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Finish the Fight - Fight to the Finish and Finish Fighting
Which is which what is what and what’s going on!

During life and during my studies I find a lot. I’m looking for a lot. I’m looking. If you seek - you will find. You may not find exactly what it is but I can promise you if you look your gunna see something. That’s kinna  where we get that old saying from the movies “ your focus determines your reality.” This is a common saying all around the world not just cinema. I would dare say it’s a bit of global common sense. What you look at is what you see. What you see is what you think.

There are a few views I’ve heard of and they are these 3. Now, in no way shape or form am I limiting anything to just these three- oh no my friends there are a lot more where that came from and with different wording but these three confused me after a while.

Finish the fight

In the Army, I was officially introduced to this concept. They taught that no matter the current state of things - work toward the end, or the completion. What we are doing right now can be connected or not to the end result. Finish the fight was something during battle school and training I always heard. Win win win! Finish triumphant and all that. Later in life all that in my path has been geared toward completion more than actually fighting. Even the fight has changed over time.

Fight to the finish
There are some ideas that say - just win , be on top always - conquer and win - take names and press on! We as Jeddist are not immune to this - it’s a human thing. Some wanna be the hero of decoration and perseverance . We some times want to know the fight is worth the effort and sacrifice. No one really like fighting and losing.

Finish fighting

There’s a huge sign over a gym in Texas as you leave and it says this. "I loved that place" - you could literally hose every part of that gym down and spray every thing with disinfectant and every morning it looks new and ready no matter the outcome of the day.
The idea was that there’s a time and a place for everything especially the fight.

If a fighter or soldier or servant or person gets to a point in their life’s where they become the “Gardner” of their life and them self’s then it can be a great reminder that some day the fighting can and will be over. No one wants to fight all the time and always be on the defense.we can survive and live like that but eventually - this old solder didn’t want to fight any more. Some days - you don’t wanna kick against bricks and hurt and learn the hard way and be at objection ALL the time. Eventually the fight changes and eventually we can get better if not for “sheer dumb luck” as it’s said in the Potter world.

Finish the fight - do what’s needed but understand  - life didn’t have to be a fight all the time. It’s tough - yes. It’s not easy. What we see and focus on ... where we lay our eyes - can help shape our future. STUDY HELPS. Not everything we learn helps but it does add options.
Fight to the finish.  Don’t quit but pay attention too... don’t keep doing the same thing that doesn’t work. Right ? We would tell a good friend this and strangers , why not ourselves?
Finish fighting.
My Modern day Jeddist - life is full. Life is ever present and so is the Force. Find it. Find it where you are looking. Find tour balance and find who you are. Finish fighting and take a break. Some may not or can not and don’t have the option. Seek my friends and you will find...
Pastor Carlos