'm not sure if i actually moved or not. Trying to move brought me out of it and the vibrating went away. But i still felt a static electric feeling around my hands and arms for several minutes afterward.
I meditated for 4 hours the next night trying to duplicate the experience but was unsuccessful. I was finally able to begin to do it again a few days ago which is why i joined this site and started the thread. When i started to feel the electric surge in my head again i pulled away because it was painful, so i involuntarily pulled away which stopped it. But i tried to get it back and after 20 minutes or so i got to a milder version where it felt like energy was spiraling into my third eye area and spiraling back out through my crown area.
Just last night/this morning i did it again. I didnt pull away that i know of but it wasnt painful this time and i didn't have the bubbling feeling all over. I was still having vibrations just not as intense. It also felt like my limbs were kind of magnetized together. The humming in my head was an intense screeching sound. I decided i was going to try to bring my hands together and it seemed like just thinking that made the screeching louder so i didnt try and just moved some fingers on my right hand. Then i decided to just lay there and see what happened. The screeching got super loud to the point that i thought it would blow my ear drums and leave me deaf but then i thought the sound wasnt an actual audible sound so that wouldn't happen. So i let it continue to vibrate and screech in my head. I tried to feel around me with my awareness and the screeching dialed down and went away. When it was dying down the blackness from my eyes being closed lightened up and went white a little bit. Then it was over but my 2 legs felt like they were stuck together still like that magnetized feeling i said i felt. Obviously they werent, after several minutes i moved them.
Anyway that's what I've felt and experienced. I think it could be the beginnings of an out of body experience possibly? Idk because ive never had one but just because they occur close to sleep state and because it's hard to move during them. I've also thought i have succeded in reaching out and touching the aether or the force and im getting overloaded with that energy. The one article i found about meditation, someone talked about getting an energy overload and mentioned a bubbling sensation and that they could be unpleasant and suggested trying to ground the energy out and send it back down to the earth to make it go away. But that's the only thing I've found that sounds remotely similar.
Anyway, whatever it is it's a pretty cool experience. Hopefully i can get better at reproducing it and make it last longer and learn something.
If anyone else has felt something like that please share.
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You mentioned some unpleasant sensations and perceptions, but maybe you reframed them as an experience of connection with the Force.
And at the end you mentioned that it was a pretty cool experience. Then: congratulations on your findings and that your experiments lead you to valuable learnings for your internal harmony and with others.
My experiences with the force, are the result of connecting with my own spirituality in the style of this season of my life, swimming, martial arts, meditating silently in nature, making music ... Hugging people who I care...
And many times I enter in a flow-state, when I investigate interesting topics about the special biochemistry of the body when these transcendental states are perceived. Maybe you would like to review the tv-serie: Rewired.
As you saw, some posts are for discussion and others are just for sharing individual experiences, as you just did.
Keep practicing and enjoying
The Force is all, I choose my Focus
Life includes suffering, I am Resilient
The Force include my imagination, I extract Wisdom and Harmony
Life includes adversity, I obtain Knowledge
I respect your Life, lets revitalize our Force while breathing
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I also dont considerate it super natural. I dont think of what one could call a force or the force as a supernatural force or entity. Im working from the Nikola Tesla type of perspective. When he said he could provide the whole world with free wireless energy and could lite light bulbs without wires connected to them. Things exist and move inside the aether. Sound alters the air, things alter water, and light is the altering of the aether. If Tesla and others that didnt agree with einstein are correct we have this aether around. Some type of energy or something that light and electricity stem from. So if that's what's causing it then it's as natural as everything else.
If i suddenly get abducted by aliens we can go with a sleep paralysis theory lol.
