Magick and Astronomy

01 Nov 2012 13:33 #78974 by Alethea Thompson

Necromancy: Why October 31 isn’t the ‘only’ time the veil is thin.

Oct 31, 2012 ~ Written by Steph
I was having a conversation with a friend last week about necromancy and the thinning of the veil. He made a passing comment about how October 31 is when the veil is thinnest. I had to stop and correct him because that’s not entirely true.

The reason October 31 is often celebrated as when the veil is thinnest is because Saturn in Scorpio (October 23- November 22) is the right combination that causes thinning of the veil to begin with, and October 31 is kind of right in there. But that’s the key phrase right there. Saturn (planet ruling Death) in Scorpio (the most psychic of the sun signs). Genuine Saturn in Scorpio cycles happen about every 28-30 years and last for about 2-2.5 years. Sure, you’ll get Saturn influence in Scorpio every year, but it’s nothing like a true Saturn in Scorpio transit.

So while the veil may always thin a little bit around October 31, it actually peaks around the second week of November and is really only at its thinnest point every 28-30 years.

And guess what? This year we entered a Saturn in Scorpio cycle (transit)! It started around October 5 and it will last until 2015. Yep – that’s right! Saturn is currently in Scorpio! So for those necromancers who are really feeling it this year – this is why. While a good necromancer can do his/her work at any time, the next three weeks will be prime for it. Not just tonight. You’ll also enjoy this influence over your necromantic work until [January of] 2015! :)

Good luck in all your work and may the Death Daemonic be friendly unto you!

My friend Kevin sent me this, I found the article interesting. For many pagans and books I have encountered, there is a belief that certain days are best for specific tasks, and sometimes there are days when performing a specific type of ritual will become inhospitable. For those of you that practice magick- what are your thoughts regarding the astronomical effects on your practice?

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana

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01 Nov 2012 21:28 #79043 by
Replied by on topic Re: Magick and Astronomy
From my perspective, it's not about the astronomy of the date but the quality of energy. Samhein and Beltane (at the start of May) are opposite sabbats that are both said to be when the "veil between the worlds" is at its thinnest. This is because it is at these times that we look to the concept of death and rebirth and therefore our connection with the non-physical aspects of the Force.

Samhein honours the dead and therefore all that has passed. Beltane honours new life (and thus concepts of fertility). Just as the land "dies" during the autumn and is still during the winter, so too does it then "reawaken" in spring and experience a fullness of life in summer. In this way, and according to tradition, Samhein marks the start of Winter and Beltane marks the start of Summer.

Incidentally, the greater sabbats (Lughnasadh, Imbolc, Beltane and Samhein) should be correctly celebrated when the Sun enters 15degrees of the appropriate sign. For Samhein, that's 15 degrees Scorpio which this year is on November 6th. Which renders the astronomical observation you posted slightly incorrect but only because it is based on the incorrect assumption that Samhein is always on October 31st.

The same is the case for other festivals - for example, Beltane is usually celebrated on May 1st but the astronomy causes the date to fluctuate (this year it was on May 4th, and may the 4th be with us all!). Some pagans (the ones with weekday jobs and a penchant for late-night weekend celebrations) will celebrate on the nearest weekend.

However - and whenever - we choose to celebrate a festival, the key aspect is to connect with the energies of the season with honour and integrity. If that is in place, a minor fluctuation in time is usually acceptable! :D

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02 Nov 2012 14:11 #79125 by Alethea Thompson
Interesting side note: I was born on Beltane, and my son born on the Celtic New Year. :D

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana

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02 Nov 2012 14:21 #79127 by Alethea Thompson

I have always looked at people that use astronomy to determine dates best for specific rituals (money, serenity, etc, etc) were bogging down their practices. This was the first time I have ever seen astronomy used to justify why the veil is thinnest. Seasons and the association with a lack of food (growing season having passed) seem more reasonable. Noting where the stars are in the sky help to establish when the seasons are going to transition.

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana

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03 Nov 2012 04:40 #79210 by
Replied by on topic Re: Magick and Astronomy
Very interesting. I don't deal much with astronomy (too lazy) but I found the idea pretty neat. As a pagan I base my practices on the cycle of the seasons more than on the planetary alignments, but I think both would be valid. I mean the world is always changing so it would make sense the dates for the thinning veil would change too.

Oh, and in my area anywho, Samhain and the whole fall celebrations usually start a few days before Halloween and last a few days after. Though Halloween proper usually reigns king.

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03 Nov 2012 16:21 #79253 by
Replied by on topic Re: Magick and Astronomy
I have to point out that what you are discussing is 'Astrology' not 'Astronomy'.

Thank you for remembering

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03 Nov 2012 18:15 #79257 by
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I would say it's a bit of both. They both deal with stars do they not? I usually think of Astrology dealing with horoscopes and Astronomy with the universe as a whole. You know there is evidence of the moon influencing tides so if that's Astronomy then can't planet positions affect other things as well?

But yeah, I guess some people would call it "Astrology".

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03 Nov 2012 19:41 #79270 by RyuJin
Replied by RyuJin on topic Re: Magick and Astronomy
There's also proof that the moon affects human. behavior....I don't (can't to be more accurate) sleep during the nights of a full moon (coincidentally I was born during a full moon)

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J.L.Lawson,Master Knight, M.div, Eastern Studies S.I.G. Advisor (Formerly Known as the Buddhist Rite)
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03 Nov 2012 23:52 #79303 by
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I have always viewed astrology as astronomy's crazy grandpa. That is to say, if it weren't for astrology, we wouldn't have astronomy. Astrology is to astronomy as alchemy is to chemistry would be a fair comparison. Astronomy is more closely tied to physics and modern scientific principles. Whereas astrology is more closely tied to the spiritual side of the universe. Both attempt to make sense of the universe in their own way, but being the person I am it is a lot easier for me to believe that astronomy is accurate than it is for me to accept that astrology is. There may in fact be some sort of influence exerted by the other planets, but as of now science hasn't found it. As for the moon influencing tides, that's gravity, and the other planets aren't massive enough or in close enough proximity to have any measurable or event detectable effect through gravity. As for astrology as a whole, I won't say its bs, because I can't prove it is, but I will say that there are not very many people that are capable of using it accurately enough for me to take a fortune telling at face value.

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03 Nov 2012 23:52 #79304 by
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Astrology deals with how the position of planets affects conditions and behaviours on Earth

Astronomy deals with the scientific study of objects in space (including Earth)

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