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Greetings friends, Pastor Carlos here. Lets take a moment to all get on the same page today. As you read this, it is my hope that you find peace and joy in the Force we all seek and share and serve. 


There is a story, a very old story of three vinegar tasters. Now, the actual story is based on school of thought and ideas but I would love to focus on this small part of the story... the faces. In case you "aint" familiar, the story goes three taste the same vat of vinegar, and there are three typical faces they make as a result. Each reaction is accredited to a school of thought and ways. Thats not the reason today. Today, there were three faces given from the same recipe. Three different people had three different views. 




The Force is. We as Modern day Jeddist believe in the Force and everythings connected. Some days what we find is from the Force and some days its- to us at that moment- BITTER or SOUR or PLEASING. Read a few salty Jeddist? Seen a few sour faces in Jediism? They are there - like everything else. 

It is good and wise to remember that not every one will see the Force like you and not everyone will see the Force the same. 


Some Modern day Jeddist are at different places in their path as well. For some, in real life the Force is just a hope and for some it is a every day thing. Be strong and be wise and know that this thing we call Modern day Jedism is a wonderful thing that can free as much or can keep much depending on strictly, us. Think about that, what does this morning taste like? 


This day is always had some significance and generally most people remember their faith and how freeing some can be. Some ideas free and keep. Some taste like crap, some are sweet. Some days the Force is stronger than others ... or is it? 


This message is meant for edification and encouragement. We as humans have been thrust-ed into the parts we play today. A world wide problem can unite or tear things down.  Even more, some days we can choose the face or the way we see or experience things. May the Force be with you as we all seek , serve, and share it in these days ahead. 

Pastor Carlos


May the Force continue to be with yall 



ps . This video isn’t mine nor is the platform so it may expire but here is a short explanation - very short - enjoy