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Whoa, let's back up a little. I may not have all the veneration for Tesla that he may enjoy from some of our contemporary friends of pseudo-science these days, but to say that he promised free energy - wireless or otherwise - I still find would be somewhat a disservice to one so talented electrical engineer as Tesla. That being said, I only object out of my own incredulity that a man so bright and well educated as him would say something that'd have been considered so silly in his day. If you happen to have a credible citation of him saying anything of the sort, by all means, I'm all ears.Flint2020 wrote: Im working from the Nikola Tesla type of perspective. When he said he could provide the whole world with free wireless energy and could lite light bulbs without wires connected to them. (emphasis added)
It's not a matter of agreeing with Einstein or Tesla, as it is a matter of agreeing with experimental results. Relativity did not survive the test of time because it just happened to be more fashionable nor because more money was thrown at it, or not enough noble rebels stood up to it. It survived because on top of never coming into conflict with experimental data, it kept making non-trivial predictions that kept getting confirmed by said data to staggering precision. Meanwhile theories of a luminiferous aether only ever sounded plausible based on an argument from analogy (as seen above) and an incredulity of the contrary, i.e. never based on any actual observation to begin with, and also kept failing every meaningful test one would construct for it.Things exist and move inside the aether. Sound alters the air, things alter water, and light is the altering of the aether. If Tesla and others that didnt agree with einstein are correct we have this aether around. Some type of energy or something that light and electricity stem from.
I would be careful as well with the wording for that analogy. What you mean by sound is indeed movement of pressure waves through a medium. It doesn't have to be air, it doesn't even have to be fluid, but even if we were to build a quantum theory of sound (and, just for the record, yes, that does exist, especially for solids), we would end up with quasi-particles only for sound carriers. To say that a volume of air is "altered" after a sound passed through it is difficult unless one is very clear about what one means by that. Even something as a minute rise in temperature may in some sense be an indication that the sound did not completely pass through the volume under consideration.
For water the expression is dangerously close to the sort of premise you'd fine homoeopaths use to sell ampules of overpriced placebo drops. Sound waves do to water about as little as they do to air, and solving other substances in water of course mostly affects the molecules forming the hydrate layers whilst leaving the rest of the water unaffected. Surely none of the water molecules remember anything about the solution once the water has been cleansed of the solute.
As for light, it is carried by light particles, and unlike sound quanta, photons are rather quite real particles that can be detected individually and have consistent properties (especially mass and speed) between all observers. In fact, one of the earliest conclusive indications of the quantization of light is what earned Einstein his 1921 Nobel Prize, not relativity. Indeed, the necessity of special relativity came up in part because of Michelson's and Morley's 1887 experiment (and later up to modern confirmations with ever increasing sensitivity) clearly disproving the presence of a luminiferous aether.
Light and electricity do indeed "stem from" something, namely charge. Electrical current is the movement of charge, and light is the transmission of forces charges exert on each other. We can argue that in the language of quantum field theories it all comes down to electron, positron, quark, and photon fields at the end of the day, but these are nothing like the aether physicists or engineers from one and a half century ago would have envisioned, nor are they springs from whence electromagnetic energy flows into the universe, ready for our use. The first and second laws of thermodynamics are cornerstones of classical physics that neither Einstein nor Tesla would much have argued about.
By all means, what ever you experienced would surely have been natural one way or another. There is no need to dispose of much of what we know about how nature works, though, to come up with some plausible speculations as to what it was that had you feel as you did.
Better to leave questions unanswered than answers unquestioned
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I will say I had a somewhat similar experience in 2 ways.
First, was when I got sober. Now, people I know from the community of recovering addicts believe it's being touched by God. Now, again personally I look at it like this. For a long time I had repressed certain chemicals in the brain to the point it was not producing enough of them naturally. Well, when it comes back it hits hard, causes all kinda crazy stuff. That's a feeling I occasionally meditate on because it felt like a release of sorts.
The second, I was at a concert, sober oddly (I had to drive). Well I was vibbing with a certain song that had a very upbeat feeling it was a 7min song by a small progressive rock band. About 5 mins in or so I could have sworn I saw the lines of "vibes" running between people like bright electric lines running across the floor, pulsing to the bass of the song. In that moment everything kinda faded out but that and it came down gradually as the song ended. I meditate on that feeling too. I have done LSD and never had a trip as dramatic.
Both can be explained biologically. We can probably even have predicted the timing of the first one through proper toxicology tracking. Now, that doesn't mean I understand how the brain got to the point it did, why it developed these feelings, how it makes them work and whether timing is relevant. In the end it literally is just a part of an experience I had that's part of a whole I don't understand. I don't define the force tightly enough to even tell you what it fully is. Because it is the full and I sure don't have the capacity to see it from where I am at.
Just 2 cents,
Much Love,
What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
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