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The light lives in all places, in all things. –The Speaker

On the exterior we all appear very different. Different shapes and different sizes. Different colors and different features. We also act very different as well. We have different political affiliations. Different religions. Different traditions. When one of us asks “How can we make things better?” we get many different answers. Tensions might arise and arguments might follow. What is it that lies beneath all of these answers? What connects them all? The question of “How can we make things better?” Despite all of the differences they all flow from one origin. They exist with the same purpose.

          Even though we are all so very different we too flow from the same origin. We have the same struggles and the same feelings. Our life forces exist in the same manner. Our energies are one. We get so caught up justifying our differences and examining the differences of others that we forget the unifying factor. We forget the question. “How can we make things better?” Why is it so hard to forget our differences and so easy to forget what drives us all? What connects us all?

          We bicker. We demand. We blame. We fight. These come so easy for us. So much easier than understanding. Easier than inquiring. Easier that empathizing. Reaching out of our comfort zone involves putting ourselves in the unknown. We will always fear the unknown. We will always resist it. We form an attachment to what is comfortable, what is expected, and we strive with all of our might to keep it that way. We fight for our own answer and forget the purpose that the question brought us. “How can we make things better?”

          What would it take for us to focus on the question? The purpose? The commonality? How can we keep from dividing over the superficial differences? “How can we make things better?” Can we let go of attachments that keep our eyes diverted? Can we step outside of our comfort and extend an olive branch? Can we risk our own beliefs by trying on the views of another? Can we realize the truth, that we are all in this together? Or will we fight? Will we succumb to fear or hide in our comfortable fortress of solitude? The question is yours. How can we make things better?