Hits: 8963

Welcome to the Temple of the Jedi Order's (TotJOs) Initiate Programme (IP)


The IP is the first step to becoming a Jedi Knight at TotJO, you do not need to have submitted an application or be a member of our Temple if you wish to do the IP, but please be aware you will need to have completed lesson 2 before you can apply for membership. We encourage people to invest time reading the FAQ before they begin studying at TotJO.

There is no prize for completing the IP quickly and to prevent people from rushing through the IP we will only grant the rank of Initiate after 60 days of study or contribution to the Temple. This waiting period is to encourage patience, because becoming a Knight will likely take longer than a year. If you are serious about becoming a Knight then you will be just as serious after 60 days, but this time will give you greater insight into our community and our teachings.

List of Knights


If You Are Under 18

We do not accept applications from those who are under 18 years old. 


Non-English speakers

Most IP materials are in English, but you may write in any language. Most members speak English as a first or second language. Please be aware that for some languages, Google translate may be used. It may be helpful in your first post to let us know what language you will be using if not english


Purpose of the Initiate Programme and Journaling

The purpose of the IP is to familiarise you with some of the basic ideas present within our Temple. The purpose of a Journal is so the TotJO community can familiarise itself with you!

The material in the IP is not doctrinal. The ideas in the material can explain some of the doctrine, but they are for teaching purposes only and need to be looked at critically and with an open mind. We're not looking for the "right" answer, we're looking for your views on the material. If you agree with some of the material say why you agree, if you disagree then say why you disagree. 


Unless otherwise specified, it should be understood that the minimum requirement for each post should be 500 words

Your journal will be one of the ways in which all members in the Temple come to know who you are as a person. Your journal will be reviewed by a potential Training Master (TM) when they are deciding to take you on as an Apprentice. The more personal and in depth your journal is the easier it will be for a TM to judge if you are compatible for training with them. You will more than likely continue to use the same Journal should you be taken as an Apprentice.


The IP Team

The IP team is a group of apprentices who assist our members with the initiate program. Your assigned sponsor will be available to answer your questions, provide feedback, and ensure that your Completed ip journal is ready for the knights check. While they will not challenge your opinions or beliefs, they Will help guide you as you explore your own personal philosophy and thought process. To request a sponsor please let us know in the discord #study-hall

There is also an IP Study Hall where you can discuss the IP. 


Introduce Yourself

First of all please introduce yourself. We want to welcome you to our Order, we are a friendly community and we enjoy greeting new people. We also encourage you to select an avatar and fill in your profile information


Creating a Journal

Your Journal is where all your responses to the IP exercises should be posted and some also use it as a diary. You can use the first post to tell us about yourself, maybe where you have come from, physically, emotionally, spiritually, why you are here, what your hobbies and interests are etc. Your Journal can be as personal and in-depth as you like. One day you may go back and reread what you have written, showing you how much you have changed since you joined TotJO. Some people continue to use their Journal long after Knighthood and beyond. 

In the Studies forum there is a section called Journals. Go there to create your own Journal by clicking on the 'NEW TOPIC' button to create a thread. The subject/title can be anything you want, but we suggest your Username+Journal. For example if your username is 'Jimbo' then we suggest you call the thread "Jimbo's Journal".

While our servers are reliable we encourage everyone to create a back-up of their work, because if your work is lost then we will require you to re-do it.


How to Post your Answers

Please make sure you post a reply to your journal rather than starting a new thread for each exercise.

Please follow this format when posting your responses

Lesson 1: The Temple and its Duties: Part 1: The Temple and its Duties


Here are some essential notes

  1. Remember, this is your first step into a larger world. Treat it as such

In addition to exploring some concepts related to Jediism for the first time, you’ll be making your first impression on the Temple community at large with your IP. Knights will decide whether or not to take you on as an apprentice first and foremost by the work you do in these lessons. Please treat this time and this work with the weight it deserves. Pay attention to what you are doing and remember that after one hour you will lose the ability to edit your posts.


  1. Utilize a word processing program

Most computers are equipped with this functionality. If not, Google Docs and Open Office  are pretty solid replacements. Our forum does not allow any edits past one hour to any post on the forum, so if you are particular about grammar, punctuation and/or elocution, it’s wise to first put entries  into a word processing document and review them with a fine tooth comb to ensure that they:

Are free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Express what you want to say the way you want to say it.

Are formatted properly.


  1. Utilize the window of time for editing 

You may find that despite your best effort, the entry  is not formatted properly once pasted. This is the time to use that editing window. 

Review your post after you post it.

Ensure that it has titles, tabs, spaces, indents and special text (bold, italicized, underlined) appropriate for an entry. 


  1. Title your posts appropriately

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Temple - you may post this whole lesson as one post

Lesson 2: Introduction to Myth - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 3: Introduction to Temple Doctrine  - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 4: Introduction to The Force - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 5: Introduction to Religion - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 6: Introduction to Meditation - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 7: Introduction to Learning - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 8: Introduction to Communication - please post each assignment separately 

Lesson 9: Capstone Essay


  1. Read the Instructions and Prompt

Self explanatory, but here we are. Ignoring word counts and answering different questions from those asked will result in you having to redo a lesson.

Unless otherwise stated, please note that the required minimum for each assignment is 500 words

        6. Take your time

This is not a race. Your IP journal should indicate your dedication to rigor, not your capacity to get it done. Remember that this is the only time you will review this material with these eyes and in this (intellectual, spiritual and emotional ) space. The instructions are the minimum required, but to do well on this journey you’ll need to dedicate yourself to more than the minimum, so push yourself starting now and see how well you can do.