Hits: 9088

As part of the Temple, you have a myriad of people whom you may turn to for a number of different services.  In this lesson, identify the key roles here at the Temple.  Become familiar with members, their duties, and how to contact each of them.  All of the information on these offices, roles, responsibilities, and the people who occupy them can be found on the FAQ. Please complete all of the following assignments.


Part 1: The Temple and its Duties

Provide answers to the following questions. There is no mandatory word minimum for this assignment.

- Which members comprise the Council and what duties do they perform?

- Which members comprise the Clergy and what duties do they perform?

- Which members comprise the IP Team and what duties do they perform?

- Who is the Knight’s Secretary and what duties do they perform?

- Which members comprise the Administrators and what duties do they perform?

- Which members comprise the Moderators and what duties do they perform?


Part 2: Chain of Command

 If you wish to contact any of these people, or have a specific task you need assistance with, what are some ways that you can reach out to each of them?