Hits: 4915

The Doctrine of the Temple is an amalgamation of our communities guiding tenets since its earliest inception.  For this lesson, read the Doctrine of Temple of the Jedi Order and complete at least the first 5 assignments below.


Part 1:

Explain your understanding of each of the Three Tenets and their relationship to each other. There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


Part 2:

Explain your understanding of each line of the Code (either version). There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


Part 3:

Explain your understanding of each line of the Creed. There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


Part 4:

Explain your understanding of each of the 16 Teaching. There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


Part 5:

Explain your understanding of each of the 21 Maxims. There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


Bonus Assignment:


Explain your understanding of the Knights Code. There is no minimum word requirement for this assignment.


The Knights Code

A Knight is sworn to valor.

His heart knows only virtue;

His blade defends the helpless;

His word speaks only truth;

His Shield shelters the forsaken;

His courage gives hope to the despairing;

His justice undoes the wicked;

His image brings peace;

His code breaks the darkness;

His legend brings light