- Posts: 5242
TOTJO Clergy Structure
- Edan has given me acces to the Clergy file. So, unless someone has a objection, I will maintain it till Edan will decide otherwise;
- I really would like this topic to be sticky, just like the hertiage topic if I may be so free to request;
- The changes I make to the document, will be posted here..;
- I will do my best to keep it updated. For questions about a change or update please send me PM, and I will try to fix it.
Update of the active Structure:
- 'Kamizu' changed to 'Kit'
- 'Peace' added to the 'Seminarian' Key
- 'Aqua' added to the 'Seminarian' Key
- 'Snowy Aftermath' added to the 'Seminarian' Key
- 'MadHatter' added to the 'Seminarian' Key
- 'Jamho Thaber' added to the 'Seminarian' Key
Update of the not active Seminary Journals:
- 'Jasper_Ward' has a journal, but is not listed? added 'Japser_Ward' to the 'LoA' Key.
- 'Tiamat' has a journal, but is not listed? added 'Tiamat' to the 'LoA' Key.
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'Competent' added to the 'Seminarian' Key.
'J_Roz' added to the 'Seminarian' Key.
'elizabeth' added to the 'Seminarian Key.
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Aqua wrote: 'cmwatts' added to the 'Seminarian' Key.
'Competent' added to the 'Seminarian' Key.
'J_Roz' added to the 'Seminarian' Key.
[strike]'elizabeth' added to the 'Seminarian Key.[/strike]
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It won't let me have a blank signature ...
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- 'RavAdam' changed to 'Rav Adam';
- All relevant Journal documents of clerical nature, time and date, added.
- Each Key is now set in chronologically lexicographical order. (sorted on time and date per key)
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- 'Cabur Senaar' copied to the 'Assistant Pastor' position;
- 'V-tog' moved to the 'priest' key position.
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The sorting in the document at this moment, is based on journals and not on promotions. I would also like to suggest to check the document for your own name, to see if I missed something... :blush: I am happy to change things as many times as needed, so do not hold back to contact me! As it looks right now, everything is added and up to date until the opposite is proven!

~ Aqua ~
Added an additional Key to the document: 'Resigned'. It is represented with a light orange color. And is used to display resigned Licensed Ministers and above.
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chronologically lexicographical order of the (former) Clergy members
Aqua, initially when I saw this I didn't understand what you meant about the order, but when I logged into the document just now (as owner) I've noticed what you've done. I don't think you realise but other people (other than the two of us) could not see the comments you've added. This is because I set the document originally to read only. On the heritage tree you can see comments because I changed the view to 'read and comment' on the proviso that only myself and Loudzoo make changes.
I've changed it now so that others can see your comments, and added a note that any changes must be made by you (i.e., nobody else may add them).
For anybody who hasn't seen it, the document can be found here.
It won't let me have a blank signature ...
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Edan wrote: don't think you realise but other people (other than the two of us) could not see the comments you've added.
Sorry, I did not know other people could not see it.. I am quite new to google drive/hangout.. :blush: Thanks for changing it! :laugh:
~ Aqua
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