Ruach Hakodesh

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25 Jun 2016 06:49 - 25 Jun 2016 06:56 #246398 by
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The Holy Spirit , an entity hard to describe in one sentence , i believe in it , i compared it to the Force and i think that the Spirit is more of a personal thing , or a person even and the Force is ..the Force is , but i dont think the Spirit is the Force , does that make sense to anyone ?
The mention in the Bible that says

Genesis 1:2" The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of G"d was moving over the surface of the waters."

This made me wonder in the beginning because i substituted the word Spirit with the Force , but then that would mean that G"d is the Force , and that confuses me. Because the Force just IS. I am not looking for the explanation for what the Force is , that is a lifetime journey that i intend to enjoy. But i was wondering what your thougths are on this ?

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25 Jun 2016 07:53 #246402 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh
I like the literal interpretation of Yeshuah being simply the human form of God. Being born as a baby, he was just a normal human with no special powers, but after the spirit landed on him, then he started doing miracles. The spirit that gave him power was the same spirit that was "hovering over the waters" at the beginning I think that he understood these things which is why he said he was there at the creation of the world.
I see the three aspects of the godhead as being different forms of the same thing, so I guess, in a way that means The Force is God to me. But, I have to say I don't feel like worshipping the Force like I do God, but I do feel that personal connection to the Force.

This is my opinion. What do you think?

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25 Jun 2016 07:59 #246403 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh

CableSteele wrote: I like the literal interpretation of Yeshuah being simply the human form of God. Being born as a baby, he was just a normal human with no special powers, but after the spirit landed on him, then he started doing miracles. The spirit that gave him power was the same spirit that was "hovering over the waters" at the beginning I think that he understood these things which is why he said he was there at the creation of the world.
I see the three aspects of the godhead as being different forms of the same thing, so I guess, in a way that means The Force is God to me. But, I have to say I don't feel like worshipping the Force like I do God, but I do feel that personal connection to the Force.

This is my opinion. What do you think?

I think that is extremely close to the way how i feel it , Yeshua was for me the embodyment (literaly) of what G"d would be like if he were human , i also believe that Yeshua is a or even G'd now , the Force for me is the binding element , the element that is in All , i see G'd as a Person who can move the Force , like your hand can move the sea , but its complicated because they tell me that G'd is in everything as well haha so there is my conundrum :silly:

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25 Jun 2016 08:14 #246407 by steamboat28
Replied by steamboat28 on topic Ruach Hakodesh
The Father is the Mind of G-d.
The Son is the Hands of G-d.
The Spirit is the Heart of G-d.

I feel that the Force is a side-effect of the existence of G-d; that Their Will extends to such a degree that it is animated. The Force, for example, is the water through which the ripples of G-d's Will travel.
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25 Jun 2016 08:32 - 25 Jun 2016 08:34 #246408 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Ruach Hakodesh
I'd say the Spirit of the Force instead, and then it could mean to become manifest indirectly (spirit) through its (the Force) interaction with the surface of the water!? That way, its (the Force) manifestation in your experiential realm could be considered spirit as well, namely your own spirit... perhaps!? Therefore any experience which fits the description of the Abrahamic God could then be said to the spirit of God I guess.

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Last edit: 25 Jun 2016 08:34 by Adder.
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25 Jun 2016 08:38 #246409 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh

steamboat28 wrote: The Father is the Mind of G-d.
The Son is the Hands of G-d.
The Spirit is the Heart of G-d.

I feel that the Force is a side-effect of the existence of G-d; that Their Will extends to such a degree that it is animated. The Force, for example, is the water through which the ripples of G-d's Will travel.

I see what you mean , that still is very close to what i feel , i think we have a mystery here , a great mystery and a beautifull mystery , i am trying to understand it , i struggle with it because i dont believe in the Trinity as such being 1 person , but more manifestations of a G'd like existence , but the Force is the Force , it is in everything and G'd then would need the Force as such to manifest , so the sea does not need G'd to move it so to say , which even makes even less sense * getting a slight headage now * lol

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25 Jun 2016 08:41 #246410 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh

Adder wrote: I'd say the Spirit of the Force instead, and then it could mean to become manifest indirectly (spirit) through its (the Force) interaction with the surface of the water!? That way, its (the Force) manifestation in your experiential realm could be considered spirit as well, namely your own spirit... perhaps!? Therefore any experience which fits the description of the Abrahamic God could then be said to the spirit of God I guess.

This is the first time i hear that the Force has a spirit really which makes it more of a person to me , that is a difficult concept for me to crasp , because a person does not just BE or does he...? In my experiential realm the Force does not think , maybe i am wrong in this assumption. Can the Force think? Can my spirit think or is it just my brain trying to complicate my just Being.?

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25 Jun 2016 09:13 #246411 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh
This isn't precisely in answer to your question but i felt the urge to share what I recently this year from a good book, 'Breathing Underwater, Spirituality and the Twelve Steps'' by Richard Rohr... Just an idea that the Holy Spirit could be called something else.

