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What if I told you that your life is lived in conversation; the conversations you have with yourself, the conversations that you have with others, and the conversations that others have about you? Think about it, at the end of the day, the conversations are the only thing left.

Those conversations change over time and with society. Take for instance the perfect American housewife of the ’50s. She stayed at home, kept up with the house, raised the kids, and had dinner and a cocktail waiting for her husband to get home.

I wouldn’t suggest thinking that this will happen today.

Just like the women’s rights movement in the sixties and seventies changed the conversation of who women are in families and society, your daily conversations change how you live in this world. If your conversation is that you are an athlete, chances are you work out regularly and you love it. If you are a musician, you likely practice regularly.

So those are the easy ones. What are your conversations around inner confidence? What are your conversations around abundance? What are your conversations around self-worth?

Now, what would your friends and family say about you? What are their conversations?

How about your doctor? The Uber driver?

All of these conversations make up your life. Notice I didn’t say that they make up you. You are a living extension of the Force made manifest.

For close to twenty years, I ran restaurants and nightclubs. I am pretty good at it and that was the conversation of who I was. Yet, I knew there was something more. It has taken almost ten years to change everyone’s conversations about me and I still have some who say that I need to go back into a restaurant (including me at times).

All this to say, if you don’t like the life that you are living now, look at how you can change the conversation.