why do they hate us

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07 Jul 2008 22:21 #16946 by
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Why do so many people hate Jewish people what did we ever do to them when a group of people start jew bashing I wish I had the power to do something to make there hate filled hearts know what it feels like to have all the bull crap that they say us like you kill Jesus or the holocast never happened or even what some people still do to us.

You may remember this attack from
Dec. 12, 2007

A suspected bias attack on four Jewish subway riders in New York City has resulted in a friendship between the Jewish victims and the Muslim college student who came to their aid.

Walter Adler is calling Hassan Askari a hero for intervening when Adler and three friends were assaulted on a subway train in lower Manhattan on Friday night.

The altercation erupted when Adler and his friends said \"Happy Chanukah\" to a group yelling \"Merry Christmas\" on the Brooklyn-bound train.

Adler told the New York Post that one of his attackers rolled up his sleeve to display a tattoo of Jesus Christ.

\"Happy Chanukah. That's when the Jews killed Jesus,\" the attacker told Adler.

The 20-year-old Askari, who suffered two black eyes, said he tried to fight off the 10 attackers, giving Adler a chance to summon police by pulling an emergency brake.

\"I did what I thought was right,\" said Askari, a student at Berkeley College in Manhattan, who was allegedly punched and beaten. \"I did the best that I could to help.\"

They may hate us for being Jewish but
I dont hate them, for hate never helped
to build a bridge or save a life or
mend a broken heart. You must combat all
hate or evil with love and understanding
and you will always win.


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07 Jul 2008 22:52 #16947 by
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well for one obviously those guys were just ignorant asses because chanukah has nothing to do with the execution of Christ. thats point 1. And anyone who hates anyone is not a true follower of Christ or his teachings and anyone who says different is going by the bias and ignorant dogma of the early church not what was taught and arent real Christians but to be honest just stupid wankers.

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07 Jul 2008 22:59 #16948 by
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Well put sir

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07 Jul 2008 23:10 - 07 Jul 2008 23:12 #16949 by
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As unfortunate as what each and everyone one of us go through on that aspect to say that the Holocaust never happend, well just shows what uneducated morons will do to bring down true events of history. Many do not want to admit that humanity is capable of letting or even doing the atrosities committed during the Holocaust. But thankfully there were people like Schindler who yes was a Nazi sympathizer, but at the same time used his connections to say thousands of lives. I must admit that I am rather impressed that Muslims came to the aid of Jews, perhaps this time history will not repeat itself, perhaps we are all learning the one element of life. We are the same.
Last edit: 07 Jul 2008 23:12 by .

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08 Jul 2008 02:02 #16958 by
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Why do people hate the Jews? Very simple reasons.

The Same reasons others hate Ethnic Minorities, Christian, Muslims, Buddhists, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Simple fear of 'the unknown'

Im sure Jediist are probably hated by someone somewhere

As for holocaust, I visited Anne Franks House in Amsterdam when I was about 7 (OK so its a museum) and one thing that stuck in my head forever and I can still see them clearly in my head now were the pictures of what was found in the concentration camps, i have no doubt in this day of political correctness these pictures are no longer public viewing but i believe it was a valuable lesson for a child of that age to realise what depth of depravity humans can sink too.

In stead of wondering around thinking 'why do people hate xyz' try thinking of it as 'why are xyz misunderstood'

For me the first one creates its own hate/fear of the other party and the cycle begins, a good example if the self perpetuation cycle of hate and violence is the West Bank/Gaza Strip/Israel a region stricken by warfare for may centuries now.

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10 Jul 2008 20:46 #17039 by
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SidAnDunn wrote:

well for one obviously those guys were just ignorant asses because chanukah has nothing to do with the execution of Christ. thats point 1. And anyone who hates anyone is not a true follower of Christ or his teachings and anyone who says different is going by the bias and ignorant dogma of the early church not what was taught and arent real Christians but to be honest just stupid wankers.

You get an e-cookie for being awesome. It's chocolate chip.

( : : )

You're right, Jesus died during Passover. And yes, Jesus taught peace. The whole \"Love thy neighbor\" and \"Turn the other cheek\" stuff. He would have frowned upon such an attack on one's fellow man. ESPECIALLY on a pagan festival transformed to celebrate his birth, even though his birthday was actually in the spring.

(Sorry, unrelated tangent.)

To be honest, I'd say the best Christian there was the Muslim who defended those folks.

Though I think Rich touched on something (a fear of the unknown), I don't think it's just that with the Jews. The problem is that for them, it's not a fear of the unknown. It's a fear of the known.

Everybody knows the Jews, and chances are most who actually hate them have been told something horrible about them. That they killed Christ, that they are money-grubbing, that they have some world-domination conspiracy - none of which is true, but people nevertheless believe it. They were convinced of it, and because of that they hate them, just as they hate gays because it's \"unnatural,\" or Gypsies because they're all \"thieves,\" or blacks because they're \"primitive,\" and they're all \"criminals.\"

The problem is that these folks are misunderstood. But the problem isn't what the bigots don't know (unless you count reality), it's what they think they know.

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10 Jul 2008 21:42 #17040 by Jon
Replied by Jon on topic Re:why do they hate us
There are 2 more reasons I could think of. One is that the Jewish people have always been a successful one especially as far as business is concerned, and that causes jealousy or resentment. Another is due to the eye for an eye politics of Israel for example with the Palastinians.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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10 Jul 2008 23:02 #17041 by
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its really sad too. To spend your life hating a group of people its just too much energy on a negative thing. Not only is it ignorant and shows your sign of intelligence, its just sad.

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11 Jul 2008 07:02 #17047 by Alethea Thompson
You know what I think?

1. That General Patton would beat the living daylights out of us if he heard us tell him that he was dillusional in believing the Holocaust happened-when he saw the atrocities the Jews were subjected to, he was in discust and nauseated.

2. The Jews DID pursecute Jesus. But that was then, this is now, and there shouldn't be any grudges held against them for what their ancestors did.

3. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Wiccans, etc/Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Asian, etc shouldn't be treated any better or any worse than the other. We are all equal, and should treat everyone else as though they are our equals.

May the Force be with you,
Randi Oxford

Gather at the River,
Setanaoko Oceana

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11 Jul 2008 08:32 #17048 by Jon
Replied by Jon on topic Re:why do they hate us
Randi Oxford wrote:

You know what I think?

1. That General Patton would beat the living daylights out of us if he heard us tell him that he was dillusional in believing the Holocaust happened-when he saw the atrocities the Jews were subjected to, he was in discust and nauseated.

2. The Jews DID pursecute Jesus. But that was then, this is now, and there shouldn't be any grudges held against them for what their ancestors did.

3. Jews, Christians, Muslims, Wiccans, etc/Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Asian, etc shouldn't be treated any better or any worse than the other. We are all equal, and should treat everyone else as though they are our equals.

May the Force be with you,
Randi Oxford

What we all should remember is that Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian. Unfortuately religious tolerance amongst the faiths to the extent of promoting equality is non existent. It never has been and is not at the moment. As long as all faiths believe in their way to be the road to deliverance the will be no tolerance. This remains a utopic idea.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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