"Consciousness as Soul Itself

Consciousness is the subtle and all-embracing mystery within and between Everything. It is like the air we breathe, take for granted, and do not appreciate. Consciousness is not the seeing but that which sees me seeing. It is not the knower but that which knows that I am knowing. It is not the observer but that which underlies and observes me observing. You must step back from your compulsiveness, and your attachment to yourself, to be truly conscious. Consciousness cannot be "just me" because it can watch "me" from a distance...Consciousness is as hard to describe as soul is hard to describe. Maybe because they are the same thing?
If "obeyed," yes, obeyed, consciouness will become a very wise teacher of soul wisdom and will teach us from deep within (Jeremiah 31:"" and Romans 2:15, both called it "the law written on our hearts"). Some call it the "Inner Witness" and this witness is what Christians have called the Holy Spirit, which has hovered over creation since the Big Bang (Genesis 1:2), that is, the first moment when God began to materialize.
So, on one level soul, consciousness, and the Holy Spirit can well be thought of as the same thing, and it is always larger than me, shared, and even eternal. That's what Jesus means when he speaks of "giving" us the Spirit or sharing his consciousness with us. One whose soul is thus awakened, actually has "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:10-16). That does not mean the person is pyschologically or morally perfect, but such transformed people do henceforth see things in a much more expanded and compassionate way. ..."

It goes on, and I've cut out parts of it and highlighted the one phrase in bold, but I do like the idea of the Holy Spirit being consciousness or soul, at least that particular way of thinking about it. Thanks for reminding me of that, :)

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25 Jun 2016 09:21 #246415 by
Replied by on topic Ruach Hakodesh

Vusuki wrote: This isn't precisely in answer to your question but i felt the urge to share what I recently this year from a good book, 'Breathing Underwater, Spirituality and the Twelve Steps'' by Richard Rohr... Just an idea that the Holy Spirit could be called something else.

"Consciousness as Soul Itself

Consciousness is the subtle and all-embracing mystery within and between Everything. It is like the air we breathe, take for granted, and do not appreciate. Consciousness is not the seeing but that which sees me seeing. It is not the knower but that which knows that I am knowing. It is not the observer but that which underlies and observes me observing. You must step back from your compulsiveness, and your attachment to yourself, to be truly conscious. Consciousness cannot be "just me" because it can watch "me" from a distance...Consciousness is as hard to describe as soul is hard to describe. Maybe because they are the same thing?
If "obeyed," yes, obeyed, consciouness will become a very wise teacher of soul wisdom and will teach us from deep within (Jeremiah 31:"" and Romans 2:15, both called it "the law written on our hearts"). Some call it the "Inner Witness" and this witness is what Christians have called the Holy Spirit, which has hovered over creation since the Big Bang (Genesis 1:2), that is, the first moment when God began to materialize.
So, on one level soul, consciousness, and the Holy Spirit can well be thought of as the same thing, and it is always larger than me, shared, and even eternal. That's what Jesus means when he speaks of "giving" us the Spirit or sharing his consciousness with us. One whose soul is thus awakened, actually has "the mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:10-16). That does not mean the person is pyschologically or morally perfect, but such transformed people do henceforth see things in a much more expanded and compassionate way. ..."

It goes on, and I've cut out parts of it and highlighted the one phrase in bold, but I do like the idea of the Holy Spirit being consciousness or soul, at least that particular way of thinking about it. Thanks for reminding me of that, :)

Thank you so much for this , i will dig deeper into this , i am not really looking for an answer , prods in different directions are very appreciated so yes , thank you :)

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26 Jun 2016 00:56 - 26 Jun 2016 02:42 #246497 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Ruach Hakodesh

MartaLina wrote:

Adder wrote: I'd say the Spirit of the Force instead, and then it could mean to become manifest indirectly (spirit) through its (the Force) interaction with the surface of the water!? That way, its (the Force) manifestation in your experiential realm could be considered spirit as well, namely your own spirit... perhaps!? Therefore any experience which fits the description of the Abrahamic God could then be said to the spirit of God I guess.

This is the first time i hear that the Force has a spirit really which makes it more of a person to me , that is a difficult concept for me to crasp , because a person does not just BE or does he...? In my experiential realm the Force does not think , maybe i am wrong in this assumption. Can the Force think? Can my spirit think or is it just my brain trying to complicate my just Being.?

For me it's all the Force, just in different patterns and levels of complexity. The more complex its structure in any one point, the further from its actual nature. Sort of like how we have gas, liquid and solids as states of matter, and perhaps plasma too - the same stuff just in different patterns which create an appearance of a different nature.

So perceptions of reality then (again IMO) are just then a construct of appearances, yes existing, I don't mean illusionary in the sense they are not real.... but rather that their nature is not that which we consider apparent.

Sort of thing.. so in that regard the Force's (or anythings) spirit is strictly the indirect manifestation of (it) the Force - compared to direct manifestation which fall within what we call the physical realm - by being 'direct', or directly apparent. Before we knew the brain was the source of thought, people perhaps thought it was the spirit within the body, because for science at that point it appeared to exist indirectly of observable phenomena.

Just my 'view' though, not meaning to say its truth or anything ;)

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Last edit: 26 Jun 2016 02:42 by Adder.
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