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Good time-zone and day, wherever you are today, Jedi. As Jedi, we have a unique balance that can be had. Each of us is a mirror of what is present in our lives. In our Doctrine, it states many things we as Jedi agree on.  From what Jedi believe to Tenants, Codes, a Creed, Maxims, no where will you find blame. No where will you find condemnation for what you find. There is no condemnation in reflection. That part comes from us as humans. As we reflect on our own paths and ways, we will find and IDENTIFY things we may not have noticed before. There is no blame for identification. When in reflection, try to identify things without blame. It does help. Nowhere in the entire doctrine does there seem to be a "finger to point."

Jedi believe:

In the Jedi Believe statement, we only OPPOSE the use of torture and cruel or unusual punishment, including the death penalty. You are free to choose how you oppose.

We are grounded not in fear or prejudice and are reminded how moral concepts are not absolute but vary by culture, religion and over time. 

We believe in separation of church and State and the sanctity of the human person.  Where is there any condemnation there? 

The three Tenants: These are designed to be used toward any obstacle you may find in your world and in your life. No blame to PRUNE and POUR what "you" are doing.

ACQUIRING is actually getting things and learning so, no blame there either.  PATIENCE and GOOD JUDGEMENT do not sound like things of blame or condemnation. They are fruits of cultivation. 


The Code states that I am bringer and a keeper of things such as SPECIFICALLY Love, Pardon, Faith, --Hope, Light, Joy. 

I try as a Jedi to Understand, Love, and try to be the "GIVER" more than the "getter," and we Pardon. In THESE actions, we are born to eternal life and are instruments of peace. More of a guide than and blame or condemnation.


The 16 Teaching are simply that. Teaching from the world on how to develop the human in us. These teachings are a list of reminders of our own chosen focus or focuses. No blame, more, REMINDERS.

MAXIMS A Maxim is a truth shared by humans. Look up the word in any dictionary or ask any trusted Mentor and they will all tell you the same thing. A simple truth, shared by many.  Thats it. Soooooo, no blame here either. 

In our Doctrine, you will find no blame - no condemnation for anything you find. What we do, do is give you POSSIBILITIES. Possibilities and potentials.

I am a Pastor and a father, and a friend and I will tell you this, POSSIBILITIES and POTENTIALS is something we all need during this time we live in. Blame comes from somewhere else. That's for another day. We as humans, can develop our Jedi to any extent we choose. I would rather pass a possibility of the human potential rather than a feel-good fuzzy story round a campfire any day. In the Hero's Journey, we find many things.

We bring blame, we find what we seek. It is my hope that each story and Myth we tell, Star Wars in particular, that we pass much more than just fandom and great sound score, but our own humanity. To remember LUKE's development, and Vader's can help us reflect on our own. Some stories are for amusement. Some are forever. The good ones are worth passing. Happy seeking and May the Force be with y'all. Pastor Carlos