Hits: 4527

The Force is at the center of each and every Jedi’s path.  Here in the Temple, we do not present you with a definition of the Force which you must adhere to.  For an explanation of the seven dimensions of religion, see this article by Luke Burns.

For an introduction into metaphysics see this Video from Oxford

For these assignments, you will write essays discussing your understanding of the Force and your ideas about it.  Understanding that the Force may be, in some aspects, ineffable while still giving thought and words to aspects of it which can be elucidated, complete each of the essay assignments. These essays may not be all-inclusive or extensive, but encourage concentration on what is meant when one says “the Force”. Post these essays in your journal here at the Temple. Please complete all of the assignments below.


Part 1: Ethics and the Force

In an essay of at least 500 words, answer the following: Do you believe in an ethical dimension to the Force? If so, explain your current thoughts, and if not explain why.


Part 2: Metaphysics and the Force

In an essay of at least 500 words, answer the following: Do you believe in a metaphysical dimension to the Force? If so, explain your current thoughts, and if not explain why.


Part 3:  Philosophy and the Force

In an essay of at least 500 words, answer the following: Do you ascribe to a type of monist, dualist, or non-dualist philosophy of the Force? If so, explain your current thoughts, and if not explain why.

Once you have completed this lesson, please message Knight Tavi to be promoted to Novice