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What could inspire us to create Joy daily?


For each person is different and requires: a design, experiments, adjustments and maintaining the curiosity to create internal states at will, thus implies a delicious sensory opening attitude.


If we want to sound intellectuals and that logic takes over the strategies, then we could: analyze why we need a variety of experiences to feel good, the ways in which we attribute meanings, recognize perfectionist tendencies, how we create desires and beliefs, the functioning of our ego and the way we activate whims, etc. But there is a free, short and meaningful path that includes the delight of perceiving harmony in movement. Could be singing or anything we decide, let’s explore.


Instead of giving ourselves to a drama, we can focus on some available and comfortable sensation to start noticing more details to expand our subjective experience, if we can share it maybe that will be amplified to such a degree that some people around could begin to evoke another joyful experiences in our presence, we could be “an environment” where is easy to feel great and simultaneously nurture our wellness habit.

Having the ability to create bliss is gradual, and we also learn it by watching someone enjoying a song while closing their eyes and letting their shoulders to dance.


What is your favorite way to sabotage a pleasant moment?


The answers would focus on what we have done wrong but it could be an enriching process if as a result we get inspiration to create propulsion systems for better inner states. But I am more interested about allowing our perception to have pleasant experiences or to evoke them in order to create valuable progress, for example: remembering moments where significant connections with other people took place by our contribution. That would be another path to activate at will an internal state. Choose.


Living with passion are words that I allow to resonate in my soul frequently, evoking harmony in a group could be the cause and effect that people get "tuned" by their own decision and then have honest interest to create something valuable together. Is it a challenge? Of course, but training me for that can be interesting or fun and I can learn from each person valuable aspects because every person is a treasure of internal resources.


How will our life be like, if we could have healthy ways of feeling Joy, bliss, progress or freedom without the requirement of some material object or the exclusive attention of another person?


The answers will provide more possibilities and we know it is an individual task to create healthy processes to intensify the delight in life. I believe that if we add value in different places maybe others will decide to create a winnable game in life. Sometimes, our presence of peace could contribute to reactivate others to win Joy in their life; that will be a really win.


How much frustration can I build if I do not achieve something? (The cyclic sabotage)


In healthy terms, we adjust and get progress until we achieve a goal, but as you know, balance is also found by accepting that life is not to fulfill the exact color of all our whims. Joy depends on my focus and intention. But I can pay attention to adjust my efforts and become more effective, even achieve more with less. Invest less anxiety and perceive that inner silence can sometimes heal me from the root, like feeling that my breathing is already an evidence of my harmony in the process of renewal.


Knowing how my ego has been fed or built along the time, is important to regulate myself and to increase my ability to learning from others or to remember that if we are greedy about getting progress that leads us to pain. Dissolving my ego, make me able to enjoy the required pauses in some path. Also to understand that I do not need to control others to get satisfaction because the results are worst. Watching others empowering in a positive frame, is a special delight from Human Beings. I know my ego is in pause, when I can get a deep appreciation from another person and their unique way to expose an idea. Achieving appreciation to some aspect from someone is the way to send the message that they can be themselves without feeling judged by "my look", this also frees the need to discuss the “perfect” style from something. Enjoying their style is evidence that my flexibility is working to create harmony.

What is your favorite ability to create Joy?


If you like, close your eyes and dedicate a moment to create quality in your internal world, then, identify your ability.

In my case, is about to know that each person has at least ten ways to touch the sensorial button that allows to intensify the Joy, it inspires me to imagine the smiles of the people when thinking about these internal aspects of harmony, I am inspired to imagine that the people's curiosity can allow them to create an automatic system to create delight.

One friend told me that his easiest way to create gratitude was to touch the surface of his belly button and feel a valuable symbolic connection with all his ancestors. Then everything can serve to create Joy, you can choose a mole and name it your favorite activator of Joy, it is only a decision to create the structure of our experience.


What could fascinate me now?


Learn something that could make me feel a valuable connection with others... Creating friends in each country fascinate me... Listening music of the movies that inspire me to be responsible for my balance…

Feeding birds, because some are bold, cautious or playful.

And I choose to feel fascination while sharing a quote from a movie:

Love is the one thing that transcends time and space 
--Amelia Brand / Interstellar

I ask my friends often: What can we talk about and your soul will fascinate?


Our smiles are always activated, and the feeling of really being with a human being is established and we will surely remember those honest golden moments. Thinking metaphorically, certain types of alchemists have the ability to create gold with the quality of their words, that happiness is the gold of perception, and that is created by decision, such a delight.


In those not too much delightful events of "real" life, we can test our ability to enjoy Some Percentage of it by adding something, like putting music while washing dishes, like writing inspiring letters while we wait in line.


You can detect someone that feels Joy by easy and healthy ways, because they are agents of positive change, they inspire with the way they see your soul and their presence feels like a caress to the heart.


What caused Joy in my day?


Many sensory aspects that include: Drinking water, the voice of a friend, singing of birds, watching the sun among the trees and listening to my musical kit of inspiration.


What kind of appreciation would create Joy in your soul right now? Share it with someone (ask first if they want to hear about Joy)

May the Harmony and Joy be with you